x1=z1=s1 is a zmico that functions as a pro-sumti which references specified default value x2=z2 (definition/function) that works with discourse-orientation x3=z3 (discourse exterior/interior), filling terbri of brivla/predicate x4=s2, in language x5=z5; x1 is a default-value-referencing pro-sumti with definition/function/value x2
x1 (li) is the arity of predicate relationship x2; selbri (not restricted to Lojban) is x1-adic; x2 is a predicate with x1(-many) sumti/argument slots that may be filled.
x1 dons metaphorical asbestos suit x2 to guard against flames x3 on topic x4 from x5, who disagrees with post x6 for reason x7, not realizing that the post was meant to be sent to x8 rather than all of mailing list x9 (default jboste) where it was posted in response to email
x10, whose author wishes selma'o x11 (default SE) were extended to concisely express place x12 of brivla x13 (default besto) which has place structure x14 and too many places because of sadistic whim x15 of brivla-maker x16, who also created brivla x17 which has place structure x18, and so winds up using too many of cmavo x19 (default zi'o) in order to make the brivla ( x13) more usable by standard x20 and wishes they had never heard of the word besto for reason x21, not realizing for reason x22 that it was suggested sarcastically due to boredom x23 of person x24, who is proposing it against better judgement x25 because it is fun by standard x26, but still wishes it had as many places as x27 (default du) for reason x28, and feels like throwing in epistemology sumti x29, because he/she knows both that gismu x30 (default besto) has its place structure defined by run-on sentence x31 and that epistemology sumti are used in gismu x32 by epistemology x33, notwithstanding the fact that x34 actually has a use for besto places x35 (default 1) through x36 (default x7) and wishes this weren't an extremely long and stupid joke, longer than joke x37 and stupider than joke x38 but still appreciated by x39 - a fact which says x40 about them in the opinion of x41 - but not seen as even remotely amusing by x42, who is aware that x43 has a use for the gismu besto because of x45
pro-sumti and sumyzmico: an elliptical/unspecified value which does not necessarily obey the default setting for the corresponding terbri that is explicitly specified in the definition of the word; has some value which makes bridi true
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series. The number of bound variables must be indicated by appending {xi} followed by that number to the word {fo'ai}, unless only one variable (namely {fo'a}) is bound, in which case the {xi} marking is optional.
Attaches all of the following words to the next explicitly mentioned sumti as seltau of that sumti or selbri which is explicitly marked with "cu" (under left-grouping by default).
Named reference. It converts a sumti into another sumti. The converted sumti points to the referent the name of which is the referent of the unconverted sumti.
Description clause: create a sumti from the enclosed bridi, describing the referent of the created sumti as filling the bridi place filled with {ke'a}.
Quote conversion: the quotation as presented uses pro-sumti and pro-bridi as if the current utterer (not the original utterer) were saying it, but the meaning conveyed is identical to that of the actual quotation by the original utterer and there is a claim that this meaning was expressed elsewhere
Delete all sumti slots of the immediately preceding word which are not explicitly filled excepting the first n (specified by subscript; contextless default: n=0).
fills and deletes (in the manner as "{zi'o}") all terbri sumti slots of immediately previous (id est: tagged) word that are not explicitly filled with a sumti.
shows mutual activity between this place and the first place of the current bridi; members participating in the activity are put into the first place (that e.g. can be formed by connecting sumti with {ce} or {jo'u})
x1 is near to/close to/approximates x2 in property/quality/aspect/characteristic/quantity x3, and the argument(s) which fill the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually has/attains property (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
x1 is similar to/appears like/seems like x2 in quality/property/aspect x3 (ka), and the argument(s) in the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually attains/has the said quality (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1 (lu; quote) is said/expressed by x2, followed by expression x3 (lu; quote), via expressive medium x4, and then continuing on/proceeding/serially resuming to express/say x5 (lu; quote), and then x6 (lu; quote), and then x7 (lu; quote), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
f1 (member) exhibits aneuploidy (atypical quantity of chromosome) of type/number n1 in/with respect to chromosome gc1 which is atypical of species/set gc3=f3
x1 infects a recipient who infects a recipient who infects ... who infects recipient x2 with contagion x3 via means of infection/contamination x4 and through intermediaries x5 (ce'o list).; x1 spreads contagion x3 through a network such that they indirectly infect x2 via a route through finitely-many intermediary nodes x5.
x1 is infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by ... which was infected/contaminated by x2, regarding/pertaining to contagion x3 and via means of transmission x4, through intermediary nodes x5 (ce'o list).
x1 is a word with mutually incompatible definitions/meanings/effects x2 (plural; use connectives) by/in/between rules/standards/dictionar(y/ies) x3 in or for language x4.
