xo'o UI5 experimental cmavo

attitudinal modifier: sarcastically - sincerely/honestly

There is no good attitudinal for sarcasm. Chosen for its similarity to zo'o.

In notes:

forethought nonce-word indicator; indicates next word is nonce-creation and may be nonstandard.
ju'acu'i (comp!)
evidential: I say without asserting; "supposedly… / allegedly…"
ju'anai (comp!)
evidential: I say without asserting; "supposedly… / allegedly…"
mathematical/mekso binary operator: the zero/identity-element/(primitive (-))constant operator; outputs the identity-element of structure A (contextless default: the additive group of integers) regardless of the input value of B (except blank or ill-defined values)
zi'a (exp!)
nonce-word indicator; indicates previous word is nonce-creation and may be nonstandard