sumti -sum-su'i- gismu

x1 is a/the argument of predicate/function x2 filling place x3 (kind/number).

(x1 and x2 are text); See also bridi, darlu, gismu.

In definition:

x1 (set) has members who mutually/reciprocally x2 (event [x1 should be reflexive in 1+ sumti]).
logical connective: sumti afterthought or.
time tense relation/direction: will [selbri]; after [sumti]; default future tense.
sumti link to attach sumti (default x2) to a selbri; used in descriptions.
separates multiple linked sumti within a selbri; used in descriptions.
elidable terminator: end linked sumti in specified description.
time tense relation/direction: is [selbri]; during/simultaneous with [sumti]; present tense.
tanru inversion operator; "... of type ..."; allows modifier trailing sumti without sumti links.
elidable marker: separates selbri from preceding sumti, allows preceding terminator elision.
logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 1 (usually restricted).
pro-sumti: remote future utterance; "He'll tell you tomorrow. IT will be a doozy.".
discursive: cancel pro-sumti/pro-bridi assignments.
pro-sumti: a remote past utterance; "She couldn't have known that IT would be true.".
logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 2 (usually restricted).
pro-sumti: a near future utterance.
pro-sumti: this utterance.
pro-sumti: a recent utterance.
logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 3 (usually restricted).
pro-sumti: the next utterance.
pro-sumti: the last utterance.
pro-sumti: you listener(s); identified by vocative.
pro-sumti: elliptical/unspecified utterance variable.
pro-sumti: you the listener & others unspecified.
identity selbri; = sign; x1 identically equals x2, x3, etc.; attached sumti refer to same thing.
logical connective: sumti afterthought and.
sumti place tag: tag 1st sumti place.
sumti place tag: tag a sumti moved out of numbered place structure; used in modal conversions.
sumti place tag: tag 2nd sumti place.
sumti place tag: tag 3rd sumti place.
sumti place tag: place structure number/tag question.
convert selbri to nonce modal/sumti tag.
sumti place tag: tag 4th sumti place.
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #6 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #7 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #8 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #9 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #10 (specified by goi).
sumti place tag: tag 5th sumti place.
sumti assignment; used to define/assign ko'a/fo'a series pro-sumti; Latin 'sive'.
logical connective: sumti afterthought connective question.
pro-sumti: relativized sumti (object of relative clause).
pro-sumti: you (imperative); make it true for you, the listener.
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #1 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #2 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #3 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #4 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #5 (specified by goi).
elidable terminator: end description, modal, or negator sumti; often elidable.
the referent of (indirect pointer); uses the referent of a sumti as the desired sumti.
delimited non-Lojban name; the resulting quote sumti is treated as a name.
the number/evaluated expression; convert number/operand/evaluated math expression to sumti.
elidable terminator: end math express.(mex) sumti; end mex-to-sumti conversion; usually elidable.
the symbol for (indirect discourse); uses the symbol/word(s) for a sumti as the desired sumti.
elidable terminator: end of sumti qualifiers; usually elidable except before a sumti.
pro-sumti: sumti question (what/who/how/why/etc.); appropriately fill in sumti blank.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & you the listener(s) & others unspecified.
zmadu modal, 1st place (a greater) exceeded by ... ; usually a sumti modifier.
convert sumti to selbri/tanru element; x1 is specific to [sumti] in aspect x2.
mleca modal, 1st place (a lesser) undercut by ... ; usually a sumti modifier.
the mathematical expression (unevaluated); convert unevaluated mathematical expression to sumti.
elidable terminator: end sumti that was converted to selbri; usually elidable.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s); identified by self-vocative.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & others unspecified, but not you, the listener.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & you the listener(s).
convert sumti to mex operand; sample use in story arithmetic: [3 apples] + [3 apples] = what.
elidable terminator: end forethought termset; usually elidable except with following sumti.
logical connective: sumti afterthought biconditional/iff/if-and-only-if.
restrictive relative clause; attaches subordinate bridi with identifying information to a sumti.
time tense relation/direction: did [selbri]; before/prior to [sumti]; default past tense.
pro-sumti: a recent sumti before the last one, as determined by back-counting rules.
pro-sumti: the last sumti, as determined by back-counting rules.
pro-sumti: a remote past sumti, before all other in-use backcounting sumti.
