zoi'u FA experimental cmavo

tags a topic or prenex; scopes over the entire bridi (unless there is already a {zo'u} clause).

In other words, scope will be preserved in case the tag is moved around. Equivalent to appending another term at the end of the zo'u-clause. See zo'u.

On grammatical class:

sumti place tag: tag 1st sumti place.
sumti place tag: tag a sumti moved out of numbered place structure; used in modal conversions.
sumti place tag: tag 2nd sumti place.
sumti place tag: tag 3rd sumti place.
sumti place tag: place structure number/tag question.
sumti place tag: tag 4th sumti place.
sumti place tag: tag 5th sumti place.
fa'au'u (exp!)
nonce place; tags sumti with an unspecified connection to the bridi
fai'i (exp!)
Pendent preposition. Introduces a dangling argument that doesn't take part in the surrounding argument structure; similarly to {zo'u}, it may be used for pre-declaring a quantification, or for introducing an argument that will be later referred to anaphorically. The pronoun {zoi'i} is automatically bound to the argument introduced by {fai'i}.
zoi'u (exp!)
tags a topic or prenex; scopes over the entire bridi (unless there is already a {zo'u} clause).

In definition:

convert tense/modal (tagged) place to 1st place; 1st place moves to extra FA place (fai).
vau'a (exp!)
pro-sumti: repeats the most recent 1st argument slot (fa-slot).
x1 is the selma'o "FA".
x1 (brivla/selbri) is used by place x2 (number/me'o+FA+bu) being filled with (a description of / symbol for) x3, in the usage of x4, according to rule(s) x5.

In notes:

x1 is a gumball of composition x2
x1 is/are the earliest, most ancient among x2
Multiple sumti link; open-ended sumti-linking.
default value (re)specification/(re)assignment/(re)definition/over-write; set new default value (terbri-specific; permanent)
kai'i (exp!)
Property relativizing determiner / unary quantifier constructor. {kai'i} introduces a predicate whose first argument slot becomes filled by the property made by taking the bridi in which this {kai'i} appears and putting {ce'u} into the argument slot in which this {kai'i} argument was located. Put formally, "kai'i brodi cu brodu" = "lo ka ce'u brodu cu brodi". Additionally, a {kai'i} term has a rightward logical scope, like quantifiers and adverbials.
Predicate to variable-binding binary quantifier. The first slot of the predicate must be a property.
lo'o'o (exp!)
plural logic maximum-scope descriptor: those who individually or collectively are ...
no'au (exp!)
Introduces a bridi relative clause, with the scope of {xoi} and the semantics of {noi}
se'u'o (exp!)
selbri conversion question
Echo-resumptive construction initiator: This particle immediately precedes a verb word (selbrivla) which is a repetition of a verb that already occurred in the same sentence in an outer clause level; the combination of this particle and that echo verb acts like a terminator, signaling a return to the closest clause level whose main verb was the same as the provided echo verb.
zi'oi'oi (exp!)
Delete subsequent sumti slots.
x1 is called after property x2 by x3
x1 is omnivore
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where every bridi has arguments expressed in content/patient/recipient/stimulus semantic cases schema
x0: You decide. (nullary predicate)
x1 is a meme