On type:
- a'acu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: attentive - inattentive - avoiding.
- a'anai (comp!)
- attitudinal: attentive - inattentive - avoiding.
- a'enai (comp!)
- attitudinal: alertness - exhaustion.
- a'icu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: effort - no special effort - repose.
- aicu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: intent - indecision - rejection/refusal.
- a'inai (comp!)
- attitudinal: effort - no special effort - repose.
- ainai (comp!)
- attitudinal: intent - indecision - rejection/refusal.
- a'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal: hope - despair.
- a'ucu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion.
- aucu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance.
- a'unai (comp!)
- attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion.
- aunai (comp!)
- attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance.
- ba'acu'i (comp!)
- evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember.
- ba'anai (comp!)
- evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember.
- baba (comp!)
- time tense: will be going to; (tense/modal).
- baca'a (comp!)
- time tense: future actuality; modal aspect.
- baca'o (comp!)
- time tense: will be then; (tense/modal).
- bapu (comp!)
- time tense: will have been; (tense/modal).
- ba'ucu'i (comp!)
- discursive: exaggeration - accuracy - understatement.
- ba'unai (comp!)
- discursive: exaggeration - accuracy - understatement.
- baze'e (comp!)
- time tense: forever after / forevermore
- be'ucu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: lack/need - presence/satisfaction - satiation.
- be'unai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: lack/need - presence/satisfaction - satiation.
- biki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 8,000 expressed with comma.
- bimei (comp!)
- quantifier selbri: convert 8 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the octet of members x2.
- bimoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 8 to ordinal selbri; x1 is eighth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- bino (comp!)
- number/quantity: 80 [eighty].
- binono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 800 [eight hundred].
- binonovo (comp!)
- number/quantity: 8004, without comma.
- bi'unai (comp!)
- discursive: newly introduced information - previously introduced information.
- bu'ocu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal contour: start emotion - continue emotion - end emotion.
- bu'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal contour: start emotion - continue emotion - end emotion.
- caba'o (comp!)
- time tense: has been, is now in the aftermath of; (tense/modal).
- caca'a (comp!)
- time tense: present actuality; modal aspect.
- caca'o (comp!)
- time tense: is now/simultaneously, is now in the middle of; (tense/modal).
- ca'edai (comp!)
- discursive / expression: "If you say so"
- ca'enai (comp!)
- evidential: I don't define
- cajeba (comp!)
- time tense: during and after; (tense/modal).
- caku (comp!)
- Now. At the present time.
- ca ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a time/date/event; simultaneous with what?.
- capu'o (comp!)
- time tense: is going to, is now just about to, is now anticipating; (tense/modal).
- cazi (comp!)
- right now
- cazu (comp!)
- nowadays, wide sense of "now"
- ci'ima'u (comp!)
- number: uncountably infinite of some sort or infinite in the sense of satisfying the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis.
- ci'ino (comp!)
- Digit string: aleph-nought, aleph-0, the cardinality of the natural (alternatively: integer) numbers
- ci'inoroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: countably infinitely many times; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- ci'iparoi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: continuum (R) type infinitely many time(s); objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- ci'iroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: occurs infinite times, eternally; objective tense; defaults as time.
- ciki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 3,000 expressed with comma.
- cimei (comp!)
- quantifier selbri: convert 3 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the trio of members x2.
- cimoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 3 to ordinal selbri; x1 is third among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- cino (comp!)
- number/quantity: 30 [thirty].
- cinogeipa (comp!)
- number: 1×1030, quetta, nonillion; symbol: Q
- cinono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 300 [three hundred].
- ciroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: thrice; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- coico'o (comp!)
- vocative: greetings in passing.
- cu'u ko'a (comp!)
- tagged sumti: can be used for embedded: it-1 said, "...", with editorial unquote and insert.
- da'amei (comp!)
- quantifier selbri: convert all but one to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with all but one members x2.
- da'amoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: converts all-but-(1) to ordinal selbri; x1 is penultimate among x2 by rule x3.
- da'aremoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: converts all-but-2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is antepenult. among x2 by rule x3.
- da'inai (comp!)
- discursive: supposing - in fact.
- di'inai (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: irregularly/aperiodically; tense/modal; defaults as time tense.
- do'anai (comp!)
- discursive: generously - parsimoniously.
- doido'u (comp!)
- generic vocative address to intended listener;.
- doinai (comp!)
- "anti-vocative": specifically denies that the referent is the intended listener.
- du'emei (comp!)
- quantifier selbri: convert too many to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with too many members x2.
- du'eroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: too many times objective tense, defaults as time tense.
- du'ukau (comp!)
- bridi abstractor: x1 is the answer to the question x2
- e'anai (comp!)
- attitudinal: permission - prohibition.
- e'enai (comp!)
- attitudinal: competence - incompetence/inability.
- e'icu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: feeling constraint - independence - challenge/resistance against constraint.
- e'inai (comp!)
- attitudinal: feeling constraint - independence - challenge/resistance against constraint.
- einai (comp!)
- attitudinal: obligation - freedom.
- enai (comp!)
- logical connective: sumti afterthought x but not y.