discursive: reciprocal sumti marker; indicates a reciprocal relationship between sumti.
pro-sumti: that there; nearby demonstrative it; indicated thing/place near listener.
pro-sumti: this here; immediate demonstrative it; indicated thing/place near speaker.
pro-sumti: that yonder; distant demonstrative it; indicated thing far from speaker and listener.
extracts a concrete sumti from an unspecified abstraction; equivalent to le nu/su'u [sumti] co'e.
logical connective: sumti afterthought whether-or-not.
elidable: end of sumti in simple bridi; in compound bridi, separates common trailing sumti.
pro-sumti: repeats 1st place of main bridi of this sentence.
pro-sumti: repeats 2nd place of main bridi of this sentence.
pro-sumti: repeats 3rd place of main bridi of this sentence.
pro-sumti: repeats 4th place of main bridi of this sentence.
pro-sumti: repeats 5th place of main bridi of this sentence.
sumti qualifier: the sequence made from set or composed of elements/components; order is vague.
joins relative clause/phrase to complete complex or logically connected sumti in afterthought.
joins relative clauses which apply to the same sumti.
pro-sumti: fills a sumti place, deleting it from selbri place structure;changes selbri semantics.
pro-sumti: an elliptical/unspecified value; has some value which makes bridi true.
pro-sumti: the typical sumti value for this place in this relationship; affects truth value.
ca ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a time/date/event; simultaneous with what?.
cu'u ko'a (comp!)
tagged sumti: can be used for embedded: it-1 said, "...", with editorial unquote and insert.
enai (comp!)
logical connective: sumti afterthought x but not y.
negation sumti qualifier: that which indeed is.
ki'u ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a rational explanation/justification; why?.
la'edi'u (comp!)
pro-sumti: the referent of the last utterance; the state described: "IT was fun".
la'u ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a quantity; how many?.
le go'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x1 of the previous bridi.
le sego'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x2 of the previous bridi.
le tego'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x3 of the previous bridi.
le vego'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x4 of the previous bridi.
le xego'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x5 of the previous bridi.
me'e ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a name; who?; requires quoted name as an answer.
mu'i ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a motive; why?.
na.a (comp!)
logical connective: sumti afterthought conditional/only if.
negation sumti qualifier: something other than.
ni'i ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a logical proof; why?.
noda (comp!)
logically quantified sumti: nothing at all (unless restricted).
negation sumti qualifier: the neutral form/value of.
onai (comp!)
logical connective: sumti afterthought exclusive or; Latin 'aut'.
pa'aku (comp!)
sumti: explicitly marks respective use as in "THEY read THEIR (respective) books".
ri'a ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a physical cause; why?.
roda (comp!)
logically quantified universal sumti: everything (unless restricted).
sekai ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a characteristic property/quality; which?.
semau (comp!)
zmadu modal, 2nd place (relative!) more than ...; usually a sumti modifier.
semaunai (comp!)
zmadu modal, 2nd place (relative!) not more than ...; usually a sumti modifier.
seme'a (comp!)
mleca modal, 2nd place (relative!) less than ...; usually a sumti modifier.
seme'anai (comp!)
mleca modal, 2nd place (relative!) not less than ...; usually a sumti modifier.
ta'i ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a method; how?.
negation sumti qualifier: the opposite of.
vi ma (comp!)
sumti question asking for a location: at/near what?.
x1 knows what sumti satisfies the predicate x2
x1 asks x2 what sumti satisfies the predicate x3
x1 is involved in / is related to / pertains to / is a sumti participant in abstraction x2.
x1 wonders / wants to know what sumti satisfies the predicate x2
x1 is sick with archaeogismosis; x1 litters their predicate definitions with unnecessary sumti places.
x1 (ka) is the relation of predicate x2 (du'u), which has arguments x3 (sequence of sumti).
x1 is an object (may or may not be material); any object that can be the subject of a noun or sumti; "object" in object-oriented programming
x1 is a sumti qualifier labelling sumti x2 with semantics x3.
x1 is a pro-sumti/pronoun representing x2 as argument of predicate/function x3 filling place x4.
