selbri lujvo

x1 (ka) is the relation of predicate x2 (du'u), which has arguments x3 (sequence of sumti).

In Lojban, for example, "lo ka ce'u prami ce'u cu selbri lo du'u mi prami do ku mi ce'o do". In the mathematical notation P(x, y, z) for a predicate, the relation P is the selbri. Note that x1 is not textual, even though Lojbanists informally tend to call a word or phrase "the selbri" of an utterance. For this usage see selbrisni.

In definition:

time tense relation/direction: will [selbri]; after [sumti]; default future tense.
sumti link to attach sumti (default x2) to a selbri; used in descriptions.
separates multiple linked sumti within a selbri; used in descriptions.
logically quantified predicate variable: some selbri 1.
logically quantified predicate variable: some selbri 2.
logically quantified predicate variable: some selbri 3.
time tense relation/direction: is [selbri]; during/simultaneous with [sumti]; present tense.
selbri variable assignment; assigns broda series pro-bridi to a selbri.
elidable marker: separates selbri from preceding sumti, allows preceding terminator elision.
convert number to probability selbri; event x1 has probability (n) of occurring under cond. x2.
identity selbri; = sign; x1 identically equals x2, x3, etc.; attached sumti refer to same thing.
elidable terminator: end nonce conversion of selbri to modal; usually elidable.
convert selbri to nonce modal/sumti tag.
name descriptor: the one(s) called ... ; takes name or selbri description.
name descriptor: the set of those named ... ; takes name or selbri description.
name descriptor: the mass of individual(s) named ... ; takes name or selbri description.
convert sumti to selbri/tanru element; x1 is specific to [sumti] in aspect x2.
convert number to cardinality selbri; x1 is a mass formed from a set x2 of n members, one or more of which is/are x3, measured relative to the set x4.
elidable terminator: end sumti that was converted to selbri; usually elidable.
pro-bridi: bridi/selbri/brivla question.
convert number to ordinal selbri; x1 is (n)th member of set x2 ordered by rule x3.
convert selbri to mex operator; used to create less-used operators using fu'ivla, lujvo, etc.
convert selbri to mex operand; used to create new non-numerical quantifiers; e.g. "herd" of oxen.
convert mathematical expression (mex) operator to a selbri/tanru component.
time tense relation/direction: did [selbri]; before/prior to [sumti]; default past tense.
convert number to portion selbri; x1 is an (n)th portion of mass/totality x2; (cf. gunma).
convert number to scalar selbri; x1 is at (n)th position on scale x2.
pro-sumti: fills a sumti place, deleting it from selbri place structure;changes selbri semantics.
quantifier selbri: convert 8 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the octet of members x2.
quantified selbri: convert 8 to ordinal selbri; x1 is eighth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
quantifier selbri: convert 3 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the trio of members x2.
quantified selbri: convert 3 to ordinal selbri; x1 is third among x2 ordered by rule x3.
quantifier selbri: convert all but one to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with all but one members x2.
quantified selbri: converts all-but-(1) to ordinal selbri; x1 is penultimate among x2 by rule x3.
quantified selbri: converts all-but-2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is antepenult. among x2 by rule x3.
quantifier selbri: convert too many to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with too many members x2.
le jaigau (comp!)
description: marks description extracting the agentive place of the description selbri.
quantifier selbri: convert 5 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the quintet of members x2.
quantified selbri: convert 5 to ordinal selbri; x1 is fifth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
nago'i (comp!)
selbri: repeats preceding bridi while denying it as false; pro-assign values are unchanged.
quantified selbri: convert 1 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with single/sole/only member x2.
quantified selbri: convert 1 to ordinal selbri; x1 is first among x2 ordered by rule x3.
quantifier selbri: convert 10 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the decade of members x2.
quantified selbri: convert 10 to ordinal selbri; x1 is tenth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
quantifier selbri: convert 100 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the century of members x2.
quantified selbri: convert 12 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with a dozen members x2.
quantified selbri: convert .5 to probability selbri; event x1 has a 50/50 chance under cond. x2.
