zi'ai UI3a experimental cmavo

jargon word indicator; indicates previous word is a jargon word

Jargon words are to have a single, defined, specialized meaning within one particular narrow context (e.g. a game, field of study, or industry), but may also be assigned to other meanings in other contexts. Proposed rafsi: -zam- (technically rafsi for zai'e; this rafsi is always placed *before* the modified morpheme(s)) Forethought variant: zai'e

On grammatical class:

ri'ero'u (comp!)
release of sexual emotion - sexual emotion restraint; erotic fulfillment - impotence/abstinence.
ai'ei (exp!)
forced intent
au'a (exp!)
attitudinal: 🥺
au'e (exp!)
obedience - rebellion
au'i (exp!)
attitudinal: happy for other's gain – neutral about other's gain – jealous
au'o (exp!)
combination of "a'o" (hope) with "au" (desire): hopeful wish.
a'u'u (exp!)
attitudinal: peek-a-boo!
ca'e'ei (exp!)
Evidential: "because I say so"/"because I assert it to be true"/"it is known".
ci'ai (exp!)
discursive: marks an utterance as using something that is experimental/not official, especially experimental grammar
coi'o'e (exp!)
asks the listener to provide a word matching the preceding description being the seltau
cu'ei (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker; used generally in quotations.
cu'ei'a (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'a; used generally in quotations.
cu'ei'ai (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to first person (mi); used generally in quotations.
cu'ei'e (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'e; used generally in quotations.
cu'ei'ei (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to general third person (zo'e); used generally in quotations.
cu'ei'i (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'i; used generally in quotations.
cu'ei'o (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'o; used generally in quotations.
cu'ei'oi (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to second person (do); used generally in quotations.
cu'ei'u (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'u; used generally in quotations.
cu'i'a (exp!)
attitudinal: intentionally - unintentionally - against intention.
cu'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u'u (exp!)
discursive: verbosely – succinctly.
doi'au (exp!)
audience switch marker.
e'au (exp!)
mix of .e'a (permission) + .e'e (encouragement) + .e'i (constraint) + .e'o (request) + .e'u (suggestion) + .au (desire)
ei'u (exp!)
Attitudinal: advice/posit/well-considered idea - spitballing/proposal (no investment or confidence in it being a good idea) - rejection of suggestion/idea
fai'a (exp!)
translation marker - original/native version: marks a construct as having been translated and therefore particularly (possibly, but not necessarily) susceptible to the errors or limitations associated with translation (especially if the translator is unsure of the best result/option)
fu'ei'a (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'a; used generally in quotations.
fu'ei'e (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'e; used generally in quotations.
fu'ei'i (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'i; used generally in quotations.
fu'ei'o (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'o; used generally in quotations.
fu'ei'u (exp!)
discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'u; used generally in quotations.
ii'au (exp!)
attitudinal: yee-haw!
mu'au'oi (exp!)
Discursive: resuming/continuing example - start new example
oi'a (exp!)
Attitudinal: offended/insulted - unoffended - deserving and accepting
pau'ai (exp!)
rhetorical construct marker - genuine/serious/literal assertion/question/command marker
pau'i (exp!)
discursive: marks the previous construction as a question, with valid responses being any construction which could replace it without changing the grammar of the overall utterance.
pei'u (exp!)
discursive: want a response - venting
rau'o (exp!)
flag a quote/sedu'u statement in order to indicate that the text is substantially the same in all relevant important aspects (usually including content), translated with this meaning, "to this/that same effect" - - (nai:) untranslated, original and exact wording
si'ai (exp!)
marks a construct as being a reference/allusion - explicit marker of divorce/isolation of a construct from any external allusions that may come to mind
su'a'a (exp!)
discursive: responding quickly - responding after a long time/necroposting.
tai'a (exp!)
discursive: pay a lot of attention to what I just said - ignore what I just said.
tei'i (exp!)
discursive: Especially, foremost, primarily, chiefly, preëminently, importantly, significantly (laïc or statistics technical sense), in particular, strongly, notably - in common with, commonly, generally, usually, ordinarily, unnoteably.
tei'o (exp!)
discursive: in theory - in practice.
uau'o (exp!)
