zai'ai ZAIhAI experimental cmavo

(elidable) terminator of mathematical/formal quote with mau'au

See also: mau'au.

In notes:

mekso at-most-4-ary operator: integer lattice ball; the set of all points belonging to the intersection of Zn with the closure of the ball that is centered on X1 and has radius X2 in metric X3, where Z is the set of all integers and where, for any set A and non-negative integer n, An is the set of all n-tuples such that each coordinate/entry/term belongs to A, and where the dimensionality n = X4..
mekso n-ary ordered operator: structure creator/ordered tuple, 'endow'; the structure formed by underlying set X1 (as) endowed with element, order, quoted operator, etc. X2, X3, ...
mekso binary operator: extract substructure/underlying set/endowing operator; the substructure (general sense; includes just operator, order, set, etc.) of X1 (structure; explicitly given by {du'a'e}) which is formed by collecting the ith entries of that {du'a'e}-tuple in order together into their own {du'a'e}-tuple (or by extracting them naked into the ambient environment if X2 is a singleton) for all i in set X2
mekso k-ary operator, for natural k and 1 < k < 5: ordered input (f, g, S, m) where f and g are functions, S is a set of positive integers or "ro" (="all"), and m is 0 or 1 (as a toggle); output is a function equivalent to the function f as applied to an input ordered tuple with g applied to the entries/terms with indices in S (or to all entries/terms if S="ro") if m=0, or g left-composed with the same if m=1.
gei'au (exp!)
mekso 7-ary operator: for input (X1 = z, X2 = (ai)= (bj)= p, X5 = q, X6 = h1, X= h2), this word/function outputs/yields \sumn=0^\infty (((\prodi = 1p (ne'o'o(ai,n,1,h= 1q (ne'o'o(bj,n,1,h; by default, X6 = 1 = X7 unless explicitly specified otherwise.
mekso operator: finite result set derived from/on set A with/due to operator/function B under ordering of application C
mekso: conversion of operator/function to operand
mathematical quinary operator; big operator: left sequence notation/converter - operator a, sequence b defined as a function on index/argument/variable/parameter c, in set d, under ordering e
terbri editor: passes the terbri value through the quoted function so that the sumti that fills it really is filling the output of the function
x1 abstractly pertains to an exponential/root/logarithmic relationship between the elements of x2 (ordered pair) which are related via concrete relationship x3.
x1 is a mathematical object for/to which operator x2 is defined/may be applied when under conditions x3 under definition (of operator)/standard/type x4