tertau lujvo

x1 is the modified part/modificand of binary metaphor x2 with modifying part x3, giving meaning x4 in usage/instance x5

In both English and Lojban, the word seltau is the usual way to refer to the left word in a tanru, whereas tertau refers to the right word in the tanru.

In definition:

trivial selbri inversion: does not invert tanru (seltau first/left, tertau second/right).
Copy and paste the overall tertau of immediately preceding sumti at this location.

In notes:

x1 is a step-parent via the mother of x2 due to marriage with the latter's mother according to law/custom x3, where said motherhood is not necessarily biological.
x1 is a step-parent via the father of x2 due to marriage with the latter's father according to law/custom x3, where said fatherhood is not necessarily biological.
x1 is path-connected to x2 via the male-only first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born son of the first-born son of ... the first-born son of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born sons) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
x1 is path-connected to x2 via the (non-gendered/absolute) first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born offspring of the first-born offspring of ... the first-born offspring of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born offspring) x3 (ce'o; ordered list), "first" being according to ordering rule x4 (default, as used in this definition: chronological order of birth; restrictions on legitimacy etc. may also be included here).
x1 is path-connected to x2 via the female-only first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born daughter of the first-born daughter of ... the first-born daughter of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born daughters) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
x1 is the step-parent/step-mother/step-father of x2 due to marriage with their parent according to law/custom x3.
x1 is a term in binary metaphor/tanru x2 (text) with other element (modifying or being modified by) x3 so as to produce meaning x4 in context/usage/instance x5
x1 is the modifying part of binary metaphor x2 with modified part/modificand x3 giving meaning x4 in usage/instance x5
t1 is a tanru component.
x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)
Locks tanru modification order reversal (does not affect lujvo). {ke'e'unai} restores regular order
reverses modification order of contained tanru (does not affect lujvo).
Copy and paste the overall seltau of immediately preceding sumti at this location.
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where every bridi has arguments expressed in content/patient/recipient/stimulus semantic cases schema
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where every bridi has arguments expressed in Lakoff's image schemata