x1 is a sumti tag/[preposition] showing information x2
x1=z1=s1 is a zmico that functions as a pro-sumti which references specified default value x2=z2 (definition/function) that works with discourse-orientation x3=z3 (discourse exterior/interior), filling terbri of brivla/predicate x4=s2, in language x5=z5; x1 is a default-value-referencing pro-sumti with definition/function/value x2
x1 (sequence of sumti) is the sequence of arguments that, joined by relation x2 (ka), form predicate x3 (du'u)
x1 (li) is the arity of predicate relationship x2; selbri (not restricted to Lojban) is x1-adic; x2 is a predicate with x1(-many) sumti/argument slots that may be filled.
x1 dons metaphorical asbestos suit x2 to guard against flames x3 on topic x4 from x5, who disagrees with post x6 for reason x7, not realizing that the post was meant to be sent to x8 rather than all of mailing list x9 (default jboste) where it was posted in response to email x10, whose author wishes selma'o x11 (default SE) were extended to concisely express place x12 of brivla x13 (default besto) which has place structure x14 and too many places because of sadistic whim x15 of brivla-maker x16, who also created brivla x17 which has place structure x18, and so winds up using too many of cmavo x19 (default zi'o) in order to make the brivla ( x13) more usable by standard x20 and wishes they had never heard of the word besto for reason x21, not realizing for reason x22 that it was suggested sarcastically due to boredom x23 of person x24, who is proposing it against better judgement x25 because it is fun by standard x26, but still wishes it had as many places as x27 (default du) for reason x28, and feels like throwing in epistemology sumti x29, because he/she knows both that gismu x30 (default besto) has its place structure defined by run-on sentence x31 and that epistemology sumti are used in gismu x32 by epistemology x33, notwithstanding the fact that x34 actually has a use for besto places x35 (default 1) through x36 (default x7) and wishes this weren't an extremely long and stupid joke, longer than joke x37 and stupider than joke x38 but still appreciated by x39 - a fact which says x40 about them in the opinion of x41 - but not seen as even remotely amusing by x42, who is aware that x43 has a use for the gismu besto because of x45
ba'oi (exp!)
Converts PA into tense; in [number (usually nonspecific)] possible futures where [sumti (du'u)] is true
Multiple sumti link; open-ended sumti-linking.
bi'ai (exp!)
Sumtcita indicating that the bridi must be true under the conditions indicated by the tagged sumti.
bo'a (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 1; x1
bo'ai (exp!)
convert number into pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable with associated number; xn
bo'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 2; x2
bo'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 3; x3
bo'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 4; x4
bo'u (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 5; x5
placed after a tanru with CO, following sumti return to the place structure of the left tanru unit.
da'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: forgetful something/memory-less da
dei'a (exp!)
tense interval modifier: decreasingly...; decrementative. Tagged sumti, if present, indicates amount of decrease (lo te jdika)
dei'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: the next word
dei'ei (exp!)
pro-sumti: this entire document/text
dei'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: this word
dei'u (exp!)
pro-sumti: the previous word
di'au (exp!)
pro-sumti and sumyzmico: discourse-interior default it (terbri-specific)
di'ei (exp!)
pro-sumti and sumyzmico: an elliptical/unspecified value which does not necessarily obey the default setting for the corresponding terbri that is explicitly specified in the definition of the word; has some value which makes bridi true
di'oi (exp!)
pro-sumti & sumyzmico: discourse-exterior default it
do'au (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity may be chosen by the listener
doi'u (exp!)
Quotes a word; the result is a pro-sumti for the most recent utterance containing that word.
do'o'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: the original speaker (= you the primary listener/target) and the rest of the audience, excluding the new/current speaker (= me).
converts a sumti into a tanru-unit with place structure "x1 is/are the referents of [the sumti]".
e'u'a (exp!)
logical connective: sumti afterthought always true.
nonce place; tags sumti with an unspecified connection to the bridi
fi'ei (exp!)
ifle modal, 1st place: if [sumti] (du'u or nu) is true...
fo'ai (exp!)
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series. The number of bound variables must be indicated by appending {xi} followed by that number to the word {fo'ai}, unless only one variable (namely {fo'a}) is bound, in which case the {xi} marking is optional.
create a relation abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding the two lambda variables to the {fo'i} and {fo'u} pronouns.
gi'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: refers to the proposition that is the left-hand side complement of the current logical connection.
go'au (exp!)
marks the tagged sumti as being scope-wide within the immediate parent (text-wide by default) specified in the argument of the vocative
goi'e (exp!)
assign sentence or tu'e...tu'u group to sumti
i'a'a (exp!)
logical connective: sumti afterthought always false.
kau'a (exp!)
pro-sumti: strong-memory something1/eidetic da/elephant thing1 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
kau'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: strong-memory something2/eidetic de/elephant thing2 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
kau'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: strong-memory something3/eidetic di/elephant thing3 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
Attaches all of the following words to the next explicitly mentioned sumti as seltau of that sumti or selbri which is explicitly marked with "cu" (under left-grouping by default).
accepts number (n) after: repeat last sumti up to n times
ko'ai (exp!)
