tinmosycpina lujvo

c1=m1=t2, sound produced by the friction/contact/rubbing between m2 and m3, is a gride sound/hair-raising/sets one's teeth on edge/squicks/gives the willies/heebie-jeebies to t1, who hears it against background/noise t3.

This is epitomized by the sound of nails on a chalkboard. Short for seltinmosycpina. Cf. pecrufcpina.

In notes:

The feel/texture of c1=r1=p2 is hair-raising/sets one's teeth on edge/squicks/gives the willies/heebie-jeebies to p1, who touches it with p3 [a locus on p1 or an instrument] at p4 [a locus on c1=r1=p2].