xe'e PA4 experimental cmavo

digit/number: any/non-specific referent; modifies quantifier to indicate that it is not important what the specific members of the referential set are

Note: ro is preferred if you are merely saying that the predicate is true for all referents ("Anyone can do this"), rather than saying something like "Choose any two apples". // (xe'e pa prenu) = "any one person / one non-specific person", (xe'enai pa prenu) = "one specific person". See itca, steci, su'anai, su'ero, te'i'o

In notes:

digit/number: any number
digit/number: specific referent; modifies quantifier to indicate that there are particular referents that fulfill the predicate
x1 is any referent of x2 ; x2 has a set of referents, but the difference between the members of the set is not important
x1 acts Lojbanically cruel/pedantic toward x2 in manner x3 (ka)