- e'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal: request - negative request.
- e'ucu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: suggestion - abandon suggest - warning.
- e'unai (comp!)
- attitudinal: suggestion - abandon suggest - warning.
- fauroda
- any way, under any events
- fe'eba'o (comp!)
- location event contour tense: perfective in space; beyond the place of ...
- fe'eca'o (comp!)
- location event contour tense: continuative in space; throughout the place of ...
- fe'eco'a (comp!)
- location event contour tense: initiative in space; on this edge of ...
- fe'eco'i (comp!)
- location event contour tense: achievative in space; at the point of ...
- fe'emo'u (comp!)
- location event contour tense: completive in space; at the far end of ...
- fe'enau (comp!)
- tense: right here; refers to current spatial reference absolutely
- fe'enoroi (comp!)
- location tense interval modifier: never in space; objectively quantified tense.
- fe'epu'o (comp!)
- location event contour tense: anticipative in space; up to the edge of ...
- fe'eroroi (comp!)
- location tense interval modifier: always in space; objectively quantified tense.
- fe'eza'o (comp!)
- location event contour tense: superfective in space; continuing too far beyond ...
- fi'inai (comp!)
- vocative: hospitality - inhospitality.
- fi'ure (comp!)
- half.
- fu'inai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: easy - difficult.
- ga'icu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier/honorific: hauteur - equal rank - meekness; used with one of equal rank.
- ga'inai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier/honorific: hauteur - equal rank - meekness; used with one of higher rank.
- ganai
- logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal conditional/only if (with gi).
- ga'u re'o (comp!)
- location tense relation / direction; upon ...
- gei ci
- 103; thousands
- gi'enai (comp!)
- logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought x but not y.
- gi'onai (comp!)
- logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought exclusive or; Latin 'aut'.
- go'ira'o (comp!)
- pro-bridi: preceding bridi; repeats claim as true, updating for speaker/listener change.
- gonai
- logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal exclusive or (with gi); Latin 'aut'.
- gu'anai (comp!)
- logical connective: tanru-internal forethought conditional/only if (with gi).
- gu'onai (comp!)
- logical connective: tanru-internal forethought exclusive or (with gi); Latin 'aut'.
- iacu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief.
- i'anai (comp!)
- attitudinal: acceptance - blame.
- ianai (comp!)
- attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief.
- i'ecu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: approval - non-approval - disapproval.
- i'enai (comp!)
- attitudinal: approval - non-approval - disapproval.
- ienai (comp!)
- attitudinal: agreement - disagreement.
- i'inai (comp!)
- attitudinal: togetherness - privacy.
- iinai (comp!)
- attitudinal: fear - security.
- ija (comp!)
- logical connective: sentence afterthought or.
- ijanai (comp!)
- logical connective: sentence afterthought: (preceding sentence) if this sentence.
- ije (comp!)
- logical connective: sentence afterthought and.
- ije'i (comp!)
- logical connective: sentence afterthought conn question.
- ijenai (comp!)
- logical connective: sentence afterthought x but not y.
- ijo (comp!)
- logical connective: sentence afterthought biconditional/iff/if-and-only-if.
- ijonai (comp!)
- logical connective: sentence afterthought exclusive or; Latin 'aut'.
- iju (comp!)
- logical connective: sentence afterthought whether-or-not.
- iku'i
- 'However,' 'But', 'In contrast'; separates utterances
- inaja (comp!)
- logical connective: sentence afterthought conditional/only if.
- i'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal: appreciation - envy.
- ionai (comp!)
- attitudinal: respect - disrespect.
- isemu'ibo (comp!)
- modal sentence connection: motive 'therefore', 'and it is the motive for ...'
- iseri'abo (comp!)
- modal sentence connection: causal 'therefore'
- iucu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred.
- i'unai (comp!)
- attitudinal: familiarity - mystery.
- iunai (comp!)
- attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred.
- ja'aku
- (adverbial) bridi logical affirmer; "it is true that...."; affirms the bridi as well as any other adverbial or quantifier located on its right.
- ja'aru'e (comp!)
- weak bridi affirmation; barely; almost not at all.
- ja'enai (comp!)
- na'e jalge modal, 1st place (event causal); without result ...
- jaica (comp!)
- convert time tense (tagged) place to 1st place; 1st place moves to extra place (fai).
- jaigau (comp!)
- makes x1 the agent of a bridi; old 1st place moves to extra place (fai).
- jaivi (comp!)
- convert location tense (tagged) place to 1st place; 1st place moves to extra place (fai).
- ja'onai (comp!)
- discursive/evidential: after all...
- je'abo
- negation sumti qualifier: that which indeed is.
- je'aucu'i (comp!)
- discursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) errordiscursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) error/incompleteness/approximation
- je'aunai (comp!)
- discursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) errordiscursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) error/incompleteness/approximation
- je'enai (comp!)
- vocative: roger (ack) - negative acknowledge (I didn't hear you)
- jeku'i
- but
- jenai (comp!)
- logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought x but not y.
- je'unai (comp!)
- discursive: truth - falsity.
- ji'acu'i (comp!)
- discursive: continuing/extending/belaboring the point
- ji'anai (comp!)