Attitudinal: encouragement - (not engaged) - discouragement
ue'e (exp!)
discursive: counter-expectational – – aligning with expectations
uei'e (exp!)
attitudinal: excited encouragement
ui'a (exp!)
excitement/squealing for pleasurable reasons - dullness/disinterest/disengagement - hissing/squealing for unpleasant reasons/disfavor
ui'o (exp!)
cheering/clapping/congratulating/adulation/bravo/praise - neither favorable nor unfavorable judgment - booing/hissing/jeering/disfavor
va'u'ai (exp!)
describing word / situation: have checked a dictionary - denying either - not have checked a dictionary.
xi'oi'ei (exp!)
UI discursive: litotes - - anti-litotes
zei'i (exp!)
attitudinal contour: increasing over time - steady - decreasing over time.
zi'ei (exp!)
marks a construct as used for its form only, not its meaning.
attitudinal: attentive - inattentive - avoiding.
attitudinal: alertness - exhaustion.
attitudinal: effort - no special effort - repose.
attitudinal: intent - indecision - rejection/refusal.
attitudinal: hope - despair.
attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion.
attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance.
evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember.
discursive: exaggeration - accuracy - understatement.
attitudinal modifier: lack/need - presence/satisfaction - satiation.
discursive: newly introduced information - previously introduced information.
attitudinal contour: start emotion - continue emotion - end emotion.
evidential: I define.
discursive: supposing - in fact.
attitudinal modifier: marks empathetic use of preceding attitudinal; shows another's feelings.
discursive: generously - parsimoniously.
attitudinal: granting permission - prohibiting.
attitudinal: competence - incompetence/inability.
attitudinal: feeling constraint - independence - challenge/resistance against constraint.
attitudinal: obligation - freedom.
attitudinal: request - negative request.
attitudinal: suggestion - abandon suggest - warning.
attitudinal modifier: easy - difficult.
attitudinal modifier/honorific: hauteur - equal rank - meekness; used with one of lower rank.
attitudinal: elliptical/unspecified/non-specific emotion; no particular feeling.
attitudinal: acceptance - blame.
attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief.
attitudinal: approval - non-approval - disapproval.
attitudinal: agreement - disagreement.
attitudinal: togetherness - privacy.
attitudinal: fear - security.
attitudinal: appreciation - envy.
attitudinal: respect - disrespect.
attitudinal: familiarity - mystery.
attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred.
evidential: I conclude.
discursive: truth - falsity.
discursive: additionally.
discursive: metalinguistic affirmer.
evidential: I state - (default) elliptical/non-specific basis.
attitudinal modifier: certainty - uncertainty - impossibility.
evidential: I know by cultural means (myth or custom).
discursive: marks word serving as focus of indirect question: "I know WHO went to the store".
discursive: repeating - continuing.
attitudinal question: confusion about something said.
discursive: however/but/in contrast.
discursive: probability - improbability.
attitudinal modifier: aggressive - passive - defensive.
discursive: clearly - obscurely.
discursive: omitted text (quoted material).
discursive: ditto.
discursive: for example - omitting - end examples.
discursive: metalinguistic negator.
attitudinal: pride - modesty/humility - shame.
attitudinal: closeness - distance.
attitudinal: caution - rashness.
attitudinal: complaint - pleasure.
attitudinal: patience - mere tolerance - anger.
attitudinal: relaxation - composure - stress.
discursive: justice - prejudice.
discursive: optional question premarker.
marks a construct as figurative (non-literal/metaphorical) speech/text.
evidential: I opine (subjective claim).
discursive: uniquely, only, solely: the only relevant case.
discursive: chiefly - equally - incidentally.
emotion category/modifier: religious/spiritual/worship - sacrilege.
attitudinal modifier: release of emotion - emotion restraint.
emotion category/modifier: social - antisocial.
emotion category/modifier: mental - mindless.
emotion category/modifier: emotional - denying emotion.
emotion category/modifier: physical - denying physical.
emotion category/modifier: sexual - sexual abstinence.
evidential: I postulate.
discursive: material inserted by editor/narrator (bracketed text).
discursive: precisely speaking - loosely speaking.
