sumyzmico lujvo

x1=z1=s1 is a zmico that functions as a pro-sumti which references specified default value x2=z2 (definition/function) that works with discourse-orientation x3=z3 (discourse exterior/interior), filling terbri of brivla/predicate x4=s2, in language x5=z5; x1 is a default-value-referencing pro-sumti with definition/function/value x2

zmico is an experimental gismu. See also: zmico, zicysu'i, gafyzmico.

In definition:

pro-sumti and sumyzmico: discourse-interior default it (terbri-specific)
pro-sumti and sumyzmico: an elliptical/unspecified value which does not necessarily obey the default setting for the corresponding terbri that is explicitly specified in the definition of the word; has some value which makes bridi true
pro-sumti & sumyzmico: discourse-exterior default it

In notes:

x1=z1=g1 is a zmico that modifies the terbri default specification of a brivla, producing result x2=z2=g3 at level/with construct-orientation x3=z3 with discourse duration x4=z4 in language x5=z5; x1 is a default specification modifier that produces output re-specification x2