- discursive: returning to or correcting a previous point, moving back in the conversation/discourse
- ji'asai (comp!)
- even
- ji'einai (comp!)
- animate - inanimate
- ji'ima'u (comp!)
- rounded up (appended after string of digits indicating a rounded value).
- ji'ini'u (comp!)
- rounded down (appended after string of digits indicating a rounded value).
- jo'aunai (comp!)
- denial of dialect
- jonai (comp!)
- logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought exclusive or; Latin 'aut'.
- ju'acu'i (comp!)
- evidential: I say without asserting; "supposedly… / allegedly…"
- ju'aku'i (comp!)
- evidential: although, even though, while, whilst
- ju'anai (comp!)
- evidential: I say without asserting; "supposedly… / allegedly…"
- ju'icu'i (comp!)
- vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
- ju'inai (comp!)
- vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
- ju'ocai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: intense certainty.
- ju'ocu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: certainty - uncertainty - impossibility.
- ju'oinai (comp!)
- evidential: I don't know that...
- ju'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: certainty - uncertainty - impossibility.
- ju'opei (comp!)
- attitudinal: certainty question.
- ke'unai (comp!)
- discursive: repeating - continuing.
- ki'anai (comp!)
- non-question: understanding of something said.
- ki'enai (comp!)
- vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
- ki'u ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a rational explanation/justification; why?.
- ki'unai (comp!)
- na'e krinu modal, 1st place; regardless of
- ku'inai (comp!)
- discursive: in accordance with it; as expected
- la'acu'i (comp!)
- discursive: probability - possibility - improbability.
- la'anai (comp!)
- discursive: probability - improbability.
- la dontu'u (comp!)
- YouTube
- la'edi'u (comp!)
- pro-sumti: the referent of the last utterance; the state described: "IT was fun".
- la pa da
- the One
- la su'oda
- name: "Someone", aka "the god of lazy people", used when the speaker is pushing responsibility to someone else unspecified
- la'u ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a quantity; how many?.
- ledo (comp!)
- possessive/associative descriptor: the one(s) described as, of yours.
- le go'i (comp!)
- description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x1 of the previous bridi.
- le jaica (comp!)
- description: marks description extracting the time tense place of the description bridi.
- le jaigau (comp!)
- description: marks description extracting the agentive place of the description selbri.
- le jaivi (comp!)
- description: marks description extracting the location place of the description bridi.
- leko'a (comp!)
- possessive/associative descriptor: the one(s) described as, of it-1's.
- lemi (comp!)
- possessive/associative descriptor: the one(s) described as, of mine.
- lenu (comp!)
- specific event descriptor: contraction of {le nu} and identical in meaning.
- le'ocu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: aggressive - passive - defensive.
- le'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: aggressive - passive - defensive.
- le sego'i (comp!)
- description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x2 of the previous bridi.
- leta (comp!)
- possessive/associative descriptor: nearby demonstrative possessive; cannot use for 'THAT ...'.
- le tego'i (comp!)
- description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x3 of the previous bridi.
- leti (comp!)
- possessive/associative descriptor: immediate demonstrative possessive; cannot use for 'THIS ...'.
- letu (comp!)
- possessive/associative descriptor: distant demonstrative possessive.
- leva (comp!)
- located descriptor: descriptive that-there (non-demonstrative).
- le vego'i (comp!)
- description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x4 of the previous bridi.
- levi (comp!)
- located descriptor: descriptive this-here (non-demonstrative).
- levu (comp!)
- located descriptor: descriptive that-yonder (non-demonstrative).
- le xego'i (comp!)
- description pro-sumti: reuses the value of the x5 of the previous bridi.
- li'anai (comp!)
- discursive: clearly - obscurely.
- li'i ze'ei ka (comp!)
- abstractor: experience of being: x1 is x2's experience of being [bridi] (property of x2; with {ce'u} referring to x2's position)
- li'i ze'ei nu (comp!)
- abstractor: experience of event: x1 is x2's experience of observing or participating in [bridi] (event)
- lonu (comp!)
- event descriptor: contraction of {lo nu} and identical in meaning.
- loroda (comp!)
- all the things (in our universe of discourse)
- lu li'u
- empty (grammatical) string/text/utterance
- medomoi
- x1 is yours among x2 by rule/relationship x3; x1 is your x2 by rule/relationship x3.
- me'e ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a name; who?; requires quoted name as an answer.
- mi'enai (comp!)
- self vocative: self-introduction - denial of identity; denies identity of speaker.
- mo'aroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: too few times; objective tense; defaults as time tense.
- mo'ibe'a (comp!)
- space motion tense: northwardly; to the north directional space motion.
- mo'ibu'u (comp!)
- space motion tense: moving to coincide directional space motion.
- mo'ica'u (comp!)
- space motion tense: forward directional space motion.
- mo'idu'a (comp!)
- space motion tense: eastwardly; to the east directional space motion.
- mo'idu'oi (comp!)
- space motion tense: clockwisely; to the clockwise angular-directional space motion.
- mo'ifa'a (comp!)
- space motion tense: arriving at; arriving at a point directional space motion.
