jutsi -jut- gismu

x1 is a species of genus x2, family x3, etc.; [open-ended tree-structure categorization].

Also subspecies, order, phylum; (places do not correspond to specific levels in the hierarchy; rather, x1 is at a "lower" or "bushier" part of the tree than x2, x2 is "lower" than x3, etc.; skipping a place thus means that there is one or more known-and-unspecified levels of hierarchy between the two); not limited to Linnean animal/plant taxonomy. See also klesi, lanzu.

In definition:

x1 cipni x2 noi jutsi fi la'o banlu'atu. Parulidae .banlu'atu

In notes:

x1 (mass/si'o) is a class/category/subgroup/subset within x2 with defining property x3 (ka).
x1 (mass) is a family with members including x2 bonded/tied/joined according to standard x3.
k1=jm1=ji3 is a phylum [animals]/division [plants] within/of kingdom [biology] k2=ji2.
x1 (organism) is a member of species x2, genus x3, etc.
x1 (living being) belongs to species/taxon x2
x1=m1 is a specimen of a species/subspecies defined by traits including x2=m2, classified as x3=m3=j1, genus x4=m3=j2, etc.
k1=jm1=ji3 is a kingdom [biology] of domain [biology] k2.
x1 is an x2 of species/cultivar/breed/taxon x3.
se'ai'e (exp!)
(n, 1, 2, \dots, n-2, n - 1)st conversion.
se'au'e (exp!)
(2, 3, \dots, n-1, n, 1)st conversion.
ze'ai'e (exp!)
selbri conversion: permute all terbri so as to be exactly backward.
ze'au'e (exp!)
last-th conversion: switches the last terbri with the first one.
ze'e'a (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x2 and all xa places.
ze'e'au (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges all xa places.
ze'e'e (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x5 and all xa places.
ze'e'i (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x1 and all xa places.
ze'e'o (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x4 and all xa places.
ze'e'u (exp!)
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x3 and all xa places.
x1 is a race/breed/strain of x2
x1 is a Linnaean order, between family and class
x1 is a dream within dream x2 within dream x3 ... within dream xn.
x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1 is the formatted address for something - (with format) starting with x2, which is an address/locality/administrative subunit/region which belongs to slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x3, which in turn itself belongs to a slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x4, \dots (etc.).
x1 is linked by binary predicate x2 (ka) to x3. which in turn is linked by x2 to x4, which in turn is linked by x2 to x5, ...