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series.
koi'i (exp!)
create a binary relation abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding the two lambda variables to the {ko'i} and {ko'u} pronouns.
ko'o'au (exp!)
Pro-sumti: references a following mentioned sumti, but which one is not specified.
ko'o'e (exp!)
Pro-sumti: references a previously mentioned sumti, but which one is not specified.
la'e'au (exp!)
the specific referent of [following sumti] defined/specified by the grammar
lai'e (exp!)
Named reference. It converts a sumti into another sumti. The converted sumti points to the referent the name of which is the referent of the unconverted sumti.
lo'oi (exp!)
Description clause: create a sumti from the enclosed bridi, describing the referent of the created sumti as filling the bridi place filled with {ke'a}.
mai'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: the universal argument/value; syntactically-contextually and type-permitted maximally generic in its typing
mai'o (exp!)
turns number into pro-sumti: the abstraction described by the utterance denoted by that number and {mai}
Convert abstract predicate sumti back to predicate
me'ei (exp!)
Article for abstract predicate sumti. Turns a selbri into an abstraction with all open places filled by {ce'u}.
mei'e (exp!)
Accepts any number of sumti and turns them into a selbri-unit that means "x1 is among the referents of these sumti".
Elidable terminator for selma'o MEIhE (which turns any number of sumti into a selbri-unit)
converts sumti into selbri: x1 is [that sumti]'s, among x2, by relationship x3 (binary ka).
moi'a (exp!)
shortening of {lo du'u *sumti* mo kau}
mu'ei (exp!)
Converts PA into tense; in [number (usually nonspecific)] possible worlds/alternate histories where [sumti (du'u)] is true
na'ai (exp!)
Same function as {na} but with the additional meaning that the sumti in the bridi have no prior experience together.
na'au (exp!)
converts an unevaluated mekso expression into a sumti referencing its evaluated result (if sensible/defined)
nau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity is unknown to the speaker
noi'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: this paragraph
noi'u (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: attribution to the attached sumti
oi'i (exp!)
sentence link/continuation; continuing sentences on same topic with the observative sumti filled with {la'e} {di'u}
ra'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: others, not me/we/the speaker(s)/the author(s)/you the listener(s).
Quote conversion: the quotation as presented uses pro-sumti and pro-bridi as if the current utterer (not the original utterer) were saying it, but the meaning conveyed is identical to that of the actual quotation by the original utterer and there is a claim that this meaning was expressed elsewhere
ri'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: the next/immediately following sumti (as determined by back-counting rules applied forward)
sau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity the speaker is assuming the listener to know
terbri editor: passes the terbri value through the quoted function so that the sumti that fills it really is filling the output of the function
sy'y (exp!)
pro-sumti: something or some things (shorthand for "su'oi dzai'i" with lowest local scope).
tau'e (exp!)
the abstraction described by text; turns text sumti into abstraction sumti
ta'u'i (exp!)
Copy and paste the overall seltau of immediately preceding sumti at this location.
ta'u'u (exp!)
Copy and paste the overall tertau of immediately preceding sumti at this location.
tu'ei (exp!)
makes a new selbri, the first two places of which are to be filled with sumti from the first two abstraction places of the selbri following this word
vau'a (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 1st argument slot (fa-slot).
vau'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 2nd argument slot (fe-slot).
vau'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 3rd argument slot (fi-slot).
vau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 4th argument slot (fo-slot).
vau'u (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 5th argument slot (fu-slot).
xai (exp!)
they.(repeat >1 preceding sumti)
xai'i (exp!)