- mo'iga'u (comp!)
- space motion tense: upwardly; upwards directional space motion.
- moi'icu'i (comp!)
- evidential: if I remember correctly...
- mo'ine'a (comp!)
- space motion tense: approximating; moving around the neighborhood of ... space motion.
- mo'ine'i (comp!)
- space motion tense: moving into directional space motion.
- mo'ine'u (comp!)
- space motion tense: southwardly; to the south directional space motion.
- mo'ini'a (comp!)
- space motion tense: downwardly; downwards directional space motion.
- mo'ipa'o (comp!)
- space motion tense: passing through directional space motion.
- mo'ire'o (comp!)
- space motion tense: along; along a path directional space motion.
- mo'iri'u (comp!)
- space motion tense: rightwardly; to the right directional space motion.
- mo'iru'u (comp!)
- space motion tense: orbiting; surrounding/annular directional space motion.
- mo'ite'e (comp!)
- space motion tense: moving along the border directional space motion.
- mo'iti'a (comp!)
- space motion tense: rearwardsly; rearwards directional space motion.
- mo'ito'o (comp!)
- space motion tense: moving away from a point directional space motion.
- mo'ivu'a (comp!)
- space motion tense: westwardly; to the west directional space motion.
- mo'ize'o (comp!)
- space motion tense: outwardsly; outward directional space motion.
- mo'izo'a (comp!)
- space motion tense: passing by a site directional space motion.
- mo'izo'i (comp!)
- space motion tense: approaching directional space motion.
- mo'izu'a (comp!)
- space motion tense: leftwardsly; to the left directional space motion.
- mo'izu'au (comp!)
- space motion tense: counterclockwisely; to the counterclockwise angular-directional space motion.
- mu'acu'i (comp!)
- discursive: for example - omitting - end examples.
- mu'anai (comp!)
- discursive: for example - omitting - end examples.
- mu'i ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a motive; why?.
- mu'inai (comp!)
- na'e mukti modal, 1st place; regardless of motive ...
- muki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 5,000 expressed with comma.
- mumei (comp!)
- quantifier selbri: convert 5 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the quintet of members x2.
- mumoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 5 to ordinal selbri; x1 is fifth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- muno (comp!)
- number/quantity: 50 [fifty].
- munono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 500 [five hundred].
- mu'onai (comp!)
- vocative: over (response OK) - more to come.
- na.a (comp!)
- logical connective: sumti afterthought conditional/only if.
- na'ebo
- negation sumti qualifier: something other than.
- na'efa'a (comp!)
- space direction: not towards specified point, contrary negation; direction modal.
- na'epu'i
- modal aspect: has never, and perhaps cannot; other-than-demonstrated-ability.
- nagi'a (comp!)
- logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought conditional/only if.
- nago'i (comp!)
- selbri: repeats preceding bridi while denying it as false; pro-assign values are unchanged.
- naja (comp!)
- logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought conditional/only if.
- naku
- (adverbial) bridi contradictory negator; "it is not true that...."; negates the bridi as well as any other adverbial or quantifier located on its right.
- na'onai (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: atypically; subjective tense/modal; defaults as time tense.
- naru'e (comp!)
- weak bridi negation; almost, but not quite.
- ni'i ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a logical proof; why?.
- ni'inai (comp!)
- na'e nibli modal, 1st place; regardless of logically sufficient condition ...
- noda (comp!)
- logically quantified sumti: nothing at all (unless restricted).
- no'ebo
- negation sumti qualifier: the neutral form/value of.
- noka'ono (comp!)
- Complex zero; 0 = (0,0) = 0 + 0i.
- nomei (comp!)
- x1 is a 0-some / empty mass / 0-tuple, with members x2 (must be the empty set).
- nomo'o (comp!)
- discursive utterance ordinal: zeroth section/chapter ordinal; foreword.
- noroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: never; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- nu'ecu'i (comp!)
- vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise.
- nu'enai (comp!)
- vocative: promise - promise release - un-promise.
- o'acu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: pride - modesty/humility - shame.
- o'anai (comp!)
- attitudinal: pride - modesty/humility - shame.
- o'enai (comp!)
- attitudinal: closeness - distance.
- o'inai (comp!)
- attitudinal: caution - rashness.
- oinai (comp!)
- attitudinal: complaint - pleasure.
- oire'e (comp!)
- attitudinal: spiritual/religious complaint.
- oiro'a (comp!)
- attitudinal: social complaint.
- oiro'e (comp!)
- attitudinal: mental complaint (puzzlement, excess mental work).
- oiro'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: emotional complaint.
- oiro'o (comp!)
- attitudinal: physical complaint.
- oiro'u (comp!)
- attitudinal: sexual complaint.
- onai (comp!)
- logical connective: sumti afterthought exclusive or; Latin 'aut'.
- o'ocu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: patience - mere tolerance - anger.
- o'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal: patience - mere tolerance - anger.
- o'ucu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: relaxation - composure - stress.
- o'unai (comp!)
- attitudinal: relaxation - composure - stress.
- pa'aku (comp!)
- sumti: explicitly marks respective use as in "THEY read THEIR (respective) books".
- pa'aseva'u (comp!)
