vei'e VUhU1 experimental cmavo

mekso binary operator – quotient from integer-division: sgn(X1) sgn(X2) ((abs(X1) - (abs(X1) \% X.

X1, X are not restricted to integers; they can be any complex numbers, although X2 will typically be a positive real and the definition will need to be adjusted if they are not real. "\%" denotes the modulus operator ("vei'u"). vei'e(0, n) = 0 for all n > 0; vei'e(9, 3) = 3; vei'e(10, 3) = 3; vei'e(-5.2, 2.5) = -2, vei'e(-17.23 + e/1000, 1) = -17; vei'e(4, -1) = -4; vei'e(-6.3, -1) = 6.

In notes:

binary mekso operator: form quotient space X1/X.
binary mekso operator: mod(ulus)/remainder; X1 \% X2, \,\,\, X1 (mod(X2)).