x1=n1 is an event of x2=s1 recognizing/celebrating x3=s2=l1, lojbanic in aspect x4=l2, with party/actions x5=s3; x1 is Logfest with attendees/participants x2.
x1 is a gathering/meeting/assembly/conclave/conference/ congregation/congress/convention/encounter/get-together/reunion of participants x2 at location x3 from locations x4.
shows mutual activity between this place and the first place of the current bridi; members participating in the activity are put into the first place (that e.g. can be formed by connecting sumti with {ce} or {jo'u})
x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1=t2 is an element in the set that underlies structure/ring x2≈s3 that is nilpotent in that structure with nilpotency x3=t3 (nonnegative integer according to the typical rules)
x1 is the audience/enjoying or partaking party of work/performance/program/entertainment/transmission/experience/story/presentation/act x2 (concrete or abstract), via means/mode/expressed in format/using senses x3; x1 watches/listens/reads/experiences x2.
Property relativizing determiner / unary quantifier constructor. {kai'i} introduces a predicate whose first argument slot becomes filled by the property made by taking the bridi in which this {kai'i} appears and putting {ce'u} into the argument slot in which this {kai'i} argument was located. Put formally, "kai'i brodi cu brodu" = "lo ka ce'u brodu cu brodi". Additionally, a {kai'i} term has a rightward logical scope, like quantifiers and adverbials.
x1 (contestant) comes in x2th (integer; typically positive but no more than the length/cardinality of x4; lesser values represent better performance) place in contest x3 against opponents x4 (complete list (not mecessarily ordered) or set of all qualifying competitors); x1 has rank x2 in contest/conpetition/game/tournament/campaign x3.
Target node x1 and primary subject node x4 belong to the same (single) strictly-directed, connected tree graph/network/hierarchy or are related by relation scheme x5 such that x1 has coordinates (x2, x and x4 has coordinates (0, 0) according to the labelling scheme which is described in the notes hereof.