degja'o lujvo

j1=d3 points at / points to / shows the direction of j2 (object/jevent) to audience j3 with finger d1

Cf. farja'o, farsni.

In notes:

j1 shows the direction of f2 (object/event) to audience j3, that direction being f1
s1=f3 non-agentively/inanimately points at/indicates the direction of s2=f2 to observer s3 as being in the direction f1.
convert a grammatical quotation to a tanru unit; x1 expresses/says the quoted text for audience x2 via expressive medium x3.
x1 is not far from and can be pointed to (or described as being pointed to) by the speaker
x1 is near and can be pointed to (or described as being pointed to) by the speaker
x1 is far from and can be pointed to (or described as being pointed to) by the speaker