xoi'u'oi GAhO experimental cmavo

interval endpoint status (exclusive/inclusive) marker: dependent and contrary/contraposed with other

Claims that the bridi is true for either option of endpoint so long as the other endpoint is opposite in status; so, the bridi is claimed to be true for the interval specified so long as both endpoints are the different: one endpoint must be inclusive while the other is exclusive. Neither option for the order of these statuses is "picked"; either may be substituted into the bridi and the truth value is claimed to remain the same (namely, True). No claim is made regarding the case of their being the same (use "je nai xei'u'oi" for exclusion of this case). The other endpoint status may be explicitly be specified to a definitive realization, but the default will be xoi'u'oi as well. See also: xei'u'oi, xau'u'oi, xai'u'oi.

In notes:

interval endpoint status (exclusive/inclusive) marker: independent of the other, all options satisfy
interval endpoint status (exclusive/inclusive) marker: dependent and coincident/matching with other