ku LALEKU cmavo

elidable terminator: end description, modal, or negator sumti; often elidable.

In definition:

Right-scoping adverbial clause: encloses a bridi and turns it into an adverbial term; the antecedent (ke'a) of the enclosed bridi stands for the outer bridi {lo su'u no'a ku} (the bridi in which this fi'oi term appears), including all the other adverbial terms (tags...) within this bridi located on the right of this fi'oi term (rightward scope).
incidental/non-restrictive adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The first place of the converted selbri is claimed to be such that the outer bridi satisfies it, and the outer bridi is claimed. {broda noi'a brode} means {lo nu broda ku goi ko'a cu fasnu .i ko'a brode}.
x1 is the selma'o "KU".

In notes:

descriptor: the one, which (is / does) ... / those, which (are / do) ...
Now. At the present time.
ji'asai (comp!)
x1 is a defined Lojban word, considered as a word as per Lojban's grammar, with meaning/role x2
x1 (ka) is the relation of predicate x2 (du'u), which has arguments x3 (sequence of sumti).
x1 is a term (syntactic unit).
x1 (sequence of sumti) is the sequence of arguments that, joined by relation x2 (ka), form predicate x3 (du'u)
bo'ei (exp!)
single Lojban-word name quote, turns to selbri-unit: "x1 is that which has this name"
ca'au (exp!)
Refers to what is usually assumed to be the argument of tense tags when no explicit argument is given
universal famyma'o: terminates the most recently opened construct or clause.
fo'ai (exp!)
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series. The number of bound variables must be indicated by appending {xi} followed by that number to the word {fo'ai}, unless only one variable (namely {fo'a}) is bound, in which case the {xi} marking is optional.
takes NU or LE NU, turns into sumtcita: clarifies the semantic NU-type of the current bridi.
mekso operator: finite result set derived from/on set A with/due to operator/function B under ordering of application C
accepts number (n) after: repeat last sumti up to n times
ko'ai (exp!)
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series.
plural logic maximum-scope descriptor: those who individually or collectively are ...
universal plural quantifier. “All.”
sau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity the speaker is assuming the listener to know
existential plural quantifier. “There is/are.”
jargon word indicator; indicates next word is a jargon word
text affirmation/negation mode toggle
the referent of itself; guards the scope of the sumti
x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ce'o; (ordered) list).
mu zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-5' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
xa zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-6' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.