Property article: converts the following predicate into an property sumti (whose open slot is the x1 of the predicate).
xo'oi (exp!)
binds a relative clause to both the preceding sumti and the bridi containing that sumti
xu'u (exp!)
bridi to sumti: marks the beginning of a subordinate bridi; the whole construct is a sumti referring to the enclosed bridi
zai'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: the empty argument/value; syntactically-contextually and type-permitted maximally generic in its typing
ze'ai (exp!)
tense interval modifier: increasingly...; incrementative. Tagged sumti, if present, indicates amount of increase (lo te zenba)
zei'a (exp!)
tense interval modifier: increasingly...; incrementative. Tagged sumti, if present, indicates amount of increase (lo te zenba)
zei'o (exp!)
Delete all sumti slots of the immediately preceding word which are not explicitly filled excepting the first n (specified by subscript; contextless default: n=0).
zi'e'a (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical natural note with that name.
converts a following number into a sumti representing the MIDI note with that number.
zi'e'e (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical sharp note with that name.
zi'e'i (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical double sharp note with that name.
zi'e'o (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical flat note with that name.
zi'e'u (exp!)
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical double flat note with that name.
zi'oi (exp!)
fills and deletes (in the manner as "{zi'o}") all terbri sumti slots of immediately previous (id est: tagged) word that are not explicitly filled with a sumti.
zi'oi'oi (exp!)
Delete subsequent sumti slots.
zi'u (exp!)
the referent of itself; guards the scope of the sumti
zoi'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: current topic (most recent unquantified sumti occurring in a prenex).
zu'ai (exp!)
shows mutual activity between this place and the first place of the current bridi; members participating in the activity are put into the first place (that e.g. can be formed by connecting sumti with {ce} or {jo'u})
x1 (du'u with kau) is the indirect question of predicate relation x2 (ka), with answers x3 (sumti sequence)
x1 (n-ary property) is applied to sumti x2, x3, ...
x1 (terbricmi) is bound to x2 (sumti) by relationship x3 (relationship with two {ce'u} for x1 and x2)
x1 is the value (sumti-object) associated with x2 (label or description), from compound object x3, in interpretation rules/system x4
x1 is near to/close to/approximates x2 in property/quality/aspect/characteristic/quantity x3, and the argument(s) which fill the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually has/attains property (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
The ([x1]+2)nd (li) sumti of this predicate satisfies the predicate x2 (ka).
x1 is/are the referent(s) of the most recent complete sumti that satisfies the property x2
x1 is similar to/appears like/seems like x2 in quality/property/aspect x3 (ka), and the argument(s) in the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually attains/has the said quality (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-tail' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1 (lu; quote) is said/expressed by x2, followed by expression x3 (lu; quote), via expressive medium x4, and then continuing on/proceeding/serially resuming to express/say x5 (lu; quote), and then x6 (lu; quote), and then x7 (lu; quote), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
du'u bu
the last sumti having a {du'u}-abstraction at its topmost level inside
gi bu
pro-sumti: in the second half of a sumti forethought connective expression, refers to the first half.
ka bu
the last sumti having a {ka}-abstraction at its topmost level inside
lu bu
pro-sumti: refers to the last complete {lu}-quotation
ni bu
the last sumti having a {ni}-abstraction at its topmost level inside
nu bu
pro-sumti: refers to the last complete sumti that started with a nu-abstraction
ci zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
mu zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-5' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
pa zei sumtifa
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-tail-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
pa zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
re zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
vo zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-4' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
xa zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-6' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.

In notes:

x1 (du'u) is a predicate relationship with relation x2 among arguments (sequence/set) x3.
x1 exchanges/trades/barters commodity x2 for x3 with x4; x1, x4 is a trader/merchant/businessman.
x1 is an heir to/is to inherit x2 (object/quality) from x3 according to rule x4.
x1 loses person/thing x2 at/near x3; x1 loses property/feature x2 in conditions/situation x3.
x1 (agent) rewards x2 [recipient] for atypical x3 (event/property) with reward/desserts x4.
x1 argues for stand x2 against stand x3; [an opponent is not necessary].
x1 is dear/precious/darling to x2; x1 is emotionally valued by x2.
x1 desires/wants/wishes x2 (event/state) for purpose x3.
x1 [donor] gives/donates gift/present x2 to recipient/beneficiary x3 [without payment/exchange].
x1 offers/proffers x2 [offering] to x3 with conditions x4.
x1 is an article/descriptor labelling description x2 (text) in language x3 with semantics x4.