The elapsed time/duration between x1 (nu, or time-/date-stamp) and x2 (nu, or time-/date-stamp) is equal to the elapsed time/duration between x1 and x3 (nu, or time-/date-stamp), such that x2 occurred no later than x3 (thus, x1 is also a temporal midpoint between them), in frame of reference x4.
x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
gafyzmico: Reset all default specification of the immediately previous word to their respective discourse-external/official definition specifications for this instance/usage only.
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive: I express this utterance/construct/(rest of the) bridi which has been tagged for the purpose or goal of enacting, causing, enabling, implementing, actualizing, manifesting, enhancing, yielding, or rendering applicable the immediately following and enclosed bridi or in order to make the immediately following and enclosed bridi be true (or closer to the truth or more true or more strongly true) in application to the utterance/construct/rest of the bridi which has been tagged by this marker; the tagged expression/construct is for the benefit or sake of making the immediately following and enclosed bridi true.
x1 is emitted/reflected light that measures to be x2 magnitudes in luminous brightness, on scale (si'o)/using reference value/under system/according to definition x3, in logarithmic base x4 (default: decimal (10))
x1 (li; number/quantity) is the weighted quasi-arithmetic mean/generalized f-mean of/on data x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list) using function x3 (defaults according to the notes; if it is an extended-real number, then it has a particular interpretation according to the Notes) with weights x4 (completely specified ordered multiset/list with same cardinality/length as x2; defaults according to Notes).
x1 is the generalized arithmetic-geometric mean of the elements of the 2-element set x2 (set; cardinality must be 2) of order x3 (either single extended-real number xor an unordered pair/2-element set of extended-real numbers).
x1 is the mean-value theorem mean/forward-difference-quotient mean of the elements of (multi)set x2 (1-element or 2-element set) under/for function x3.
x1 is an electric charge which measures x2 (li; default: 1) coulombs by standard/under convention x3 (default: SI definition, except the charge of the proton is negative).
x1 is emitted/reflected light that measures to be x2 magnitudes in luminous brightness, on scale (si'o)/using reference value/under system/according to definition x3, in logarithmic base x4 (default: decimal (10))
x1 (proposition) is a clause expressing adverbial relation x2 (property of nonce place, has places for ce'u referring to members of x3) and connecting members of x3 (ordered group)
x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
x1 is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/IATA specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IATA)
x1 is the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization; French: Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale, OACI) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/ICAO specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ICAO)
x1 (property with two places for ce'u) is the property according to which members of x2 (ordered set with two members) are related to each other in the same way as members of x3 (ordered set with two members), or in the same way as members of x4 (ordered set with two members), etc. ... (infinite number of places)
x1 and x2 are elements of the same partially-ordered set x3 (see notes) such that x1 and x2 cannot be meaningfully compared via said relation/in said property.
x1 judges/rates/opines x2 [abstraction] to have morality score x3 [number; default: 1] in respect/according to standard/judged according to or in system x4; x1 believes in (the (im)morality of) x2
x1 is the formatted address for something - (with format) starting with x2, which is an address/locality/administrative subunit/region which belongs to slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x3, which in turn itself belongs to a slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x4, \dots (etc.).
x1=traji1 is superlative in property x2=traji2, the x3=traji3 extrema (ka; default: ka zmadu), among set/range x4=traji4, and -- moreover -- (there exists at least one member of) the x52th (li; must be 1 or 2) argument [see note] of this selbri (which) actually has/is/attains said property x2 according to standard x6.
x1 is more than/greater than/exceeds x2 in property x3 (ka) and the x4th (li; 1 or 2) argument of this selbri actually has/is/expresses/attains property x3 according to x5.
x1 (li) is a bound on set x2 (set) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4; x1 bounds x2 from the x3 side in x4; x2 is bounded from the x3 side by x1.
x1 is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/IATA specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IATA)