Attitudinal: advice/posit/well-considered idea - spitballing/proposal (no investment or confidence in it being a good idea) - rejection of suggestion/idea
translation marker - original/native version: marks a construct as having been translated and therefore particularly (possibly, but not necessarily) susceptible to the errors or limitations associated with translation (especially if the translator is unsure of the best result/option)
discursive: marks the previous construction as a question, with valid responses being any construction which could replace it without changing the grammar of the overall utterance.
flag a quote/sedu'u statement in order to indicate that the text is substantially the same in all relevant important aspects (usually including content), translated with this meaning, "to this/that same effect" - - (nai:) untranslated, original and exact wording
marks a construct as being a reference/allusion - explicit marker of divorce/isolation of a construct from any external allusions that may come to mind