malgli lujvo

g1=m1 is an anglicism (in Lojban), inappropriate according to m3.

Refers to any kind of reliance upon English in a Lojban expression, but is most common for calques. Is sometimes even extended to cover reliance upon cultural assumptions. “malglico” is a much more common form. See malglixlu.

In notes:

x1=m1=g1=xl3 is an inappropriate anglicism made by x2=xl2, inappropriate according to x3=m3
x1=c1 is "woke" to/aware of x2
x1 is the language/sublanguage that uses no apparent terbri/selbri distinction and is used by x2 to express ideas (not text) x3.
x1 is the language/sublanguage that uses no apparent recursion rules and is used by x2 to express ideas (not text) x3.
x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially-unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is d(A, x1) and such that x4 [nonnegative integer; li] is d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).
x1 is an electric charge which measures x2 (li; default: 1) coulombs by standard/under convention x3 (default: SI definition, except the charge of the proton is negative).
x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is the minimum element of the set consisting only of d(A, x1) and of d(A, x2), and such that x4 [integer; li] is d(A, x1) - d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).