zemoi MOI* cmavo-compound

quantified selbri: convert 7 to ordinal selbri; x1 is seventh among x2 ordered by rule x3.

On grammatical class:

convert number to probability selbri; event x1 has probability (n) of occurring under cond. x2.
convert number to cardinality selbri; x1 is a mass formed from a set x2 of n members, one or more of which is/are x3, measured relative to the set x4.
convert number to ordinal selbri; x1 is (n)th member of set x2 ordered by rule x3.
convert number to portion selbri; x1 is an (n)th portion of mass/totality x2; (cf. gunma).
convert number to scalar selbri; x1 is at (n)th position on scale x2.
cei'a (exp!)
x1 is the year / era of years indicated by PA (digit string) in calendar system x2
coi'e (exp!)
x1 is PA hours in duration by standard x2.
cu'oi'e (exp!)
convert number to statistical odds selbri; event x1 (nu) has statistical odds (n) of occurring (versus not occuring) under conditions x2.
doi'e (exp!)
x1 is PA days in duration by standard x2.
jei'o (exp!)
x1 is PA weeks in duration by standard x2.
ka'oi (exp!)
x1 (ka) is obtained from x2 (ka) by uncurrying the first N places
lei'o (exp!)
x1 is PA months in duration by standard x2.
mei'i (exp!)
convert number to cardinality selbri: x1 is/are [number] in number; there is/are [number] things among x1.
moi'e (exp!)
x1 is PA minutes in duration by standard x2.
moi'o (exp!)
x1 is the PA-th date/time of unit x2 (si'o) counting from x3 (default: now) by calendar x4
moi'u (exp!)
x1 is (n)th member of alphabet/set x2 ordered by rule x3, where the count begins at x4.
nei'o (exp!)
x1 is PA years in duration by standard x2.
soi'e (exp!)
x1 is PA seconds in duration by standard x2.
bimei (comp!)
quantifier selbri: convert 8 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the octet of members x2.
bimoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 8 to ordinal selbri; x1 is eighth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
cimei (comp!)
quantifier selbri: convert 3 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the trio of members x2.
cimoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 3 to ordinal selbri; x1 is third among x2 ordered by rule x3.
da'amei (comp!)
quantifier selbri: convert all but one to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with all but one members x2.
da'amoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: converts all-but-(1) to ordinal selbri; x1 is penultimate among x2 by rule x3.
da'aremoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: converts all-but-2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is antepenult. among x2 by rule x3.
du'emei (comp!)
quantifier selbri: convert too many to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with too many members x2.
mumei (comp!)
quantifier selbri: convert 5 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the quintet of members x2.
mumoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 5 to ordinal selbri; x1 is fifth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
nomei (comp!)
x1 is a 0-some / empty mass / 0-tuple, with members x2 (must be the empty set).
pamei (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 1 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with single/sole/only member x2.
pamoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 1 to ordinal selbri; x1 is first among x2 ordered by rule x3.
panomei (comp!)
quantifier selbri: convert 10 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the decade of members x2.
panomoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 10 to ordinal selbri; x1 is tenth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
panonomei (comp!)
quantifier selbri: convert 100 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the century of members x2.
paremei (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 12 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with a dozen members x2.
pimucu'o (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert .5 to probability selbri; event x1 has a 50/50 chance under cond. x2.
piresi'e (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert .2 = 1/5 to portion selbri; x1 is 1/5 of mass/totality x2.
pirosi'e (comp!)
quantified selbri: converts all-of to portion selbri; x1 is the whole portion of mass x2.
raumei (comp!)
quantified selbri: converts enough to cardinal; x1 is a set with members x2, enough by std. x3.
raumoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: converts enough to ordinal; x1 is enoughth among x2, order rule x3.
remei (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 2 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the pair of members x2.
remoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is second among x2 ordered by rule x3.
renomei (comp!)
quantifier selbri: convert 20 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the score of members x2.
romoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: is final among; convert all to ordinal selbri; x1 is last among x2, rule x3.
so'imei (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert many to cardinal; x1 is a set with many members x2 of total set x3.
somoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 9 to ordinal selbri; x1 is ninth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
su'oremei (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert at least 2 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with plural membership x2.
su'oremoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert at least 2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is at-least-2nd among x2 by rule x3.
vomoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 4 to ordinal selbri; x1 is fourth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
xamoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 6 to ordinal selbri; x1 is sixth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
zemoi (comp!)
quantified selbri: convert 7 to ordinal selbri; x1 is seventh among x2 ordered by rule x3.