discursive: simply - elaborating.
attitudinal modifier: self-sufficiency - dependency.
attitudinal modifier: self-oriented - other-oriented.
evidential: I know by internal experience (dream, vision, or personal revelation).
discursive: similarly.
evidential: I generalize - I particularize
discursive: by the way - returning to main point.
discursive: expanding the tanru - making a tanru.
evidential: I hear (hearsay).
discursive: in brief - in detail.
attitudinal: gain - loss.
attitudinal: discovery - confusion/searching.
attitudinal: wonder - commonplace.
attitudinal: surprise - not really surprised - expectation.
attitudinal: amusement - weariness.
attitudinal: happiness - unhappiness.
attitudinal: courage - timidity - cowardice.
attitudinal: completion - incompleteness.
attitudinal: repentance - lack of regret - innocence.
attitudinal: pity - cruelty.
discursive: in other words - in the same words.
attitudinal modifier: virtue - sin.
discursive: true-false question.
evidential: I observe.
attitudinal modifier: humorously - dully - seriously.
discursive: on the one hand - on the other hand.
a'acu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: attentive - inattentive - avoiding.
a'anai (comp!)
attitudinal: attentive - inattentive - avoiding.
a'enai (comp!)
attitudinal: alertness - exhaustion.
a'icu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: effort - no special effort - repose.
aicu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: intent - indecision - rejection/refusal.
a'inai (comp!)
attitudinal: effort - no special effort - repose.
ainai (comp!)
attitudinal: intent - indecision - rejection/refusal.
a'onai (comp!)
attitudinal: hope - despair.
a'ucu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion.
aucu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance.
a'unai (comp!)
attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion.
aunai (comp!)
attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance.
ba'acu'i (comp!)
evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember.
ba'anai (comp!)
evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember.
ba'ucu'i (comp!)
discursive: exaggeration - accuracy - understatement.
ba'unai (comp!)
discursive: exaggeration - accuracy - understatement.
be'ucu'i (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: lack/need - presence/satisfaction - satiation.
be'unai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: lack/need - presence/satisfaction - satiation.
bi'unai (comp!)
discursive: newly introduced information - previously introduced information.
bu'ocu'i (comp!)
attitudinal contour: start emotion - continue emotion - end emotion.
bu'onai (comp!)
attitudinal contour: start emotion - continue emotion - end emotion.
ca'edai (comp!)
discursive / expression: "If you say so"
ca'enai (comp!)
evidential: I don't define
da'inai (comp!)
discursive: supposing - in fact.
do'anai (comp!)
discursive: generously - parsimoniously.
e'anai (comp!)
attitudinal: permission - prohibition.
e'enai (comp!)
attitudinal: competence - incompetence/inability.
e'icu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: feeling constraint - independence - challenge/resistance against constraint.
e'inai (comp!)
attitudinal: feeling constraint - independence - challenge/resistance against constraint.
einai (comp!)
attitudinal: obligation - freedom.
e'onai (comp!)
attitudinal: request - negative request.
e'ucu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: suggestion - abandon suggest - warning.
e'unai (comp!)
attitudinal: suggestion - abandon suggest - warning.
fu'inai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: easy - difficult.
ga'icu'i (comp!)
attitudinal modifier/honorific: hauteur - equal rank - meekness; used with one of equal rank.
ga'inai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier/honorific: hauteur - equal rank - meekness; used with one of higher rank.
iacu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief.
i'anai (comp!)
attitudinal: acceptance - blame.
ianai (comp!)
attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief.
i'ecu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: approval - non-approval - disapproval.
i'enai (comp!)
attitudinal: approval - non-approval - disapproval.
ienai (comp!)
attitudinal: agreement - disagreement.
i'inai (comp!)
attitudinal: togetherness - privacy.
iinai (comp!)
attitudinal: fear - security.
i'onai (comp!)
attitudinal: appreciation - envy.
ionai (comp!)
attitudinal: respect - disrespect.
iucu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred.
i'unai (comp!)
attitudinal: familiarity - mystery.
iunai (comp!)
attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred.
ja'onai (comp!)
discursive/evidential: after all...
je'aucu'i (comp!)
discursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) errordiscursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) error/incompleteness/approximation
je'aunai (comp!)
discursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) errordiscursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) error/incompleteness/approximation
je'unai (comp!)
discursive: truth - falsity.
ji'acu'i (comp!)
discursive: continuing/extending/belaboring the point
ji'anai (comp!)
discursive: returning to or correcting a previous point, moving back in the conversation/discourse
ji'asai (comp!)
ji'einai (comp!)
animate - inanimate
ju'acu'i (comp!)
evidential: I say without asserting; "supposedly… / allegedly…"
ju'aku'i (comp!)
evidential: although, even though, while, whilst
ju'anai (comp!)
evidential: I say without asserting; "supposedly… / allegedly…"
ju'ocai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: intense certainty.
ju'ocu'i (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: certainty - uncertainty - impossibility.
ju'oinai (comp!)
evidential: I don't know that...
ju'onai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: certainty - uncertainty - impossibility.
ju'opei (comp!)
attitudinal: certainty question.
ke'unai (comp!)
discursive: repeating - continuing.
ki'anai (comp!)
non-question: understanding of something said.
ku'inai (comp!)
discursive: in accordance with it; as expected
la'acu'i (comp!)
discursive: probability - possibility - improbability.
la'anai (comp!)
discursive: probability - improbability.
le'ocu'i (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: aggressive - passive - defensive.
le'onai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: aggressive - passive - defensive.
li'anai (comp!)
discursive: clearly - obscurely.
moi'icu'i (comp!)
evidential: if I remember correctly...
mu'acu'i (comp!)
discursive: for example - omitting - end examples.
mu'anai (comp!)
discursive: for example - omitting - end examples.
o'acu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: pride - modesty/humility - shame.
o'anai (comp!)
attitudinal: pride - modesty/humility - shame.
o'enai (comp!)
attitudinal: closeness - distance.
o'inai (comp!)
attitudinal: caution - rashness.
oinai (comp!)
attitudinal: complaint - pleasure.
oire'e (comp!)
attitudinal: spiritual/religious complaint.
oiro'a (comp!)
attitudinal: social complaint.
oiro'e (comp!)
attitudinal: mental complaint (puzzlement, excess mental work).
oiro'i (comp!)
attitudinal: emotional complaint.
oiro'o (comp!)
attitudinal: physical complaint.
oiro'u (comp!)
attitudinal: sexual complaint.
o'ocu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: patience - mere tolerance - anger.
o'onai (comp!)
attitudinal: patience - mere tolerance - anger.
o'ucu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: relaxation - composure - stress.
o'unai (comp!)
attitudinal: relaxation - composure - stress.
pa'enai (comp!)
discursive: justice - prejudice.
paunai (comp!)
discursive: unreal/rhetorical question follows.
pe'ainai (comp!)
technical meaning; marks a construct as jargon/terminology/technical/precise/exact speech/text
pe'anai (comp!)
literal sense; marks a construct as literal (non-figurative/non-metaphorical/exact) speech/text
pe'aru'e (comp!)
weak metaphor marker: indicates that there is some broadening of the concept, typically to include objects of types that are unusual for the defined place structure, but which retains most of the semantic of the word as defined.
po'onai (comp!)
discursive: not exclusively, among others, including but not limited to.
ra'i'aucu'i (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: want this to last - (cu'i) accept this - (nai) want this to end soon
ra'i'aunai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: want this to last - (cu'i) accept this - (nai) want this to end soon
ra'ucu'i (comp!)
discursive: chiefly - equally - incidentally.
ra'unai (comp!)
discursive: chiefly - equally - incidentally.
re'enai (comp!)
emotion category/modifier: spiritual/worship - sacrilege.
ri'enai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: release of emotion - emotion restraint.
ro'anai (comp!)
emotion category/modifier: social - antisocial.
ro'enai (comp!)
emotion category/modifier: mental - mindless.
ro'inai (comp!)
emotion category/modifier: emotional - denying emotion.
ro'onai (comp!)
emotion category/modifier: physical - denying physical.
ro'unai (comp!)
emotion category/modifier: sexual - sexual abstinence.
sa'enai (comp!)
