x1 is familiar to the memories of x2 in feature x3 (ka) and by standard x4; x2 knows/is familiar with/has lived memory of x2.
For example: A person may know/have known/remember their grandparents, even if the latter are dead. The general emphasis is that the familiarity was gained in and might be applicable to only/primarily the past, or might strictly belong to the past/memory. Considering that events end and people change or die, it is hard to say that something which belongs strictly to the past or which may have evolved beyond recognition in some respects remains presently 'familiar' (slabu), even if it was experienced formerly. This word uses the proposed/experimental rafsi '-ve'i-' of the experimental gismu "vedli"; it also relies on "slabu" taking a greater connotation of familiarity/'knowledge' (in the Spanish "conocer" sense) due to the introduction of the experimental gismu "laldo" for other meanings of "old".