xoi SEISEhU experimental cmavo

auto-terminating adverbial: takes a brivla & preceding terms and produces a free adverbial phrase modifying the main predicate

[note by janbe] Definition revised to account for a new use of xoi after the old one was declared obsolete. Terminator: se'u

On affix form:

x1 is a hotel/inn/hostel at location x2 operated by x3.

In definition:

no'au (exp!)
Introduces a bridi relative clause, with the scope of {xoi} and the semantics of {noi}

In notes:

afterthought abstraction wrapper
i'au (exp!)
reset bridi-level to zero
xo'oi (exp!)
binds a relative clause to both the preceding sumti and the bridi containing that sumti
x1 is an adverbial adjunct (adverb or adverbial clause) meaning x2 in language x3
x1 (nu) happens together with x2 (nu); x1 happens while x2 (one sense)