x1 is a (Lojban) root word expressing relation x2 among argument roles x3, with affix(es) x4.
x1 [amount] is the price of x2 to purchaser/consumer x3 set by vendor x4.
x1 (agent/person) earns/[deserves/merits] wages/salary/pay x2 for work/service x3 (activity).
x1 (person/team) wins/gains prize x2 from/over x3 [competitors/losers] in competition x4.
x1 (object/commodity/property/event) is costly/expensive/dear to x2 by standard x3.
x1 pays/compensates/remunerates/[rewards] payment x2 to recipient/payee x3 for goods/services x4.
x1 (force) folds/creases x2 at locus/loci/forming crease(s)/bend(s) x3.
x1 is a profit/gain/benefit/advantage to x2 accruing/resulting from activity/process x3.
x1 is a store/deposit/supply/reserve of materials/energy x2 in containment x3.
x1 (ni) is the equivalent value/worth of x2 [item(s) of value] to x3 for use/appreciation x4.
x1 [seller] sells/vends x2 [goods/service/commodity] to buyer x3 for amount/cost/expense x4.
x1 is funny/comical to x2 in property/aspect x3 (nu/ka); x3 is what is funny about x1 to x2.
descriptor: the one, which (is / does) ... / those, which (are / do) ...
sau'e'unai (comp!)
cancel topic
x1 is futureward/to the futureward side/in the future of x2 in frame of reference/according to observer or vantage point x3.
p1=s1 is a wallpaper from source p2, sticking on wall s2=b1.
x1 is a hostage of / is held hostage by x2
x1 is the excess money/change (that should be) returned for/after/with the purchase of x2 by purchaser x3 from vendor x4.
x1 is an injective function (distinctness-preserving function) from x2 (domain) to x3 (codomain).
x1 = cuxna3 (set) is the collection of options/settings that can be chosen by user x2 = cuxna1 ~ galfi1 for purpose x3.
x1 is obvious/easy to notice for x2
f1 (member) exhibits aneuploidy (atypical quantity of chromosome) of type/number n1 in/with respect to chromosome gc1 which is atypical of species/set gc3=f3
x1=s1 is a cooking surface for cooking x2=j2, surface of object x3=s2.
x1 chooses/selects x2 from x3 (set) for purpose x4 (property).
x1 is happiness experienced by x2 about (event/state/idea) x3
x1 is a monarchal territory/noble territory/regency (territory)/kingdom (territory)/queendom (territory) of ruler x2
x1 infects a recipient who infects a recipient who infects ... who infects recipient x2 with contagion x3 via means of infection/contamination x4 and through intermediaries x5 (ce'o list).; x1 spreads contagion x3 through a network such that they indirectly infect x2 via a route through finitely-many intermediary nodes x5.
x1 is infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by ... which was infected/contaminated by x2, regarding/pertaining to contagion x3 and via means of transmission x4, through intermediary nodes x5 (ce'o list).
x1 is a word with mutually incompatible definitions/meanings/effects x2 (plural; use connectives) by/in/between rules/standards/dictionar(y/ies) x3 in or for language x4.
p1 (text) is a question asking for an argument, asked by p3 to p4.
x1=k3 is the relationship between x2=k1, x3=k2, x3...; x1 is a property of x2.
The elapsed time/duration between x1 (nu, or time-/date-stamp) and x2 (nu, or time-/date-stamp) is equal to the elapsed time/duration between x1 and x3 (nu, or time-/date-stamp), such that x2 occurred no later than x3 (thus, x1 is also a temporal midpoint between them), in frame of reference x4.
x1=r1 (nu) physically causes x2=t1 (object, usually pointed) to poke x3=t2 (experiencer) under conditions x4=r3
x1 is an activity
x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
x1 is the language/sublanguage that uses no apparent terbri/selbri distinction and is used by x2 to express ideas (not text) x3.
x1 is the language/sublanguage that uses no apparent recursion rules and is used by x2 to express ideas (not text) x3.
x1 (user/consumer) is an addict of/is addicted to substance/entity/experience x2 by standard x3
bu'o'e (exp!)
elliptical/unspecified/vague letteral/symbol
cei'i (exp!)
pro-bridi: the universal predicate
cei'u (exp!)
extracts an element from a set, category, class, group, collection, organization, system, etc.
ce'oi (exp!)
argument list separator: acts as a comma between arguments in an argument list supplied to a function.
da'ai'a (exp!)