- among (with a share for each)
- pabi (comp!)
- number/quantity: 18 [eighteen].
- pabigeipa
- number: 1×1018, exa, quintillion; symbol: E
- paci (comp!)
- number/quantity: 13 [thirteen].
- pa'enai (comp!)
- discursive: justice - prejudice.
- paki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 1,000 expressed with comma.
- pamai (comp!)
- discursive: first utterance ordinal.
- pamei (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 1 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with single/sole/only member x2.
- pamoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 1 to ordinal selbri; x1 is first among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- pamo'o (comp!)
- discursive utterance ordinal: first section/chapter ordinal.
- pamu (comp!)
- number/quantity: 15 [fifteen].
- pano (comp!)
- number/quantity: 10 [ten].
- panoki'oki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 10,000,000 [ten millions](Western numbering system/1,00,00,000 [100 lakhs](Indian numbering system).
- panomei (comp!)
- quantifier selbri: convert 10 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the decade of members x2.
- panomoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 10 to ordinal selbri; x1 is tenth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- panono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 100 [one hundred].
- panonoki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 100,000 [hundred thousand](Western numbering system)/[one lakh](Indian numbering system)..
- panonomei (comp!)
- quantifier selbri: convert 100 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the century of members x2.
- papa (comp!)
- number/quantity: 11 [eleven].
- pare (comp!)
- number/quantity: 12 [twelve].
- paremei (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 12 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with a dozen members x2.
- pare'u (comp!)
- for the first time
- paroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: once; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- paso (comp!)
- number/quantity: 19 [nineteen].
- paunai (comp!)
- discursive: unreal/rhetorical question follows.
- pavo (comp!)
- number/quantity: 14 [fourteen].
- paxa (comp!)
- number/quantity: 16 [sixteen].
- paze (comp!)
- number/quantity: 17 [seventeen].
- pe'ainai (comp!)
- technical meaning; marks a construct as jargon/terminology/technical/precise/exact speech/text
- pe'anai (comp!)
- literal sense; marks a construct as literal (non-figurative/non-metaphorical/exact) speech/text
- pe'aru'e (comp!)
- weak metaphor marker: indicates that there is some broadening of the concept, typically to include objects of types that are unusual for the defined place structure, but which retains most of the semantic of the word as defined.
- pecai (comp!)
- restrictive relative phrase marker: permanently / inalienably associated with; it is impossible or near-impossible to break that relation
- pesai (comp!)
- restrictive relative phrase marker: semi-permanently associated to; will remain associated unless something breaks that relation
- pidu'e (comp!)
- number: too much of.
- piji'i (comp!)
- number: approximately all of.
- pimo'a (comp!)
- number: too little of.
- pimu (comp!)
- half.
- pimucu'o (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert .5 to probability selbri; event x1 has a 50/50 chance under cond. x2.
- pino (comp!)
- Number/digit: exactly none of (empty set as a subset of another set); in probability theory, "guaranteed impossible".
- piresi'e (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert .2 = 1/5 to portion selbri; x1 is 1/5 of mass/totality x2.
- piro (comp!)
- number: all of.
- pirosi'e (comp!)
- quantified selbri: converts all-of to portion selbri; x1 is the whole portion of mass x2.
- piso'a (comp!)
- number: almost all of.
- piso'e (comp!)
- number: most of.
- piso'i (comp!)
- number: much of.
- pisoi'ai (comp!)
- almost all of/almost 1/almost surely/almost certainly (technical sense), but not "exactly all of" or "guaranteed" (sense: anti-impossible).
- pisoi'au (comp!)
- almost none of/almost 0/almost never/almost certainly not/nearly nothing of (technical sense) but technically being non-empty or possible in theory (not impossible).
- piso'iroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: often; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- piso'o (comp!)
- number: some of.
- piso'u (comp!)
- number: a little of.
- piso'uroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: rarely; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- pisu'esoi'au (comp!)
- digit/number: at most almost-none of (0%, taken as a fraction of a whole); the referent set is null and may even be empty.
- pisu'o (comp!)
- number: at least some of.
- pisu'osoi'ai (comp!)
- digit/number: at least almost-all of; at least almost-certain; 100%.
- pizau'u (comp!)
- arbitrarily much of, arbitrarily close to 1, an arbitrarily large proper fraction/percentage of
- po'onai (comp!)
- discursive: not exclusively, among others, including but not limited to.
- puba (comp!)
- time tense: was going to; (tense/modal).
- puca'a (comp!)
- time tense: past actuality; modal aspect.
- puca'o (comp!)
- time tense: was then; (tense/modal).
- pujeba (comp!)
- time tense: before and after; (tense/modal).
- pujeca (comp!)
- time tense: before and during; (tense/modal).
- pupu (comp!)
- time tense: had earlier been; (tense/modal).
- puza (comp!)
- time tense: a medium time before; (tense/modal).
- puze'a (comp!)
- time tense: for a medium length interval some time in the past; (tense/modal).
- puze'i (comp!)
- time tense: for a short interval some time in the past; (tense/modal).
- puze'u (comp!)
- time tense: for a long interval some time in the past; (tense/modal).
