ka'ei NUKEI experimental cmavo

abstractor: predicate abstractor. x1 is the predicate expressed by [bridi], using bo'a, bo'e, etc for variables.

Identical in meaning to an n-ary ka, but with lambda-variables bound to bo'a/bo'e/bo'i/bo'o/bo'u (bo'ai for additional variables) instead of ce'u (which may still be used for "next place"). This is mainly for convenience, to avoid having to assign pro-sumti to ce'u variables either with goi or ce'ai. See me'ei, me'au, cei'e, ckaji, ckini

In notes:

x1=c3 is a predicate relationship.
define following selbri with sentence or tu'e...tu'u clause
abstractor: x1 (x2, ...) are such that they satisfy [bridi], using bo'a/bo'e/etc for variables