discursive: precisely speaking - loosely speaking.
sa'unai (comp!)
discursive: simply - elaborating.
se'anai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: self-sufficiency - dependency.
sei'inai (comp!)
evidential: avoiding stereotypes...
se'inai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: self-oriented - other-oriented.
su'anai (comp!)
evidential: I generalize - I particularize
ta'onai (comp!)
discursive: by the way - returning to main point.
ta'unai (comp!)
discursive: making a tanru - expanding the tanru.
to'unai (comp!)
discursive: in brief - in detail.
u'anai (comp!)
attitudinal: gain - loss.
uanai (comp!)
attitudinal: discovery - confusion/searching.
uecu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: surprise - not really surprised
u'enai (comp!)
attitudinal: wonder - commonplace.
uenai (comp!)
attitudinal: surprise - expectation.
uepei (comp!)
attitudinal: surprise question.
u'inai (comp!)
attitudinal: amusement - weariness.
uinai (comp!)
attitudinal: happiness - unhappiness.
u'ocu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: courage - timidity - cowardice.
u'onai (comp!)
attitudinal: courage - timidity - cowardice.
uonai (comp!)
attitudinal: completion - incompleteness.
u'ucu'i (comp!)
attitudinal: repentance - lack of regret - innocence.
u'unai (comp!)
attitudinal: repentance - lack of regret - innocence.
uunai (comp!)
attitudinal: pity - cruelty.
va'icu'i (comp!)
discursive: in the same words.
va'inai (comp!)
discursive: in other words - in the same words.
vu'enai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: virtue - sin.
xo'onai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: sarcastically - sincerely/honestly
xunai (comp!)
discursive: false-true question.
zo'ocu'i (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: humorously - dully - seriously.
zo'onai (comp!)
attitudinal modifier: humorously - dully - seriously.
zo'oro'u (comp!)
Attitudinal: innuendo/sexual wordplay marker (the "sexy ;) " emoji).
zu'ucu'i (comp!)
on the gripping hand
zu'unai (comp!)
discursive: on the one hand - on the other hand.
a'au (exp!)
attitudinal: moved deeply - unimpressive
a'e'i'o'u (exp!)
esoteric/mystical utterance; untranslatable, meaning revealed by gnosis
ai'i (exp!)
attitudinal: determination - lack of determination - resignation
au'u (exp!)
attitudinal: cute (attractive in an innocent way) - lack of cuteness - repulsively uncute
bi'a (exp!)
emphasis indicator; indicates the previous word is especially emphasized
bi'au (exp!)
attitudinal: bzz, bee/other insect sound
bi'i'u (exp!)
attitudinal: beep, boop, robot noises
bo'oi (exp!)
attitudinal: silliness - maturity
bu'a'a (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: used to express a fit of overwhelming or uncontrollable laughter; the stereotypical 'evil laugh'
ci'au'u'au'i (exp!)
attitudinal: pride about having just invented a new attitudinal - shame about having just invented a new attitudinal
dai'a (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: marks preceding attitudinal as empathetic with an anticipated attitude; encourages another's feelings.
e'e'e (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: shy giggle
e'ei (exp!)
attitudinal: appeal/call/invocation/summoning
ei'au (exp!)
Attitudinal: heart melting and opening - unmoved - heart freezing and withdrawing
ei'e (exp!)
irrealis attitudinal: competence (ja'ai) - incompetence (nai)
ei'i (exp!)
irrealis attitudinal: constraint (ja'ai) - independence (cu'i) - resistance against constraint (nai)
fu'au (exp!)
discursive: luckily - not pertaining to luck - unluckily.
ga'oi (exp!)
evidential: I disagree with you vehemently, but offer no substantive counterarguments/information pulled from my ass
ge'ei (exp!)
metasyntactic variable marker
ia'u (exp!)
attitudinal: trust - lack of trust - distrust
ie'e (exp!)
attitudinal: finding something reasonable - unreasonable
ie'i (exp!)
attitudinal: disgust - attraction
io'u (exp!)
attitudinal: good mental health - bad mental health
jai'ai (exp!)
attitudinal: everything coming together - everything falling apart
jau'i (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: extra properly, primly, "by the book" - rushing things, half-assing.
