se'au'e SE experimental cmavo

(2, 3, \dots, n-1, n, 1)st conversion.

Permutes the terbri so that the mth sumti slot of the new selbri is the (m+1)st sumti slot of the original selbri, for any natural m such that 1 \leq m < n, and the last (id est: nth) sumti slot of the new selbri is the first sumti slot of the original selbri, where the cardinality of the terbri of the original selbri (and thus the new one) is n (such that n is a natural number) each. This permutation is given by the cycle (1, n, n-1, n-2, \dots 3, 2) acting on the indices of the terbri (notice that this is cyclic permutation notation, not an ordered tuple (as appears in the definition)). See also: se'ai'e for inverse. The behavior of this word when applied to open-ended terbri structures (such as for "jutsi") is yet to be explored; use it cautiously in such contexts, or perhaps not at all.

In notes:

(n, 1, 2, \dots, n-2, n - 1)st conversion.