- puzi (comp!)
- time tense: a short time before; (tense/modal).
- puzu (comp!)
- time tense: a long time before; (tense/modal).
- puzuvukiku (comp!)
- time-tense discursive: a long time ago and far away; locks frame-of-reference of time and space
- ra'anai (comp!)
- unrelated to... / regardless of...
- ra'i'aucu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: want this to last - (cu'i) accept this - (nai) want this to end soon
- ra'i'aunai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: want this to last - (cu'i) accept this - (nai) want this to end soon
- ra'ucu'i (comp!)
- discursive: chiefly - equally - incidentally.
- raumei (comp!)
- quantified selbri: converts enough to cardinal; x1 is a set with members x2, enough by std. x3.
- raumoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: converts enough to ordinal; x1 is enoughth among x2, order rule x3.
- ra'unai (comp!)
- discursive: chiefly - equally - incidentally.
- re'enai (comp!)
- emotion category/modifier: spiritual/worship - sacrilege.
- re'inai (comp!)
- vocative: ready to receive - not ready to receive.
- reki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 2,000 expressed with comma.
- remai (comp!)
- discursive: second utterance ordinal.
- remei (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 2 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the pair of members x2.
- remoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is second among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- reno (comp!)
- number/quantity: 20 [twenty].
- renomei (comp!)
- quantifier selbri: convert 20 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with the score of members x2.
- renono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 200 [two hundred].
- repageipa
- number: 1×1021, zetta, sextillion; symbol: Z
- reroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: twice; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- revogeipa
- number: 1×1024, yotta, septillion; symbol: Y
- rezegeipa
- number: 1×1027, ronna, octillion; symbol: R
- ri'a ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a physical cause; why?.
- ri'anai (comp!)
- na'e rinka modal, 1st place (phys./mental); regardless of cause ...
- ri'enai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: release of emotion - emotion restraint.
- ri'ero'u (comp!)
- release of sexual emotion - sexual emotion restraint; erotic fulfillment - impotence/abstinence.
- ro'anai (comp!)
- emotion category/modifier: social - antisocial.
- roda (comp!)
- logically quantified universal sumti: everything (unless restricted).
- ro'enai (comp!)
- emotion category/modifier: mental - mindless.
- ro'inai (comp!)
- emotion category/modifier: emotional - denying emotion.
- romai (comp!)
- discursive utterance ordinal: finally; last utterance ordinal.
- romoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: is final among; convert all to ordinal selbri; x1 is last among x2, rule x3.
- ro'onai (comp!)
- emotion category/modifier: physical - denying physical.
- rore'u (comp!)
- (for the) last time
- roroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: always; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- ro'unai (comp!)
- emotion category/modifier: sexual - sexual abstinence.
- ru'inai (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: occasional/intermittent/discontinuous; defaults as time tense.
- sa'enai (comp!)
- discursive: precisely speaking - loosely speaking.
- sau'e'unai (comp!)
- cancel topic
- sa'unai (comp!)
- discursive: simply - elaborating.
- se'anai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: self-sufficiency - dependency.
- seba'i (comp!)
- basti modal, 2nd place
instead of ...
- sebai (comp!)
- bapli modal, 2nd place (forcing result)
compelling event ...
- sebau (comp!)
- bangu modal, 2nd place (speakers)
in language of speakers ...
- sebe'ei (comp!)
- benre modal, 2nd place, which is the beneficiary of...
- sebe'i (comp!)
- benji modal, 2nd place (message/cargo)
transmitting ...
- seca'i (comp!)
- catni modal, 2nd place
authoritatively; with authority over ...
- secau (comp!)
- claxu modal, 2nd place (lacking)
without ...
- seci'e (comp!)
- ciste modal, 2nd place
with system function ...
- seci'o (comp!)
- cinmo modal, 2nd place (shows attitude)
emotionally; emoting ...
- seci'u (comp!)
- ckilu modal, 2nd place used in scalar negation
on scale measuring ...
- secu'u (comp!)
- cusku modal, 2nd place (saying)
expressively; expressing ...
- sede'i (comp!)
- detri modal, 2nd place (for letters)
on the same date as ... ; label with event.
- sedi'o (comp!)
- diklo modal, 2nd place
locally; at specific locus ...
- sedu'i (comp!)
- dunli modal, 2nd place (same as 1st);
equal to ... [same as 1st place modal].
- sedu'o (comp!)
- djuno modal, 2nd place
knowingly; knowing facts ...
- sedu'u (comp!)
- compound abstractor: sentence/equation abstract; x1 is text expressing [bridi] which is x2.
- sefa'e (comp!)
- fatne modal, 2nd place (same as 1st);
backwards; in reversal of ...
- sefi'e (comp!)
- finti modal, 2nd place
creatively; creating work ...
- sega'a (comp!)
- zgana modal, 2nd place
observing ...
- segau (comp!)
- gasnu modal, 2nd place actor/agent case complement; actively; as active agent in doing ...
- sei'inai (comp!)
- evidential: avoiding stereotypes...
- se'inai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: self-oriented - other-oriented.
- seja'e (comp!)
- jalge modal, 2nd place (event causal)
results because of ...
