tracinse lujvo

c1=t1 in activity/state c2 exhibits/performs/expresses gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.

Gender here denotes a social role loosely defined as a combination of how one relates to others socially/societally/culturally and how one presents oneself. Gender here is not determined by chromosomal makeup, genital configuration, or sexual/romantic orientation of x1. No implication of sexual orientation. Cf. binary gender (reltracinse), non-binary gender (nalreltracinse), cisgender (duntracinse), transgender (datytracinse), gender identity (sezytracinse), gender/sexuality/sexual orientation (cinse).

In notes:

c1=t1=d1 is transgender in activity/state c2, exhibiting/expressing/performing gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.
c1=t1=d1 is cisgender in activity/state c2 and exhibits/performs/expresses gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.
c1=t1 in activity/state c2 exhibits/performs/expresses non-binary gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.
c1=t1 in activity/state c2 exhibits/performs/expresses binary gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.
c1=t1=s2 in activity/state c2 expresses gender identity c3=t2=s1 (ka) by standard c4.
x1 has [self-proclaimed] gender x2 (property of x1)