sei'au SEIhAU experimental cmavo

terbri editor: passes the terbri value through the quoted function so that the sumti that fills it really is filling the output of the function

Terminated by itself (sei'au); explicit termination is always required; the sumti after it must be explicit (even if elliptical, such as with explicit use of zo'e). Inside the module formed by the "sei'au" brackets, at most three sumti (where this counting contracts connected sumti into one) can be specified. The first one is a mau'au-zai'ai quoted function (which is taken to be the operand of this word); it must be preceded (not necessarily immediately) by li; let f be this function. The second and third sumti each are a nonnegative integer (preceded by li); call them n and m respectively; n defaults to 1 and m defaults to the next (thus-far unfilled) terbri number for/of the current selbri unless these specifications are overridden by zmico; if the relevant selbri has no terbri following this word, then this default value of m causes this word to have no effect. The mth terbri of the selbri to which this construct applies will be passed through f before being filled by any sumti (including zo'e, explicit or implicit; terbri numbers start counting at 1 and increase by 1 with each new occurrence) for the next n occurrences of the aforementioned selbri in the discourse (with n = 1 counting the current occurrence; aside: a non-default value of m can thus affect the interpretation of an already-filled terbri of the currently open selbri in an afterthought manner); this counting is only done forward in the discourse/time, including the current selbri, never back through it. Thus, n = 0 effectively neutralizes this word, n being infinite causes the effect to be permanent. f being zi'a'o returns the terbri in question to its default value/understanding (according to zmico). It is important to realize that this word does not affect the mth terbri of all selbri, just of the one currently open when this word is utterred (no matter where it is positioned/nested in future costructs). If this word is in conflict with another usage of this word over the same terbri, follow the specification applied by the most recent still active occurrence of this construct; this construct is considered to be active for this purpose until its-n occurrences of the appropriate terbri are uttered; thus if the earlier-n is greater than the later-n, the later effect takes precedent until it is disactivated, after which point the earlier effect resumes. Define n and m (and f) outside of the module created by brackets of this word if you wish to reuse them; for the sake of future referencing the value specified within the module, n gets reduced/decremented by 1 at each occurrence of the appropriate terbri until it reaches the value 0 (at which value it remains forever after); if n is a series of connected numbers, this decrementation is applied to each connectand in turn. Use pi'u (possibly subscripted) in order to simplify utterances. Especially helpful if f is non-injective. The affected terbri must be referenced by ce'u as an operand of f wheresoever it is desired; this reference must be explicit. Let 'broda' be the currentry open selbri; then this word replaces brodam with f(brodam) in the definition of 'broda' for the next n occurrences of the terbri. For example, if f were |a|.">cu'a, then any sumti which fills brodam will be understood to be doing so in absolute value. See also: de'ai.

In notes:

x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka; possibly non-symmetric/non-commutative) via a from-x1-to-x2-directed graph geodesic of length x4 (li; nonnegative integer or positive infinity) in graph x5 (default: maximal) which is generated by relation x3.