gonai GA* cmavo-compound

logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal exclusive or (with gi); Latin 'aut'.

On grammatical class:

logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal or (with gi).
logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal and (with gi).
logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal connective question (with gi).
logical connective: forethought all but tanru internal biconditional/iff/if-and-only-if(with gi).
logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal whether-or-not (with gi).
ge'u'a (exp!)
logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal always true (with gi).
gi'a'a (exp!)
logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal always false (with gi).
ganai (comp!)
logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal conditional/only if (with gi).
gonai (comp!)
logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal exclusive or (with gi); Latin 'aut'.

In definition:

x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of gallium (Ga).
This cmavo precedes a predicate (at least binary) and turns it into a forethought conjunction, which syntactically behaves like GA cmavo. The predicate indicates the relationship between the two connected propositions. Terminator: {te'u}.
x1 is the selma'o "GA".

In notes:

x1 (text) is a grammatical article, starter, left bracket, nominalizer of word class x2
pro-bridi: in the second half of a bridi forethought connective expression, refers to the first half.
if x1 (proposition) is true then x2 (event) happens else x3 (event) happens
gi bu
pro-sumti: in the second half of a sumti forethought connective expression, refers to the first half.
gek zei uanta
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'gek' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.