go GA cmavo

logical connective: forethought all but tanru internal biconditional/iff/if-and-only-if(with gi).

On gloss:

nunkla in sense "event"
n1 is a passage where goer k1 comes/goes to destination k2 from origin k3 via route k4 using means/vehicle k5.
tolfalkla in sense "against force"
k1=f1 comes/goes against stream/current/gravity/force to destination k2=f2 from origin k3=f3 in in gravity well/frame of reference f4 via route k4 using means/vehicle k5.
barduku in sense "Board game"
x1 is Baduk/Go/Weiqi/Igo

In definition:

time tense: will be going to; (tense/modal).
capu'o (comp!)
time tense: is going to, is now just about to, is now anticipating; (tense/modal).
time tense: was going to; (tense/modal).
j1=p1 is a middleman/mediator/contact/go-between/intercessor between parties j2.
x1=d1=k1=f1 is a traffic jam of pedestrians/vehicles x2=f2=k5 going to x3=f3=k2 from x4=f4=k3 at location/locus/route x5=d3=k4.
x1 is a flux/traffic of pedestrians/vehicles x2 going to x3 from x4
x1 keeps going, with destination x2
x1 stops going/halts
x1 needs to go to location x2 for purpose/action x3
ni1 is the amount of k1's coming/going to k2 from k3 via route k4 by means k5, measured on scale ni2.
To destination x1 does x2 go from x3 via route x4 by means x5.
x1 fails at going to sleep; x1 can't sleep; x1 suffers from insomnia (currently)
x1 intends to/going to/is gonna do x2 with motive x3.
k1=m2 uses wheelchair s1=m1=k5, which is in/on surface/medium m3 and is propelled by m4, to come/go to destination k2 from origin k3 via route k4.
j1 lets go/releases j2 from j3 (part of j1) at locus j4 (part of j2).
x1 is jetlagged with symptoms x2 going to x3 from x4.
c1 requests/asks c2 to go back/return to x2 from x3.
x1 is a merry-go-round.
zau'e (exp!)
vocative: go! / come on! / get on it! / let's!
x1 (sequence) is the number range going from number x2 up to number x3.
x1 must go to x2 from x3 via x4 (default: speaker)'s way or highway x5
x2 is the Valentine (date/lover for the eponymous holiday) of x1; x1 is to go out on a Valentine''s Day date or otherwise be (ceremonially) associated with x2 for the holiday and festivities of Valentine's Day.
x1 [mass/sequence] plays the Lojban word chaining game (vlalinkei) with ruleset x2 and winner x3 with resulting sentence x4 against world champion x6 for fabulous cash prize x7 and endorsement deal(s) x8 groupies x9 (except they probably go earlier), played at time x10 at location x11 and honorific title x12 breaking record(s) x13 with mindless spectators x14 taking time x15 [amount] containing most frequently used word x16 (zo) and not using perfectly good words x17 (zo) displaying new strategy/trick x18 supervised by x19 with referee x20 and used message transmission system x21 time limit per move x22 shortest move of the game x23 broadcast on TV network(s) x24 with Neilson ratings x25 supplanting previously most watched show x26 winning new fans x27 who formerly played x28 which is inferior for reasons x29 by standard x30 with banned words x31 with words winning additional points x32 with climax of suspense x33 and best comeback x34

In notes:

x1 is a rite/ceremony/ritual for purpose/goal x2, by custom/in community x3, with form/rules x4.
x1 is the temporal direction of/toward solstice x2 (event or spacetime coordinates or season (usually specify year); default: Summer solstice) from origin/in reference frame x3 at location/for body x4 and with respect to orbit/sun x5.
x1 and x2 have the same truth value; either both or none of x1 and x2 is true
x1 is a (topological) hole in object x2
x1 (agent) expresses/says x2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) for audience x3 via expressive medium x4.
interval event contour: at the restarting/renewal point of...
pro-sumti whose referent's identity may be chosen by the listener
lo'au (exp!)
presuppositional definite article: the …; the thing(s) which …
double-negative toggle: every odd-counted explicit usage makes negation additive; unmentioned or every even-counted explicit usage makes negation multiplicative.
rai'o (exp!)
Quote conversion: the quotation as presented uses pro-sumti and pro-bridi as if the current utterer (not the original utterer) were saying it, but the meaning conveyed is identical to that of the actual quotation by the original utterer and there is a claim that this meaning was expressed elsewhere
sau'e'u (exp!)
topicalizer (sumtcita/discursive; somewhat meta): the following discourse is about/relates to/has topic/concerns
nonexistent/undefining it; the selbri is not applicable when the other terbri are filled in the manner in which they are in this utterance/bridi.
x1 (aspect/state/object) is easy for x2 to gain/acquire but also easy for x2 to lose/fail to maintain, according to judgment/standard x3.
x1 reflects/pertains to the Atlantic Ocean region/culture/history/geography/identity/[nationality] in aspect x2.
x1 does not exist/is not real/is not actual/is not reality/is fake for x2 under metaphysics x3; x1 is a fakester/huxter (no intention of tricking, because it does not exist).
x1 reflects/pertains to the Indian Ocean region/culture/history/geography/identity/[nationality] in aspect x2.
x1 (mass/set) do orienteering in competition of type x2 [property of the event] with (other) rule(s) x3 [property of each participant].
x1 reflects/pertains to the Pacific Ocean region/culture/history/geography/identity/[nationality] in aspect x2.
x1 is a polyform/polyplet/polyomino/polyabolo/polyiamond (etc.) composed of parts/'tile' polytope x2 arranged in (finite) unified shape/pattern x3 in ambient space x4 and subject to rules/restrictions/conditions x5
x1 (curling angular-direction) is a quantity expressed angularly with direction (counter)clockwise and which maps to (pseudo)vector x2 (Cartesian direction) via rule/convention x3
x1 is the formatted address for something - (with format) starting with x2, which is an address/locality/administrative subunit/region which belongs to slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x3, which in turn itself belongs to a slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x4, \dots (etc.).
x1 is a gym / a place for working out x2 (ka)
x1 and x2 are path-connected by ordered binary relation/predicate x3 (ka), such that all paths which satisfy condition(s) x4 (ka; default: no additional conditions) in the relevant graph (x5) linking nodes by said relation x3 in a directed manner and which contain x1 must also (later in the path) contain x2.
x1 and x2 are path-connected by ordered binary relation/predicate x3 (ka), such that all paths which satisfy condition(s) x4 (ka; default: no additional conditions) in the relevant graph (x5) linking nodes by said relation x3 in a directed manner and which contain x1 must also (later in the path) contain x2.
x1 (aspect/state/object) is easy for x2 to gain/acquire but hard for x2 to lose/fail to maintain, according to judgment/standard x3.
uaigri zei eikse
x1 is a not yet but soon to be former x2 as of time x3 according to standard x4.
x1 is a sagittaria (genus Sagittaria) of species/strain x2.