gimrafrimna lujvo

x1 is a rhythmic conjugation of word x2, rhyming with word x3 in language x4, with changed final vowel/ending x5.

This word refers to the uncommon practice of changing the last vowel of a brivla in order to have it rhyme with surrounding words in its spoken context. This can only be done to gismu and lujvo ending in 5-letter rafsi. x2 should be the orthodox spelling of x1. Use "me'o [vowel]" to describe x5. This word is an autonym, being a gimrafrimna of the word gimrafrimni. See also rimni abu ebu ibu obu ubu sezyskivla.

In notes:

x1 is a rhythmic conjugation of word x2, rhyming with word x3 in language x4, with changed final vowel/ending x5.