kanpe experimental gismu

x1 expects/looks for the occurence of x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1, default {li} {so'a} i.e. near 1); x1 subjectively evaluates the likelihood of x2 (event) to be x3.

The value of x3 is a subjective estimate of likeliness according to x1, and is the basic determinant of whether kanpe means something like "hope" or "wish" or "expect", although kanpe never carries the connotation of desire; for that connotation see pacna. kanpe with x3 not very close to 1 has no simple equivalent in English, but for objects/states with negligible expectation it is something like "wishing"; if the state is plausibly likely, it is something like "hoping". In both cases, though, the English implication of emotional desire is not present. The value will usually be expressed using inexact numbers ("li piso'u" to "li piro"); not-necessarily desirous wish, not necessarily desirous hope. See also ba'a, djica, pacna, lakne, cunso.

In notes:

evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember.
x1 predicts that x2 (du'u) is true in/about future time/place x3 on grounds x4.
s1=d1 wagers d2 to creditor d3 on s2 (du'u).
x2 (property) is satisfied by a number equal to that expected by x1 with likelihood x3
x1 is so x2 (ka) that x3 (nu); x1=ckajiZ1=ckajiP1=raunzu1 satisfies property x2=ckajiZ2=fatci1=raunzu2=zmadu2 enough that x3=raunzu3, where ckajiP2=kanpe2=zmadu2.
x2 (property) is satisfied by a number different from that expected by x1 with likelihood x3
x1 underestimates the value satisfying x2 (ka/ni) by amount x3, underestimated with likelihood x4; x2 (property) is satisfied by a number greater by amount x3 than that expected by x1 with likelihood x4
x1 overestimates the value satisfying x2 (ka/ni) by amount x3, overestimated with likelihood x4; x2 (property) is satisfied by a number lesser by amount x3 than that expected by x1 with likelihood x4
x1 is realistic/sane (colloquial sense)/pragmatic/practical/typical/frequent/fairly probable/deemed to be likely to actually happen in real-life (as opposed to in a flight of fantasy or being merely possible but unlikely/abnormal) according to judge x2 and under external conditions/rules for judgment/considerations x3
discursive suffix: attaches to number. "I expect with probability..."
evidential: I expect - I deny expecting
x1 is a spoiler, a document, review or comment that discloses x2 that is a continuation or a key surprise or twist in a story
x1 predicts, prophesies x2 (clause) like Baba Vanga