xoi'u JOI experimental cmavo

non-logical connective (mekso set operator): regardless

Primary motivation is to allow for an analog of .u using non-logical connectives of the form of set operators (in the same analogy that related set intersection to logical AND). .krtisfranks. is not sure that this word even fulfills a heretofore unsatisfied logical role, let alone is necessary or practically useful/desirable.

On grammatical class:

non-logical connective: set link, unordered; "and also", but forming a set.
non-logical connective: ordered sequence link; "and then", forming a sequence.
non-logical connective: respectively; unmixed ordered distributed association.
non-logical connective: union of sets.
non-logical connective: mixed conjunction; "and" meaning "mixed together", forming a mass.
non-logical connective: in common with; along with (unmixed).
vague non-logical connective: analogous to plain ".i".
non-logical connective: intersection of sets.
non-logical connective: cross product; Cartesian product of sets.
bo'a'oi (exp!)
non-logical connective: in superposition with
ce'au (exp!)
Formulates periodic ordered list of exactly the connectands in the order presented.
ce'oi (exp!)
argument list separator: acts as a comma between arguments in an argument list supplied to a function.
dei'i (exp!)
non-logical connective: set difference of x1 and x2: x1dei'ix=x1\setminusx=\x\inx1:x\notinx
fa'u'ai (exp!)
non-logical connective: antirespectively; unmixed but reverse ordered distributed association.
jo'ei (exp!)
nonlogical connective: disjoint union
jo'ei'i (exp!)
nonlogical connective (and mekso operator) - symmetric difference of sets
joi'au'a (exp!)
non-logical connective: to be in a (nontrivial) superposition of (states); mixture
jo'oi (exp!)
non-logical connective: the more ..., the more...
xoi'u (exp!)
non-logical connective (mekso set operator): regardless

In definition:

tu'oi (exp!)
null connective operand; used to fill empty places in JOI
x1 is the selma'o "JOI".

In notes:

x1 is the date [day,{week},{month},year] of event/state x2, at location x3, by calendar x4.
x1 [hours, minutes, seconds] is the time/hour of state/event x2 on day x3 at location x4.
detri modal, 1st place: on date/dated ... ; attaches date and/or time.
x1 is the product (combined multiplication result) of x2 (plurality of the same type as x1)
x1 is the sum (combined addition result) of x2 (plurality of the same type as x1)
x1 is a binary group operator endowing set/space x2 ; x2 is the underlying set or the actual structure of a group with operator x1.
x1 is a cyborg/cybernetic organism. x1 has organic part(s) x2 and biomechatronic/cybernetic part(s) x3.
n1 is an established connection between j1 and j2 at common locus j3.
x1 has an emotional see-saw involving emotion(s) x2; x1 experiences emotion x2 irregularly.
x1 (event) is dated/pertaining to day/occurring on day x2 of month x3 of year x4 in calendar x5
x1 consists of the economic system (production and distribution and consumption) of sector components x2; x1 is economic.
iterated Cartesian product with self: A × A × ... × A, n times.
x1 is a mass/group consisting of elements x2, x3, x4, etc.
x1 is the result of applying logical connective/conjunction x2 to the terms of the ordered list x3 in the order given, in system x4
joik zei uanta
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'joik' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.