quantified selbri: convert .2 = 1/5 to portion selbri; x1 is 1/5 of mass/totality x2.
quantified selbri: converts all-of to portion selbri; x1 is the whole portion of mass x2.
quantified selbri: converts enough to cardinal; x1 is a set with members x2, enough by std. x3.
quantified selbri: converts enough to ordinal; x1 is enoughth among x2, order rule x3.
quantified selbri: convert 2 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the pair of members x2.
quantified selbri: convert 2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is second among x2 ordered by rule x3.
quantifier selbri: convert 20 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the score of members x2.
quantified selbri: is final among; convert all to ordinal selbri; x1 is last among x2, rule x3.
setese (comp!)
complicated selbri conversion: exchange x2 and x3
quantified selbri: convert many to cardinal; x1 is a set with many members x2 of total set x3.
quantified selbri: convert 9 to ordinal selbri; x1 is ninth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
quantified selbri: convert at least 2 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with plural membership x2.
quantified selbri: convert at least 2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is at-least-2nd among x2 by rule x3.
tesete (comp!)
complicated selbri conversion: exchange x2 and x3
quantified selbri: convert 4 to ordinal selbri; x1 is fourth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
quantified selbri: convert 6 to ordinal selbri; x1 is sixth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
quantified selbri: convert 7 to ordinal selbri; x1 is seventh among x2 ordered by rule x3.
x1 is/are a word/words potential for using as selbri
x1 is a selbri tag showing information x2
x1 fills selbri x2 in terbri x3.
x1 (li) is the arity of predicate relationship x2; selbri (not restricted to Lojban) is x1-adic; x2 is a predicate with x1(-many) sumti/argument slots that may be filled.
x1 is the language/sublanguage that uses no apparent terbri/selbri distinction and is used by x2 to express ideas (not text) x3.
bo'ei (exp!)
single Lojban-word name quote, turns to selbri-unit: "x1 is that which has this name"
abstractor: abstractor to create logically quantified selbri variable to be used in predicate logic of third or higher order.
cau'e (exp!)
elliptical/unspecified scalar modifier: "maybe, maybe not", modifies next selbri-unit or tag
define following selbri with sentence or tu'e...tu'u clause
ci'au (exp!)
attitudinal-indicator-to-selbri conversion: x1 feels the indicated emotion toward/about x2.
ci'au'u (exp!)
elidable terminator: end conversion of attitudinal indicator to selbri; elidable except before further attitudinals.
trivial selbri inversion: does not invert tanru (seltau first/left, tertau second/right).
convert number to statistical odds selbri; event x1 (nu) has statistical odds (n) of occurring (versus not occuring) under conditions x2.
fei'u (exp!)
Prefix division by following unit selbri
GOI attachment modifier: allows a cmavo of selma'o GOI (which must follow immediately) to be attached to a selbri
grammatically converts LAhE to SE; semantically the result tags the x1 of the selbri as being LAhE the supplied x1. Can be converted to other than x1 with SE.
convert a selbri tag followed by a tanru unit to a tanru unit; differently from {jai}, it does not change the first place of the tanru unit.
Attaches all of the following words to the next explicitly mentioned sumti as seltau of that sumti or selbri which is explicitly marked with "cu" (under left-grouping by default).
Converts following selbri, cmevla, or zoi-quote into a nonce interjection/attitudinal.
empty/vacuous selbri
selbri conversion: abstracts out a member of x1 (set/group), moves old x1 to the fai place
Article for abstract predicate sumti. Turns a selbri into an abstraction with all open places filled by {ce'u}.
mei'e (exp!)
Accepts any number of sumti and turns them into a selbri-unit that means "x1 is among the referents of these sumti".
convert number to cardinality selbri: x1 is/are [number] in number; there is/are [number] things among x1.