"da'avni" modal: except under condition ...; unless ...; excepting/exempting (condition) ... .
dau'a (exp!)
gafyzmico: Reset all default specifications of immediately previous word to official definition specifications hereinafter (permanently)
default value (re)specification/(re)assignment/(re)definition/over-write; set new default value (terbri-specific; permanent)
de'au (exp!)
gafyzmico: Cancellation (permanent) of all defaults in immediately previous word
de'ei (exp!)
on (n)-th day from a given point (by default from today)
de'oi (exp!)
Cancellation (instant-/usage-wise; temporary) of all defaults in immediately previous word
do'ai (exp!)
discursive & gafyzmico: ignore/kill all following default specifications (permanently)
doi'a (exp!)
gafyzmico: Reset all default specification of the immediately previous word to their respective discourse-external/official definition specifications for this instance/usage only.
GOI attachment modifier: allows a cmavo of selma'o GOI (which must follow immediately) to be attached to a selbri
gai'o (exp!)
pro-bridi: the empty predicate
ge'ai (exp!)
metasyntactic variable prenex
reset bridi-level to zero
jai'e (exp!)
elliptical presence or absence of "jai".
takes NU or LE NU, turns into sumtcita: clarifies the semantic NU-type of the current bridi.
jo'au (exp!)
change version/dialect of parser
ju'au (exp!)
semi-mathematical binary operator: named number base operator/interpreter
long-digit interpretation specifier; macrodigit named base specifier
abstractor: predicate abstractor. x1 is the predicate expressed by [bridi], using bo'a, bo'e, etc for variables.
Predicate to variable-binding binary quantifier. The first slot of the predicate must be a property.
terminates a JUhAU expression
ke'oi (exp!)
reverses modification order of contained tanru (does not affect lujvo).
ku'ai'i (exp!)
empty/vacuous selbri
la'ei (exp!)
combines LA with DOI
lo'o'o (exp!)
plural logic maximum-scope descriptor: those who individually or collectively are ...
mu'e'ei (exp!)
Specifies the universe of consideration/all possible referents (for the present discourse); specifies the universal set/class/structure.
nau'u (exp!)
what is now; refers to current space/time/situation reference absolutely
se'ai'e (exp!)
(n, 1, 2, \dots, n-2, n - 1)st conversion.
se'au'e (exp!)
(2, 3, \dots, n-1, n, 1)st conversion.
se'o'e (exp!)
elliptical/generic/unspecific/vague selbri conversion
Conversion: Switch n and x1 in MOI (or MOI*) cmavo so that the submitted value (previous x1) outputs the number(s) (previous n) associated with it.
te'i'o (exp!)
discursive: specified by the speaker - unspecified by the speaker
ve'ei (exp!)
Vocative: from station - to station
xo'au (exp!)
pro-numeral: the most-recently mentioned full/complete numerical or mathematical string/expression.
y'i (exp!)
connective: elliptical/generic/vague
text affirmation/negation mode toggle
ze'e'a (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x2 and all xa places.
ze'e'au (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges all xa places.
ze'e'e (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x5 and all xa places.
ze'e'i (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x1 and all xa places.
ze'e'o (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x4 and all xa places.
ze'e'u (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x3 and all xa places.
zi'au (exp!)
nonexistent/undefining it; the selbri is not applicable when the other terbri are filled in the manner in which they are in this utterance/bridi.
zu'ei (exp!)
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive: I express this utterance/construct/(rest of the) bridi which has been tagged for the purpose or goal of enacting, causing, enabling, implementing, actualizing, manifesting, enhancing, yielding, or rendering applicable the immediately following and enclosed bridi or in order to make the immediately following and enclosed bridi be true (or closer to the truth or more true or more strongly true) in application to the utterance/construct/rest of the bridi which has been tagged by this marker; the tagged expression/construct is for the benefit or sake of making the immediately following and enclosed bridi true.
x1 feels existential Angst
x1 is a lotus, plant/flower/herb of species/strain x2.
x1 is emitted/reflected light that measures to be x2 magnitudes in luminous brightness, on scale (si'o)/using reference value/under system/according to definition x3, in logarithmic base x4 (default: decimal (10))
x1 (li; number/quantity) is the weighted quasi-arithmetic mean/generalized f-mean of/on data x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list) using function x3 (defaults according to the notes; if it is an extended-real number, then it has a particular interpretation according to the Notes) with weights x4 (completely specified ordered multiset/list with same cardinality/length as x2; defaults according to Notes).