je'au (exp!)
discursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) error/incompleteness/approximation
jei'u (exp!)
evidential: I intuit... / I suspect...
ji'ei (exp!)
animate - inanimate
ju'oi (exp!)
evidential: I know that...
kai'a (exp!)
evidential: by definition... / essentialistically...
kai'e (exp!)
evidential: I expect - I deny expecting
ki'a'au'u'au'i (exp!)
attitudinal question: metalinguistic confusion caused by too many experimental cmavo
ki'au (exp!)
evidential: I reason - I think impulsively.
ko'oi (exp!)
discursive: imperative/hortative
ky'u (exp!)
newsworthiness focus marker: indicates the most newsworthy part of the clause.
lai'i (exp!)
evidential: I experience - I deny experiencing
li'oi (exp!)
marks word/construct as being optional, i.e. the bridi would still be both grammatical AND reflect the speakers opinion/intention would the marked construct be left out
mau'u (exp!)
savoring/focusing and attempting to retain feelings of strong satisfaction - trying to escape intense dissatisfaction
mi'au (exp!)
attitudinal: meow, miaow
moi'i (exp!)
evidential: I remember - I don't remember (fact ; that/whether something is true)
ne'au (exp!)
attitudinal: devoidness of emotion (neutral by absence of emotion) - overwhelmed by/replete with/overflowing with (seemingly all) emotion
noi'u (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: attribution to the attached sumti
oi'o (exp!)
attitudinal: fuck/shit - fuck yeah/hell yeah
oi'u (exp!)
attitudinal: pain/suffering - comfort
pe'ai (exp!)
discursive: layperson/laïc meaning; marks a construct as layperson/common/non-technical/non-jargon speech/text
pei'e (exp!)
evidential question: how do you know that?
pei'o (exp!)
attitudinal category question: what is the category (UI4) of attitudinal?
ra'ei (exp!)
semi-discursive: and so forth, and so on, et cetera, continuing similarly
ra'i'au (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: want this to last - (cu'i) accept this - (nai) want this to end soon
ri'ai (exp!)
evidential: I have basic/axiomatic belief
roi'i (exp!)
emotion category/modifier: creative, artistic (emotion felt in proverbial/mythical "right brain") - analytic, methodical (emotion felt in proverbial/mythical "left brain")
sei'i (exp!)
evidential: stereotypically...
se'oi (exp!)
evidential: I know by gnosis
si'au (exp!)
evidential: it seems that...
so'ei (exp!)
discursive: "to be honest", being frank, candid, speaking one's mind, being forthcoming and demonstrating candor - deliberately "not getting into it", saying less than is on one's mind
sy'a (exp!)
Override implicit zo'e-filling of empty argument slots in the current clause, or of the marked tanru-element if this particle is put right after a tanru-element, switching the default filling to existential quantification of lowest logical scope.
ta'ei (exp!)
discursive: reconsideration of statement - continuing (on) in that line of thought/discussion
te'i'o (exp!)
discursive: specified by the speaker - unspecified by the speaker
u'ai (exp!)
attitudinal: triumph/victory - draw/tie/inconclusive - defeat/loss
uai (exp!)
attitudinal: friendly/friendishly/amicably/companionship/compatriotship/comradeship - antagonistically/enemyishly
uau (exp!)
Attitudinal: impressed/amazed - unimpressed (neutral)/blasé/bland/commonplace - unimpressed (negative)/disappointed/bored
ue'i (exp!)
attitudinal: excitement - lack of excitement - boredom
uei (exp!)
discursive: optional answer premarker
ui'i (exp!)
