x1 (text) is a lujvo with meaning x2 and arguments x3, and which is constructed from tanru/veljvo x4 such that at least one element of the veljvo is ultimately not a cmavo (including "{zei}", "{ke}"/"{ke'e}", "{bo}", etc.), gismu, or rafsi of such cmavo or gismu.
x1 (text) is a lujvo with meaning x2 and arguments x3, and which is constructed from tanru/veljvo x4 such that each element of the veljvo is ultimately only a cmavo (including "{zei}", "{ke}"/"{ke'e}", "{bo}", etc.), gismu, or rafsi of such cmavo or gismu.
x1 is a word which is a {cmevla} (morphological name-word), referring to x2 and used by x3, and which is also of the form of a lujvo (excepting the last rafsi) formed from veljvo x4, in language x5
x1 is an improperly-created/wrongly-proposed/illy-proposed lujvo with intended meaning x2 but actual interpretation/built from metaphor x3, due to/with error x4 in its rafsi x5, which is unacceptable to x6 by standard x7, in language x8
x1 (vector) is the differintegral (with respect to time) of order x2 of the displacement of x3 (object/point) relative to x4 (object/point/frame of reference; contextless default: the origin in the home frame) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x5 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x6, taken with starting point x7
x1 is an ordered series of podcast episodes/podcast serial, ordered by conparison rule x2 (contextless default: production order or intended listening order, or reverse of these), and being entirely composed of all of the individual episodes belonging to set x3.
x1 is a gesture/facial expression/body part motion/body language/expressive (nonverbal or nonvocal) feature/microexpression/stature/posture/sign/body signal [nonverbal expression made using only one's body parts and items on one's immediate person as extensions of the body in order to communicate; possibly nonlinguistic/extralinguistic] that conveys/expresses thought/emotion/command/idea x2 (nu/si'o; possibly text and other types) made using body part/utensil/object/at locus x3 in/by motion/action/means x4
x1 is a non-binary/intersexed (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered, gender-fluid, transgendered, two-spirited, alternatively gendered, or affirmatively non-binarily gendered or nongendered/graygendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
x1 is clockwise/right-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the right of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a right turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.
x1 awaits for x2 (event) with bated breath; x1 waits for the occurrence of x2 excitedly/impatiently/restlessly; colloquially: x1 just cannot wait for x2 to happen; x1 is eager for event x2.
x1 is (a) philosophy/ideology (one sense) about/of/pertaining to topic/subfield (one sense) x2 with subfield (different sense)/features/details/specifics/specific idea(s) x3, with methodology x4, followed/thought/considered by x5 (thinker/philosopher/individual); philosophy x1 is characterized by values/thoughts/opinions/ruminations x3 about topic/subject x2.
x1 (vector) is the displacement of x2 (object/point) relative to x3 (object/point; contextless default: origin) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x4 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x5
x1 is a waterfall (geological and hydrological, semi-permanent feature) with source/flowing fluid x2 (fluid need not be water), with rock/terrain characteristics/grade (slope)/features x3 in potential (gravitational well/field) x4; mass/quantity of fluid x2 flows over feature x3 so as to fall /tumble down it (continuously)
x1 pertains/is related to/reflects (the) weak nuclear force [fundamental interaction] in manner/with properties/in state/with realization x2, coupling to x3 in manner/with strength x4
x1 is counterclockwise/left-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the left of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a left turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.
x1 (agent) creates 'hack' x2 (nu/zu'o/si'o) for system/tool x3 from inspiration x4; x2 is an emergent use/purpose for x3, unexpected by the original creators or users
abstractor: sensation / qualia abstractor; x1 is the sensation / qualia associated with objects with property [bridi, bound to ce'u], via sense x2, as sensed by x3
Marks an endpoint of a quote/string/expression and specifies that (relative to the original) the quote/string/expression so marked is complete, accurate, and well-portrayed by the quote/string/expression on the relevant side of the excerpt, including wrt all relevant information and when factoring in the content and context of the quotation-external discourse in which said quote/string/expression appears; indicator that quote mining or cherry-picking did not occur and that the excerpt which is quoted is not deceptive.
double-negative toggle: every odd-counted explicit usage makes negation additive; unmentioned or every even-counted explicit usage makes negation multiplicative.
Delete all sumti slots of the immediately preceding word which are not explicitly filled excepting the first n (specified by subscript; contextless default: n=0).
x1 is Platonic/a Platonistic ideal/philosophy about topic x2 characterized by thoughts/ideals x3 and methodology x4, according to thinker/user/standard x5
x1 (notion) is Absurd/is characterized by an Absurd nature in aspect x2, belonging to school of philosophy/type of Absurdism x3, according to standards/methodology/classification/claim x4
x1 is a rodent [can be a member of eutherian mammal Rodentia; semantic broadening might subjectively generalize the concept somewhat] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2.
x1=taxfu1 is a turban (head/hair-covering garment which is wrapped and often built into a somewhat prominent three-dimensional structure) to be worn by x1=taxfu2 for purpose x3=taxfu3.
x1 is remembered by someone/something which remembers ... which remembers someone/something which is remembered by x2 via intermediate nodes/steps x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
x1 (notion) is Absurd/is characterized by an Absurd nature in aspect x2, belonging to school of philosophy/type of Absurdism x3, according to standards/methodology/classification/claim x4