ro PA4 -rol- cmavo

digit/number: each, all.

In definition:

fa'ai'ai (exp!)
mekso k-ary operator, for natural k and 1 < k < 5: ordered input (f, g, S, m) where f and g are functions, S is a set of positive integers or "ro" (="all"), and m is 0 or 1 (as a toggle); output is a function equivalent to the function f as applied to an input ordered tuple with g applied to the entries/terms with indices in S (or to all entries/terms if S="ro") if m=0, or g left-composed with the same if m=1.
su'o'o (exp!)
digit/number: strictly greater (more) than 0 but strictly less than all (jbo.: "ro").
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where {su'o}, {ro} quantifiers are treated as {su'oi}, {ro'oi} respectively

In notes:

pisu'osoi'ai (comp!)
digit/number: at least almost-all of; at least almost-certain; 100%.
su'ero (comp!)
digit/number: any number
su'osoi'ai (comp!)
digit/number: at least almost-all/at least almost-every/at least almost-everywhere; the complementary set is null and may even be empty.
l1 (quoted letteral) is the last letter of the word v1.
x1 is any referent of x2 ; x2 has a set of referents, but the difference between the members of the set is not important
x1 is local train that stops every station of cars/units x2 (mass) for rails/system/railroad x3, propelled by x4.
x1=d1 knows everything about x2=d3 by epistemology x3=d4; x1=d1 is omniscient about matter(s) x2=d3.
x1 knows all the rafsi/morphemes of language x2
z1 is real/really exists in this universe for z2 under metaphysics z3.
c1 is a totalitarian system in j2 with power exercised by t1=t1
x1 is medicine used to treat illness/disease x2 ({bilma}/ka/state) via mechanism of action x3 (event) at dosage x4 (ka))
bu'ai (exp!)
abstractor: abstractor to create logically quantified selbri variable to be used in predicate logic of third or higher order.
universal famyma'o: terminates the most recently opened construct or clause.
dau'e (exp!)
Numeral: Some but not all.
Quantifier modifier: endowment of existential import - repeal of existential import/abstention from claiming existence - assertion of non-existence
Property relativizing determiner / unary quantifier constructor. {kai'i} introduces a predicate whose first argument slot becomes filled by the property made by taking the bridi in which this {kai'i} appears and putting {ce'u} into the argument slot in which this {kai'i} argument was located. Put formally, "kai'i brodi cu brodu" = "lo ka ce'u brodu cu brodi". Additionally, a {kai'i} term has a rightward logical scope, like quantifiers and adverbials.
Predicate to variable-binding binary quantifier. The first slot of the predicate must be a property.
na'ei (exp!)
Contradictory negation of a predicate
no'ai (exp!)
digit/number: absolute zero; nothing; there does not exist; ∄
rai'i (exp!)
mekso (2 or 3)-ary operator: maximum/minimum/extreme element; ordered list of extreme elements of the set underlying ordered set/structure X1 in direction X2 of list length X3 (default: 1)
ro'oi (exp!)
universal plural quantifier. “All.”
sei'a (exp!)
converts singular quantifier into plural quantifier
soi'ai (exp!)
almost all/almost every/almost everywhere (technical sense): there is a non-universal conull subset (the complementary (sub)set of which is non-empty but of measure 0, where complement is taken with respect/relative to the universal set) of such things that are satisfactory.
ve'oi (exp!)
Close all open mathematical brackets.
mekso convention cancellation
xe'e (exp!)
digit/number: any/non-specific referent; modifies quantifier to indicate that it is not important what the specific members of the referential set are
unary mekso operator: reverse ordered list/tuple X1.
x1 (plural of ordered pairs) is an exhaustive set (possibly infinite) of inputs/outputs defining a unary function which yields result x3 when given input x2; x1(x2) = x3
x1 (event/state) is on Monday or the first day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the first month/January of a year x2 in system x3.
For mo'e x4 x in x1 there exist mo'e x5 y in x2 such that x me'au x3 y; for mo'e x6 y in x2 there exist mo'e x7 x in x1 such that x me'au x3 y.
x1 has relation x2 (binary ka) with everything [that has property x3 (ka)]
x1 is a person-universe, considered as person x2 and as universe x3
x1 is the 'ce ki tau jei' dialect of Lojban, used by x2 to communicate x3 (si'o/du'u)
x1 is a torus of genus x2 (li; nonnegative integer), having x3 (li; nonnegative integer) distinct cusps, and with other properties/characteristics x4, by standard/in sense x5; x1 is an x2-fold torus.