x1 is the generalized arithmetic-geometric mean of the elements of the 2-element set x2 (set; cardinality must be 2) of order x3 (either single extended-real number xor an unordered pair/2-element set of extended-real numbers).
x1 is the mean-value theorem mean/forward-difference-quotient mean of the elements of (multi)set x2 (1-element or 2-element set) under/for function x3.
x1 gives/donates/pays/remunerates/exchanges/vel sim. x2 (money, remuneration, payment, bartered good, kind, specie, item, gift, vel sim.) to x3 (recipient, seller, vel sim.).
x1 is a value / proof of type / proposition x2 under context x3 in (type / logical) system x4.
x1 (condition) is the condition for an exception/'else' case of rule x2 with its own rule/outcome/consequent x3.
x1 has experienced x2 (timestamp-style expression of dimensionful measure of time) units of time of existence/life according to standard x3
x1 is an electric charge which measures x2 (li; default: 1) coulombs by standard/under convention x3 (default: SI definition, except the charge of the proton is negative).
x1 is an object described as x2, x3, ... (termset representing serializable tree structure compatible with JSON format of attribute-value pairs).
x1 is a proposition/predication (statement with a truth value), stating that x2 is true
x1 is the return value of a function without body (with possibly more arguments)
x1 is emitted/reflected light that measures to be x2 magnitudes in luminous brightness, on scale (si'o)/using reference value/under system/according to definition x3, in logarithmic base x4 (default: decimal (10))
x1 (proposition) is a clause expressing adverbial relation x2 (property of nonce place, has places for ce'u referring to members of x3) and connecting members of x3 (ordered group)
x1 (text) is a clause with adverbial x2 (text) and connecting members of x3 (ordered group of text)
x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
x1 is the result of applying logical connective/conjunction x2 to the terms of the ordered list x3 in the order given, in system x4
x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
x1 is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/IATA specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IATA)
x1 is the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization; French: Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale, OACI) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/ICAO specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ICAO)
x1 (property with two places for ce'u) is the property according to which members of x2 (ordered set with two members) are related to each other in the same way as members of x3 (ordered set with two members), or in the same way as members of x4 (ordered set with two members), etc. ... (infinite number of places)
x1 and x2 are elements of the same partially-ordered set x3 (see notes) such that x1 and x2 cannot be meaningfully compared via said relation/in said property.
x1 judges/rates/opines x2 [abstraction] to have morality score x3 [number; default: 1] in respect/according to standard/judged according to or in system x4; x1 believes in (the (im)morality of) x2
x1 is an event/state described by bridi x2
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where selbri in every bridi-tail is assumed to have {so'o'o'oi} applied to it
x1 (the acidity/hydrogen activity of a solution) measures x2 in pH according to scale (si'o) x3 using logarithmic base x4 (default: ten)
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'free' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is the formatted address for something - (with format) starting with x2, which is an address/locality/administrative subunit/region which belongs to slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x3, which in turn itself belongs to a slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x4, \dots (etc.).
x1=traji1 is superlative in property x2=traji2, the x3=traji3 extrema (ka; default: ka zmadu), among set/range x4=traji4, and -- moreover -- (there exists at least one member of) the x52th (li; must be 1 or 2) argument [see note] of this selbri (which) actually has/is/attains said property x2 according to standard x6.
x1 is linked by binary predicate x2 (ka) to x3. which in turn is linked by x2 to x4, which in turn is linked by x2 to x5, ...
x1 is someone with a plurality of cultural identities which matter to them/for relevant purposes, including x2, x3, ...
x1 is a property of a constant number/amount
x1 is more than/greater than/exceeds x2 in property x3 (ka) and the x4th (li; 1 or 2) argument of this selbri actually has/is/expresses/attains property x3 according to x5.
x1 (li) is a bound on set x2 (set) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4; x1 bounds x2 from the x3 side in x4; x2 is bounded from the x3 side by x1.
.a zei .u
(x1; undefined grammatical construction: a connective of some sort, but possibly acting as a brivla).
ci zei mektika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operand-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
re zei taulka
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tanru-unit-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/IATA specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IATA)