x1 is more than/greater than/exceeds x2 in property x3 (ka) and the x4th (li; 1 or 2) argument of this selbri actually has/is/expresses/attains property x3 according to x5.
"zmadu" implies that one thing is more than another in some property, but not that either actually achieves/has that property. For example, a two-year-old is older than a one-year-old but neither is old by normal human standards. This word indicates that not only is one of the referenced sumti more than another in some specified property, but at least one of them does have that property. So, an octagenarian is older than a toddler, and the former (but not the latter) actually is old by normal human standards. In my cases, if x4 = 2, then not only does x2 have property x3, but x1 also has property x3 (just by a greater amount/to a greater extent); it is uncommon and indicative of a pathology in definition for x4 = 2 to not imply that x4 = 1 is also true. The converse is untrue: x1 may have property x3 even while x2 does not ('x4 = 1' is true but 'x4 = 2' is false, as in the octagenerian versus toddler example); however, in order to exclude the possibility that x4 = 2 when x4 = 1 is specified, one must explicitly specify that it is so - x4 necessarily tells which argument does indeed satisfy the proposition of having property x3, but it possibly may not necessarily give any information as to which argument does not do so. See: "trajije".