kai'au ZUhEI experimental cmavo

Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive or attitudinal: I express this utterance in a manner or with mental state which is described by the immediately following and enclosed bridi in reference to the tagged construct, or assert that the said immediately following and enclosed bridi is true in application to the tagged construct in a metacommentary style.

Operates in the grammatical manner which "zu'ei" does, albeit with different semantics (and arguably resulting in an attitudinal instead of a discursive in some instances); there is no restriction on a ZUhEI construct tagging any part of another one (although application of one to the whole and presence of the other, rather than to merely a given construct within its enclosed bridi or to the same tagged structure which the first ZUhEI tags, requires "toi'e"). Can be closely related to "soi'a broda", depending on 'broda'. Examples: "Hopefully"/"I hope"/"one should hope", "sadly", "regretfully", "cordially", "stoically"/"being emotionally hard" (probably said of oneself), "being sexually aroused", "(metpahorically or physically) hungrily" (probably said of oneself), "candidly/"honestly"/"forthcomingly"/"with candor"/"earnestly", "abstemiously", "abstainingly", "being neutral in this affair", "hurriedly" (said of the act of expressing itself), "guiltily", "confessionally", "obviously"/"of course"/"clearly", "with realization"/"coming to understanding", "confusedly" (probably expressing own confusion), "relatedly", "inserting a comment here to the effect of...", etc.; compare to analogous bridi in a "zu'ei" scope.

In notes:

Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive: I express this utterance/construct/(rest of the) bridi which has been tagged for the purpose or goal of enacting, causing, enabling, implementing, actualizing, manifesting, enhancing, yielding, or rendering applicable the immediately following and enclosed bridi or in order to make the immediately following and enclosed bridi be true (or closer to the truth or more true or more strongly true) in application to the utterance/construct/rest of the bridi which has been tagged by this marker; the tagged expression/construct is for the benefit or sake of making the immediately following and enclosed bridi true.