sitna -sit- gismu

x1 cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source x2 for information/statement x3 (du'u).

See also krasi.

In notes:

x1 (site/event) is a source/start/beginning/origin of x2 (object/event/process).
evidential: I hear (hearsay).
c1=s1 cites/quotes c2=s3 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) to audience c3 via expressive medium c4 from source s2.
x1 = sitna1 = utka1 cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself in turn cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source, ..., which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source x2 = sitna2 = utka2, via intermediate path-connecting steps x3 = utka3 (ordered list; ce'o), all for the same information/statement x4 = sitna3 (du'u).
s1 is verbatim/to the letter.
x1 (person) refers to/checks out/confers/looks at/looks up/consults reference or citation x2 for purpose x3.
si'ai (exp!)
marks a construct as being a reference/allusion - explicit marker of divorce/isolation of a construct from any external allusions that may come to mind
x1 (entity) imputes, ascribes to x2 (entity) an action x3 (event)