kei'au KEIhAU experimental cmavo

mekso operator: finite result set derived from/on set A with/due to operator/function B under ordering of application C

Equivalent to: lo'i li zy du ca'e li pe'o se'au mau'au B zai'ai vei ma'o xy boi ny ve'o boi tau sy boi C ku poi ke'a cmaci xanri zi'e poi ke'a mleca li ci'i zo'u tau sy klesi A. Acts on an operator/function (B) and produces all finite results of that operator being used on any allowable number of elements of the set A without repetition within any given application; the results cannot be used as operands unless they are in A, but they are still in the result set. In order to overcome this limitation, iteration can be used (else, this definition may need to be modified). The result must be defined (and finite, obviously). Application of the operator on nothing (the elements of the empty set) is generically allowed and follows convention (for example, an empty sum may evaluate to 0). Differs from kei'ai. Use mau'au and zai'ai for quoting B. C will be specified explicitly (possibly elsewhere) and/or via zoi'ai.

In notes:

mekso style converter: elementwise application of operator
mekso: conversion of operator/function to operand
mekso ordered/non-commutative n-ary operator: tensor product/exterior product (of tensors); letting "@" denote the tensor product, A1 @ A2 @...@ An .