Elidable terminator for selma'o MEIhE (which turns any number of sumti into a selbri-unit)
converts sumti into selbri: x1 is [that sumti]'s, among x2, by relationship x3 (binary ka).
delimited non-Lojban selbri-unit
incidental/non-restrictive adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The first place of the converted selbri is claimed to be such that the outer bridi satisfies it, and the outer bridi is claimed. {broda noi'a brode} means {lo nu broda ku goi ko'a cu fasnu .i ko'a brode}.
Selbri incidental relative clause; attaches to a selbri with the ke'a being 'me'ei the attached selbri'
pi'ai (exp!)
Prefix multiplication of unit selbri
restrictive adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The first place of the converted selbri is claimed to occur in conjunction with the outer bridi. {broda poi'a brode} means {lo nu broda cu fasnu gi'e brode}.
restrictive first place adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The outer bridi is claimed to occur together with the event of the first place of that bridi satisfying the converted selbri. {broda poi'o'a brode} means {broda fau lo nu vo'a brode}.
selbri restrictive relative clause; attaches to a selbri with the ke'a being "me'ei the attached-selbri"
rai'a (exp!)
selbri modifier: restrict the referents of the x1 slot to those belonging to the current domain of discourse, those being relevant to the present context.
the trivial selbri conversion - identity permutation of terbri
sau'e (exp!)
quotes a nonce Lojban word (an onomatopoeia), turns it into selbri unit meaning "x1 makes a sound like (quoted word)".
se'e'i (exp!)
placed before a selbri, merges x1 and x2 places.
selbri terminator
elliptical/generic/unspecific/vague selbri conversion
selbri conversion question
subordinating adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The bridi is claimed to satisfy the first place of the converted selbri, but is not itself claimed to occur. {broda soi'a brode} means {lo nu broda cu brode}
Exponentiation of unit selbri
te'e'a (exp!)
2-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x2 and x3 places.
te'e'i (exp!)
placed before a selbri, merges x1 and x3 places (with the new x1 being equivalent to the result of this merging).
makes a new selbri, the first two places of which are to be filled with sumti from the first two abstraction places of the selbri following this word
ve'e'a (exp!)
2-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x2 and x4 places.
ve'e'i (exp!)
placed before a selbri, merges x1 and x4 places.
ve'e'u (exp!)
2-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x3 and x4 places.
xe'e'a (exp!)
2-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x2 and xn places.
xe'e'i (exp!)
placed before a selbri, merges x1 and x5 places.
xe'e'o (exp!)
2-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x4 and x5 places.
xe'e'u (exp!)
2-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x3 and x5 places.
Extracts selbri from a tag, inverse of fi'o
selbri conversion: permute all terbri so as to be exactly backward.
ze'e'a (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x2 and all xa places.
ze'e'au (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges all xa places.
ze'e'e (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x5 and all xa places.
ze'e'i (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x1 and all xa places.
ze'e'o (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x4 and all xa places.
ze'e'u (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x3 and all xa places.
ze'oi (exp!)
converts following word to selbri-unit: "x1 is related to the meaning of this word in aspect x2"
zi'au (exp!)
nonexistent/undefining it; the selbri is not applicable when the other terbri are filled in the manner in which they are in this utterance/bridi.
quotes a selbri.
x1 (brivla/selbri) is used by place x2 (number/me'o+FA+bu) being filled with (a description of / symbol for) x3, in the usage of x4, according to rule(s) x5.
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where selbri in every bridi-tail is assumed to have {so'o'o'oi} applied to it
x1=traji1 is superlative in property x2=traji2, the x3=traji3 extrema (ka; default: ka zmadu), among set/range x4=traji4, and -- moreover -- (there exists at least one member of) the x52th (li; must be 1 or 2) argument [see note] of this selbri (which) actually has/is/attains said property x2 according to standard x6.
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is more than/greater than/exceeds x2 in property x3 (ka) and the x4th (li; 1 or 2) argument of this selbri actually has/is/expresses/attains property x3 according to x5.
ci zei zgabube
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
mu zei zgabube
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-5' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
pa zei zgabube
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
re zei zgabube
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
vo zei zgabube
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-4' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
xa zei zgabube
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-6' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.

