zi'oi ZIhOI experimental cmavo

fills and deletes (in the manner as "{zi'o}") all terbri sumti slots of immediately previous (id est: tagged) word that are not explicitly filled with a sumti.

Implicit/omitted "zo'e" will be deleted; explicit "zo'e" will not be deleted. Deletion is only meaningful if the immediately previous word is a brivla (or other predicate object, including math functions) with at least one unfilled (explicitly) terbri. In a tanru or other complicated construct, only the most recent word undergoes this terbri deletion (not every term in the construct). A selbri converted to a sumti by gadri has the 'x1' terbri/sumti slot filled for the purposes of this word; likewise is the case for terbri accessed by "be" or "bei"; seltau in the main level of a sumti are filled by the gadri as well for the purposes of this word. For technical reasons, SE binds to the tagged word with greater priority than this word does, meaning that SE conversion is performed first; otherwise, the tagging/application behaves largely as it does for UI. See: "zi'o", "zi'oi'oi". Note that even skipped over sumti slots get deleted by this word, which is the critical distinction between this word and "zi'oi'oi". For open-ended or arbitarily-large-terbri brivla, take care, for the arbitrarily-/infinitely-long tail of sumti slots gets deleted when such words are tagged by this one, unless they are somehow explicitly filled otherwise.

In notes:

Delete subsequent sumti slots.