In definition:

x1=traji1=moi1 is the x2=moi(-1)th (li) most extreme member of set/range x5=traji4=moi2 (set; possibly ordered) in property/ordered according to measure of property x3=traji2 \sim moi (ka) measuring from the x4 = traji3-est/utmost (ka; default: ka zmadu) member, which/who has a similar ordinality count of x6 (li) in the same set by the same ordering.
Conversion: Switch n and x1 in MOI (or MOI*) cmavo so that the submitted value (previous x1) outputs the number(s) (previous n) associated with it.
x1 is the selma'o "MOI".

In notes:

j1 has the rank of Lieutenant General/Vice Admiral/Air Marshal (equivalent of NATO OF-8) in military unit /organization j2.
x1=c1 (zo) is a cmavo with a predicate role or semantic structure which expresses predicate x2=b1 (quote/du'u) between arguments x3=b3 (ordered list), the said cmavo being of form or in category/class x4=c2 in/and belonging to language/dialect x5=c3.
j1 has the rank of Major/Lieutenant Commander/Squadron Leader (equivalent of NATO OF-3) in military unit /organization j2.
l1 (quoted letteral) is the first letter of the word v1.
l1 (quoted letteral) is the last letter of the word v1.
x1=moi1 is the x2-th element out of x3 elements from set x4=moi2=mei2.
x1 is the x2-th stage in process x3.
j1 has the rank of Colonel/Captain/Group Captain (equivalent of NATO OF-5) in military unit /organization j2.
b1 is the first Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama.
x1 is x2=d2 (default: 1) first days of a set of days (week, month, year) x3=m2 ordered by rule x4=m3 and being a day by standard x5=d3
j1 has the rank of Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant (equivalent of NATO OF-1) in military unit /organization j2.
j1 has the rank of Field Marshall/General of the Army//Fleet Admiral/Marshall of the Air Force (equivalent of NATO OF-10) in military unit j2.
x1 (sequence/string) has an occurrence at position/offset x2 (number) in sequence/string x3
x1 is a subsequence of x2 located at the end of x2 and x3 elements long
x1 is in the x2-th slot of sequence x3
j1 has the rank of Captain/Lieutenant/Flight Lieutenant (equivalent of NATO OF-2) in military unit /organization j2.
j1 has the rank of General/Admiral/Air Chief Marshal (equivalent of NATO OF-9) in military unit /organization j2.
j1 has the rank of Lieutenant Colonel/Commander/Wing Commander (equivalent of NATO OF-4) in military unit /organization j2.
j1 has the rank of Brigadier General/Brigadier/Rear Admiral/Commodore (equivalent of NATO OF-6) in military unit /organization j2.
j1 has the rank of Major General/Rear Admiral/Air Vice-Marshal (equivalent of NATO OF-7) in military unit /organization j2.
x1 is additional/extra to x2, with result x3
mei'u (exp!)
converts sumti into selbri: x1 is [that sumti]'s, among x2, by relationship x3 (binary ka).
si'ei (exp!)
numeric suffix: indicates that the number refers to portionality instead of cardinality
symbol string to number/variable
text to number/variable
ze'oi (exp!)
converts following word to selbri-unit: "x1 is related to the meaning of this word in aspect x2"
x1 is the value (sumti-object) associated with x2 (label or description), from compound object x3, in interpretation rules/system x4
x1 is the 'ce ki tau jei' dialect of Lojban, used by x2 to communicate x3 (si'o/du'u)
re zei taulka
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tanru-unit-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.