Attitudinal: feel like laughing - neither laughing nor crying - feel like crying
uoi (exp!)
discursive: marks question construct as allowing filling it with answers that are non-referential constructs only
uo'o (exp!)
savoring the now (wishing time would stand still) - patience/indifference toward time passing - impatience (wishing time would move faster)
uu'i (exp!)
attitudinal: feeling schadenfreude (pleasure from someone's misfortune) - denying feeling schadenfreude.
va'oi (exp!)
discursive: forces jvajvo reading of the preceding brivla; +nai: forces naljvajvo reading of the preceding brivla.
vei'i (exp!)
evidential: I remember (experiencing) - I deny remembering
vo'oi (exp!)
evidential: non-veridical - veridical
xa'a (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: laughter
xa'a'a (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: laughter
xa'i (exp!)
discursive: imagining/roleplaying - not imagining/"out of character / in real life"
xai'a (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: Hyah! (battle cry/kiai)
xa'oi (exp!)
already; too early than expected;
xe'e'e (exp!)
interjection: laughter/chuckle (heh heh heh)
xe'o (exp!)
discursive: simply/merely/just, "all there is to it" - not simply, not just, "there's more to it"
xo'o (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: sarcastically - sincerely/honestly
xu'a (exp!)
discursive: persuading - not arguing/negotiating - conceding
xu'o (exp!)
attitudinal contour: stronger over time - unchanging intensity - weaker over time
xu'u'i (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: a controlled, focused breathing technique (used for coping, as with pain, fear, etc.)
xy'y (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: in thought/contemplation
za'au (exp!)
evidential: mark the sentence as being an observation sentence, i.e. a statement that is not based on the truth of another statement but is instead taken from direct observation.
zai'a (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: observed emotion; preceding attitudinal is observed on listener
za'oi (exp!)
yet; still; too long
zi'a (exp!)
nonce-word indicator; indicates previous word is nonce-creation and may be nonstandard
zi'ai (exp!)
jargon word indicator; indicates previous word is a jargon word

In definition:

attitudinal scope modifier: marks following attitudinal/UI-cluster as applying to the last lexical unit
UI-cmavo parenthesis/separator: start grouping
Complex UI construct terminator (elidable).
UI conversion start quote; converts grammatical Lojban text to cmavo of selma'o UI
UI conversion end quote (elidable terminator); converts grammatical Lojban text to cmavo of selma'o UI
start UI-applicative metalinguistic UI-parenthetical
end UI-applicative metalinguistic UI-parenthetical (elidable terminator)
x1 is the selma'o "UI".
x1 secondary-clicks (right-clicks, presses and holds) x2 (UI element)
x1 (text) is a zi'evla made of UI cmavos, optional glue, and a rafsi or piece of a gismu; meaning x2 (ka) in language x3.
x1 is the selma'o "UI".

In notes:

x1 is is a free word (word which can be freely inserted into or deleted from a sentence without making it ungrammatical), with meaning/function x2 in usage (language) x3
attitudinal modifier: supposed emotion - factual emotion
dau'i (exp!)
attitudinal: equal intensity attitudinal relativizer
reset bridi-level to zero
ku'ai (exp!)
ku'i modal: in contrast to...
mau'i (exp!)
attitudinal: stronger intensity attitudinal relativizer
me'ai (exp!)
attitudinal: weaker intensity attitudinal relativizer
Marks an endpoint of a quote/string/expression and specifies that (relative to the original) the quote/string/expression so marked is complete, accurate, and well-portrayed by the quote/string/expression on the relevant side of the excerpt, including wrt all relevant information and when factoring in the content and context of the quotation-external discourse in which said quote/string/expression appears; indicator that quote mining or cherry-picking did not occur and that the excerpt which is quoted is not deceptive.
Indicator for moderate or normal attitudinal intensity
sai'ei (exp!)
turns PA into CAI; intensity attitude modifier expressed by a mekso.
fills and deletes (in the manner as "{zi'o}") all terbri sumti slots of immediately previous (id est: tagged) word that are not explicitly filled with a sumti.
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive: I express this utterance/construct/(rest of the) bridi which has been tagged for the purpose or goal of enacting, causing, enabling, implementing, actualizing, manifesting, enhancing, yielding, or rendering applicable the immediately following and enclosed bridi or in order to make the immediately following and enclosed bridi be true (or closer to the truth or more true or more strongly true) in application to the utterance/construct/rest of the bridi which has been tagged by this marker; the tagged expression/construct is for the benefit or sake of making the immediately following and enclosed bridi true.
x1 cheers/squeals with joy with sound x2
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'indicator' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 feels happy about x2.
x1 is an anthropomorphized sperm/ovum constantly happy by standard x2; x1 is an ummy/eggy