mei'u MEMEhU experimental cmavo

converts sumti into selbri: x1 is [that sumti]'s, among x2, by relationship x3 (binary ka).

A replacement for «me SUMTI moi», but without the hack. See me, moi, memimoi.

On gloss:

pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s); identified by self-vocative.
imla in sense "the speaker"
x1 is {mi} / me / the speaker, in {selsku} / message / situation x2.

On grammatical class:

convert sumti to selbri/tanru element; x1 is specific to [sumti] in aspect x2.
du'ai (exp!)
converts a sumti into a tanru-unit with place structure "x1 is/are the referents of [the sumti]".
me'au (exp!)
Convert abstract predicate sumti back to predicate
mei'u (exp!)
converts sumti into selbri: x1 is [that sumti]'s, among x2, by relationship x3 (binary ka).

In definition:

vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & you the listener(s) & others unspecified.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & others unspecified, but not you, the listener.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & you the listener(s).
ju'icu'i (comp!)
vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
ju'inai (comp!)
vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
x1=k1 comes to me from x2=k3 via route x3=k4 by means x4=k5
m1=p1 is me.
da'ai (exp!)
other than me
do'o'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: the original speaker (= you the primary listener/target) and the rest of the audience, excluding the new/current speaker (= me).
fau'u (exp!)
Forgive me!/I'm sorry!
ke'o'e (exp!)
vocative: please repeat over and over in a soft tone that puts me in a trance
ra'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: others, not me/we/the speaker(s)/the author(s)/you the listener(s).
sei'u (exp!)
vocative: "you're welcome / happy to help / no problem" - "just this once / you owe me"
x1 is the selma'o "ME".

In notes:

x1 (agent) makes x2 sad about x3 (abstraction)
x1 is a copula abiding by grammatical rules x2 with additional meaning x3 in language x4
j1=k3 hatches from eggshell j2=p1=k1
x1 (number) is the second/second notation of the minute, of event/state x2, in system x3.
x1 is/are among the referent(s) of x2
x1 (abstraction) bores x2 in manner x3; x2 is bored by/experiences boredom about x1, the boredom being of type/form x3.
bo'ei (exp!)
single Lojban-word name quote, turns to selbri-unit: "x1 is that which has this name"
do'au (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity may be chosen by the listener
Predicate to variable-binding binary quantifier. The first slot of the predicate must be a property.
lo'au (exp!)
presuppositional definite article: the …; the thing(s) which …
lu'ei (exp!)
convert a grammatical quotation to a tanru unit; x1 expresses/says the quoted text for audience x2 via expressive medium x3.
lu'oi (exp!)
selbri conversion: abstracts out a member of x1 (set/group), moves old x1 to the fai place
mei'e (exp!)
Accepts any number of sumti and turns them into a selbri-unit that means "x1 is among the referents of these sumti".
nau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity is unknown to the speaker
pau'ai (exp!)
rhetorical construct marker - genuine/serious/literal assertion/question/command marker
ru'oi (exp!)
quantifier: "all" (as opposed to "every")
sau'e'u (exp!)
topicalizer (sumtcita/discursive; somewhat meta): the following discourse is about/relates to/has topic/concerns
sau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity the speaker is assuming the listener to know
ti'u'i (exp!)
at the second N of the minute.
xa'i (exp!)
discursive: imagining/roleplaying - not imagining/"out of character / in real life"
Echo-resumptive construction initiator: This particle immediately precedes a verb word (selbrivla) which is a repetition of a verb that already occurred in the same sentence in an outer clause level; the combination of this particle and that echo verb acts like a terminator, signaling a return to the closest clause level whose main verb was the same as the provided echo verb.
zai'e (exp!)
jargon word indicator; indicates next word is a jargon word
ze'oi (exp!)
converts following word to selbri-unit: "x1 is related to the meaning of this word in aspect x2"
x1=d1 dances waltz with x2 to accompaniment/music/rhythm x3=d2.
x1 (group of entity) compete with each other in competition x2 (property of each member of x1) where each member of x1 has goal x3 (property of member of x1) that is the same for all members of x1
x1 is among x2, x3, x4, etc.
x1 is the 'ce ki tau jei' dialect of Lojban, used by x2 to communicate x3 (si'o/du'u)
re zei taulka
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tanru-unit-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.