- seja'enai (comp!)
- na'e jalge modal, 2nd place (event causal); results regardless of ...
- seja'i (comp!)
- javni modal, 2nd place
orderly; by rule prescribing ...
- seji'e (comp!)
- jimte modal, 2nd place
limitedly; as a limit of ...
- seji'o (comp!)
- jitro modal, 2nd place
controlledly; controlling/guiding aspects ...
- seji'u (comp!)
- jicmu modal, 2nd place (from basis)
supporting ...; as a basis for ...
- seka'a (comp!)
- klama modal, 2nd place
with destination ...
- seka'i (comp!)
- krati modal, 2nd place
representingly; on behalf of ...
- sekai (comp!)
- ckaji modal, 2nd place (quality)
characterized by ...; with property ...
- sekai ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a characteristic property/quality; which?.
- seki'i (comp!)
- ckini modal, 2nd place (same as 1st)
related to ...
- seki'u (comp!)
- krinu modal, 2nd place
reason therefore ...
- seki'unai (comp!)
- krinu modal, 2nd place
reason nevertheless ...
- seko'au (comp!)
- kosmu modal, 2nd place: "which is the purpose of..."
- sekoi (comp!)
- korbi modal, 2nd place (bounding)
as boundary of ...
- seku'u (comp!)
- kulnu modal, 2nd place (people)
in culture of ...
- sela'u (comp!)
- klani modal, 2nd place
in quantity ...; measured as ...
- sele'a (comp!)
- klesi modal, 2nd place
as a category of/within ...
- seli'e (comp!)
- lidne modal, 2nd place
preceding ...;leading ... ; non-time sequence.
- sema'e (comp!)
- marji modal, 2nd place
made of material/composition ...
- sema'i (comp!)
- manri modal, 2nd place (of reference)
as a reference standard for observing ...
- semau (comp!)
- zmadu modal, 2nd place (relative!)
more than ...; usually a sumti modifier.
- semaunai (comp!)
- zmadu modal, 2nd place (relative!)
not more than ...; usually a sumti modifier.
- seme'a (comp!)
- mleca modal, 2nd place (relative!)
less than ...; usually a sumti modifier.
- seme'anai (comp!)
- mleca modal, 2nd place (relative!)
not less than ...; usually a sumti modifier.
- seme'e (comp!)
- cmene modal, 2nd place (the named one)
as a name for ...
- semu'i (comp!)
- mukti modal, 2nd place
motive therefore ...; motivating action ...
- semu'inai (comp!)
- mukti modal, 2nd place
motive nevertheless ...
- semu'u (comp!)
- mupli modal, 2nd place
as an example of property ...
- sene'i (comp!)
- location tense relation/direction; containing / enclosing...
- seni'i (comp!)
- nibli modal, 2nd place
entails therefore ...
- seni'inai (comp!)
- nibli modal, 2nd place
entails nevertheless ...
- sepa'a (comp!)
- panra modal, 2nd place
similarly; similar to ...
- sepa'u (comp!)
- pagbu modal, 2nd place (whole)
partially; as a part of ...
- sepi'o (comp!)
- pilno modal, 2nd place (instrumental) tool/machine/apparatus/acting entity;
using (tool) ...
- sepo'i (comp!)
- porsi modal, 2nd place
sequentially; sequenced by rules ...
- sepu'a (comp!)
- pluka modal, 2nd place (for)
pleasingly; pleasing ...; in order to please ...
- sepu'e (comp!)
- pruce modal, 2nd place (inputs)
processing from inputs ...
- sera'a (comp!)
- srana modal, 2nd place (pertaining to)
relevantly; concerning ... (less specific).
- sera'i (comp!)
- krasi modal, 2nd place
originally; as an origin/starting point of ...
- serai (comp!)
- traji modal, 2nd place (property)
-est; most extremely; superlative in ...
- seri'a (comp!)
- rinka modal, 2nd place (phys./mental)
causal therefore ...
- seri'anai (comp!)
- rinka modal, 2nd place (phys./mental)
causal nevertheless ...
- seri'i (comp!)
- lifri modal, 2nd place
experiencing ...; undergoing ...
- sesau (comp!)
- sarcu modal, 2nd place (process)
necessarily; necessary for ...
- sesi'u (comp!)
- sidju modal, 2nd place
assisting ... (in doing/maintaining something).
- seta'i (comp!)
- tadji modal, 2nd place
methodically; as a method for doing ...
- setai (comp!)
- tamsmi modal, 2nd place
similarly; resembling ... (in ideal form).
- setese (comp!)
- complicated selbri conversion: exchange x2 and x3
- seti'i (comp!)
- stidi modal, 2nd place
suggestively; suggesting (idea/action) ...
- seti'u (comp!)
- tcika modal, 2nd place (for letters)
at the same time as ... ; label with event.
- setu'i (comp!)
- stuzi modal, 2nd place
as a location of ...
- seva'o (comp!)
- vanbi modal, 2nd place (environment)
as conditions/environment of/for ...
- seva'u (comp!)
- xamgu modal, 2nd place beneficiary case tag
for the benefit of...; with beneficiary ...
- sexipa (comp!)
