rontnrodentia obsolete fu'ivla

x1 is a rodent [can only be a member of eutherian mammal Rodentia] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2

Meant for any rodent in general (more general than ratcu, smacu). If ronte is accepted as an official (non-experimental) gismu, this word would be dispreferred to ronte or rontnrodentia. If ronte is accepted as an official non-experimental gismu, this word is preferred to ratcnrodentia. While ronte should, strictly speaking, refer to only scientifically-classified rodents, semantic broadening might allow its use to refer to any "small, scurrying mammal"; this word would be used for semantic disambiguation, its only allowed reference set is that of scientifically-classified rodents (order Rodentia).

In notes:

x1 is a rodent [can be a member of eutherian mammal Rodentia; semantic broadening might subjectively generalize the concept somewhat] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2.
x1 is a rodent [can be a member of eutherian mammal Rodentia; semantic broadening might subjectively generalize the concept somewhat] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2.
x1 is a rodent [member of eutherian mammal Rodentia] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2