In notes:

descriptor: the one, which (is / does) ... / those, which (are / do) ...
x1 (text) represents a predicate relationship with relation represented by x2 (text) among referents of x3 that are arguments (sequence/set of texts).
v1 is a morphologically defined predicate word signifying relation b2 in language v3.
x1 is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with something which ... which is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with x2 via intermediate things/steps x3 (ce'o), with respective points/loci of (con)juncture x4 (ce'o).
x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, where the graph geodesic through the ancestorship-directed family tree from x1 to x2 is of length (x3) + 1 (li; x3 must be a nonnegative integer or positive infinity), and where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, with intermediate steps x3 (complete ordered list, "ce'o"; should include the relevant parent of x1), where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
x1 is a tanru unit.
x1 (text) represents relation for a predicate relationship represented by x2 (text) among referents of x3 that are arguments (sequence/set of texts).
x1=k3 is the relationship between x2=k1, x3=k2, x3...; x1 is a property of x2.
x1 (sequence/set of texts) are arguments, the referents of which are related by relation represented by x2 (text) for a predicate relationship represented by x3 (text).
Multiple sumti link; open-ended sumti-linking.
begin lines of serial dialogue
argument list separator: acts as a comma between arguments in an argument list supplied to a function.
gafyzmico: Reset all default specifications of immediately previous word to official definition specifications hereinafter (permanently)
gafyzmico: Cancellation (permanent) of all defaults in immediately previous word
Cancellation (instant-/usage-wise; temporary) of all defaults in immediately previous word
gafyzmico: Reset all default specification of the immediately previous word to their respective discourse-external/official definition specifications for this instance/usage only.
change version/dialect of parser
Predicate to variable-binding binary quantifier. The first slot of the predicate must be a property.
Toggles to no grouping
Toggles to right grouping of tanru/lujvo.
Locks tanru modification order reversal (does not affect lujvo). {ke'e'unai} restores regular order
scalar / attitudinal question: how very...?
free conversion
(n, 1, 2, \dots, n-2, n - 1)st conversion.
(2, 3, \dots, n-1, n, 1)st conversion.
terbri editor: passes the terbri value through the quoted function so that the sumti that fills it really is filling the output of the function
ta'u'u (exp!)
Copy and paste the overall tertau of immediately preceding sumti at this location.
voi'a (exp!)
pronoun analogical to the vo'a series for the fai-place.
last-th conversion: switches the last terbri with the first one.
zi'oi (exp!)
fills and deletes (in the manner as "{zi'o}") all terbri sumti slots of immediately previous (id est: tagged) word that are not explicitly filled with a sumti.
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where every bridi has arguments expressed in content/patient/recipient/stimulus semantic cases schema
x1 is the (x2 + 1)-оюродный (li; integer) kin member/relative of x4 defined from base relation x3 (si'o; generic term, applied with respect to x4) in directed, connected tree graph/network/hierarchy x5.
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tense-modal' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is the declined form of base noun x2 according to case x3 in language x4.
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where every bridi has arguments expressed in Lakoff's image schemata
x1 (property with two places for ce'u) is the property according to which members of x2 (ordered set with two members) are related to each other in the same way as members of x3 (ordered set with two members), or in the same way as members of x4 (ordered set with two members), etc. ... (infinite number of places)
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'mex-operator' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'free' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1 is the formatted address for something - (with format) starting with x2, which is an address/locality/administrative subunit/region which belongs to slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x3, which in turn itself belongs to a slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x4, \dots (etc.).
x1 (lu; quote) is said/expressed by x2, followed by expression x3 (lu; quote), via expressive medium x4, and then continuing on/proceeding/serially resuming to express/say x5 (lu; quote), and then x6 (lu; quote), and then x7 (lu; quote), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1 and x2 and x3 ... satisfy an impossible-to-satisfy relation.
ci zei brinefa
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'bridi-tail-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
ci zei mektika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operand-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
mu zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-5' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
pa zei sumtifa
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-tail-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
re zei taulka
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tanru-unit-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.