zu'ai KOhA7 experimental cmavo

shows mutual activity between this place and the first place of the current bridi; members participating in the activity are put into the first place (that e.g. can be formed by connecting sumti with {ce} or {jo'u})

See also simxu, zi'o

On grammatical class:

dei'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: the next word
dei'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: this word
dei'u (exp!)
pro-sumti: the previous word
do'u'o (exp!)
question word: which utterance?
gi'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: refers to the proposition that is the left-hand side complement of the current logical connection.
ko'o'au (exp!)
Pro-sumti: references a following mentioned sumti, but which one is not specified.
ko'o'e (exp!)
Pro-sumti: references a previously mentioned sumti, but which one is not specified.
noi'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: this paragraph
voi'a (exp!)
pronoun analogical to the vo'a series for the fai-place.
zi'au (exp!)
nonexistent/undefining it; the selbri is not applicable when the other terbri are filled in the manner in which they are in this utterance/bridi.
zu'i'a (exp!)
typically what?
pseudo-quantifier binding a variable within an abstraction that represents an open place.
logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 1 (usually restricted).
pro-sumti: remote future utterance; "He'll tell you tomorrow. IT will be a doozy.".
pro-sumti: a remote past utterance; "She couldn't have known that IT would be true.".
logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 2 (usually restricted).
pro-sumti: a near future utterance.
pro-sumti: this utterance.
pro-sumti: a recent utterance.
logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 3 (usually restricted).
pro-sumti: the next utterance.
pro-sumti: the last utterance.
pro-sumti: you listener(s); identified by vocative.
pro-sumti: elliptical/unspecified utterance variable.
pro-sumti: you the listener & others unspecified.
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #6 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #7 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #8 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #9 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #10 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: relativized sumti (object of relative clause).
pro-sumti: you (imperative); make it true for you, the listener.
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #1 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #2 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #3 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #4 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #5 (specified by goi).
pro-sumti: sumti question (what/who/how/why/etc.); appropriately fill in sumti blank.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & you the listener(s) & others unspecified.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s); identified by self-vocative.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & others unspecified, but not you, the listener.
pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & you the listener(s).
pro-sumti: a recent sumti before the last one, as determined by back-counting rules.
pro-sumti: the last sumti, as determined by back-counting rules.
pro-sumti: a remote past sumti, before all other in-use backcounting sumti.
pro-sumti: that there; nearby demonstrative it; indicated thing/place near listener.
pro-sumti: this here; immediate demonstrative it; indicated thing/place near speaker.
pro-sumti: that yonder; distant demonstrative it; indicated thing far from speaker and listener.
pro-sumti: repeats 1st place of main bridi of this sentence.
pro-sumti: repeats 2nd place of main bridi of this sentence.
pro-sumti: repeats 3rd place of main bridi of this sentence.
pro-sumti: repeats 4th place of main bridi of this sentence.
pro-sumti: repeats 5th place of main bridi of this sentence.
pro-sumti: fills a sumti place, deleting it from selbri place structure;changes selbri semantics.
pro-sumti: an elliptical/unspecified value; has some value which makes bridi true.
pro-sumti: the typical sumti value for this place in this relationship; affects truth value.
la'edi'u (comp!)
pro-sumti: the referent of the last utterance; the state described: "IT was fun".
le go'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x1 of the previous bridi.
le sego'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x2 of the previous bridi.
le tego'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x3 of the previous bridi.
le vego'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x4 of the previous bridi.
le xego'i (comp!)
description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x5 of the previous bridi.
loroda (comp!)
all the things (in our universe of discourse)
noda (comp!)
logically quantified sumti: nothing at all (unless restricted).
roda (comp!)
logically quantified universal sumti: everything (unless restricted).
bo'a (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 1; x1
bo'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 2; x2
bo'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 3; x3
bo'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 4; x4
bo'u (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 5; x5
ca'au (exp!)
Refers to what is usually assumed to be the argument of tense tags when no explicit argument is given
da'ai (exp!)
other than me
da'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: forgetful something/memory-less da
dei'ei (exp!)
pro-sumti: this entire document/text
di'au (exp!)
pro-sumti and sumyzmico: discourse-interior default it (terbri-specific)
di'ei (exp!)
pro-sumti and sumyzmico: an elliptical/unspecified value which does not necessarily obey the default setting for the corresponding terbri that is explicitly specified in the definition of the word; has some value which makes bridi true
di'oi (exp!)
pro-sumti & sumyzmico: discourse-exterior default it
do'au (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity may be chosen by the listener
do'ei (exp!)
impersonal pronoun; generic-you; generic-one; a generalized person
do'o'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: the original speaker (= you the primary listener/target) and the rest of the audience, excluding the new/current speaker (= me).
kau'a (exp!)
pro-sumti: strong-memory something1/eidetic da/elephant thing1 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
kau'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: strong-memory something2/eidetic de/elephant thing2 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
kau'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: strong-memory something3/eidetic di/elephant thing3 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
lau'e (exp!)
pronoun: the referent of the following utterance
lau'u (exp!)
pronoun: the referent of the preceding utterance
mai'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: the universal argument/value; syntactically-contextually and type-permitted maximally generic in its typing
mi'ai (exp!)
we; several people including one of the speakers; I (the speaker) and at least one another person (even if that person is one of the speakers too)
mi'oi (exp!)
inclusive we; includes the speaker (I) and the listener (you), but may or may not include others
nau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity is unknown to the speaker
nau'u (exp!)
what is now; refers to current space/time/situation reference absolutely
ra'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: others, not me/we/the speaker(s)/the author(s)/you the listener(s).
ri'au (exp!)
pro-sumti: the next/immediately following sumti (as determined by back-counting rules applied forward)
sau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity the speaker is assuming the listener to know
sy'y (exp!)
pro-sumti: something or some things (shorthand for "su'oi dzai'i" with lowest local scope).
tu'oi (exp!)
null connective operand; used to fill empty places in JOI
tu'oi'u (exp!)
end connective string, set, list such that the set of terms provided is exhaustive.
vau'a (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 1st argument slot (fa-slot).
vau'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 2nd argument slot (fe-slot).
vau'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 3rd argument slot (fi-slot).
vau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 4th argument slot (fo-slot).
vau'u (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 5th argument slot (fu-slot).
xai (exp!)
they.(repeat >1 preceding sumti)
xa'u (exp!)
discourse pronoun: the future situation
xe'i (exp!)
discourse pronoun: the current situation
xi'o (exp!)
discourse pronoun: the previous situation
zai'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: the empty argument/value; syntactically-contextually and type-permitted maximally generic in its typing
zoi'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: current topic (most recent unquantified sumti occurring in a prenex).
zu'ai (exp!)
shows mutual activity between this place and the first place of the current bridi; members participating in the activity are put into the first place (that e.g. can be formed by connecting sumti with {ce} or {jo'u})

In definition:

x1 is the selma'o "KOhA".

In notes:

xa zei sumtika
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-6' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.