ve'irsau'utka fu'ivla

x1 is remembered by someone/something which remembers ... which remembers someone/something which is remembered by x2 via intermediate nodes/steps x3 (ce'o; ordered list).

The type of remembrance here is that of "ve'irsau" (recommended that that entry be referenced before usage of this word); make sure that x1, x2, and all members of x3 are compatible with this meaning. This word uses experimental rafsi forms for the experimental gismu "vedli" and the zevla ".utka", and relies on experimental gismu "laldo" in order to inform and restrict the meaning of "slabu". Example: This word can be used in order to approximate the meaning of "the living memory of anyone who was in the living memory of anyone who ... who was in the living memory of anyone who was in the living memory of x2.