- 1nd conversion; switch 1st/1st places.
- sexixa (comp!)
- 6th conversion; switch 1st/6th places
- sezau (comp!)
- zanru modal, 2nd place
approvingly; approving ...
- sezu'e (comp!)
- zukte modal, 2nd place
purposefully; goalfully acting at ...
- si'o ze'ei du'u (comp!)
- abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of [bridi] (proposition or {kau}-question)
- si'o ze'ei ka (comp!)
- abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the property [bridi]
- si'o ze'ei nu (comp!)
- abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the event [bridi]
- si'o ze'ei poi'i (comp!)
- abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the object bound to {ke'a} and described by [bridi]
- so'eroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: usually; objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- soi'auroi (comp!)
- almost never/nowhere (default: time sense)
- so'imei (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert many to cardinal; x1 is a set with many members x2 of total set x3.
- so'iroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: many times; objective tense; defaults as time tense.
- soki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 9,000 expressed with comma.
- somoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 9 to ordinal selbri; x1 is ninth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- sono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 90 [ninety].
- sonono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 900 [nine hundred].
- sosoce'i (comp!)
- number/quantity: 99% (number).
- so'uroi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: a few times; objective tense; defaults as time tense.
- sozepimu (comp!)
- number/quantity:
- su'anai (comp!)
- evidential: I generalize - I particularize
- su'ero (comp!)
- digit/number: any number
- su'esoi'au (comp!)
- digit/number: at most almost-none/at most almost-no/at most almost-nowhere; the referent set is null and may even be empty.
- su'ifa'uvu'u (comp!)
- mekso operator: plus or minus with order important, (((a±b)±c)±...±z)
- su'ijavu'u (comp!)
- mekso operator: plus or minus, (((a±b)±c)±...±z)
- su'oremei (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert at least 2 to cardinal selbri; x1 is a set with plural membership x2.
- su'oremoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert at least 2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is at-least-2nd among x2 by rule x3.
- su'osoi'ai (comp!)
- digit/number: at least almost-all/at least almost-every/at least almost-everywhere; the complementary set is null and may even be empty.
- ta'enai (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: non-habitually; subjective tense/modal; defaults as time tense.
- tai da'i
- like ..., resembling ..., as if ...
- tai da'inai
- as ..., in the form of ..., in the role of ...
- ta'i ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a method; how?.
- ta'iroda
- anyway, under any method
- ta'onai (comp!)
- discursive: by the way - returning to main point.
- ta'unai (comp!)
- discursive: making a tanru - expanding the tanru.
- tebau (comp!)
- bangu modal, 3rd place (expression)
language expressing ...
- tebe'i (comp!)
- benji modal, 3rd place (source)
sent to receiver ...
- teca'i (comp!)
- catni modal, 3rd place
authoritatively; with basis of authority ...
- teci'e (comp!)
- ciste modal, 3rd place
of system components ...
- teci'o (comp!)
- cinmo modal, 3rd place (attitude about)
emotionally; emoting about ...
- tecu'u (comp!)
- cusku modal, 3rd place (3rd party hearsay)
as told to ...
- tede'i (comp!)
- detri modal, 3rd place
on a date measured at location ...
- tedi'o (comp!)
- diklo modal, 3rd place
locally; at specific locus within range ...
- tedu'i (comp!)
- dunli modal, 3rd place
equally; equal in property ...
- tedu'o (comp!)
- djuno modal, 3rd place
knowingly; knowing about ...
- tefi'e (comp!)
- finti modal, 3rd place
creatively; created for purpose ...
- tefi'ei (comp!)
- ifle modal, 3rd place: "otherwise..." (du'u or nu)
- tega'a (comp!)
- zgana modal, 3rd place
observed by means ...
- teja'i (comp!)
- javni modal, 3rd place
orderly; by rule within system ...
- teji'e (comp!)
- jimte modal, 3rd place
limitedly; limited in property/domain ...
- teji'o (comp!)
- jitro modal, 3rd place
controlledly; controlling event ...
- teka'a (comp!)
- klama modal, 3rd place
with origin ...
- teka'i (comp!)
- krati modal, 2nd place
representingly; representing in matter...
- teki'i (comp!)
- ckini modal, 3rd place
with relation ...
- tekoi (comp!)
- korbi modal, 3rd place (bounding)
bordering ...
- tela'u (comp!)
- klani modal, 3rd place
quantity measured on scale ...
- tele'a (comp!)
- klesi modal, 3rd place (category)
defined by quality ...
- teli'e (comp!)
- lidne modal, 3rd place
ordered within sequence ...; non-time sequence.
- tema'e (comp!)
- marji modal, 3rd place
in material form ...
- tema'i (comp!)
- manri modal, 3rd place (of reference)
observed/measured with/by rules ...
- temau (comp!)
- zmadu modal, 3rd place (relative!)
more than/exceeding in property ...
- teme'a (comp!)
- mleca modal, 3rd place (relative!)
less than in property ...
- teme'e (comp!)
- cmene modal, 3rd place
as a name used by ...
- temu'i (comp!)
- mukti modal, 3rd place
motivated/motivating per the volition of ...
- temu'u (comp!)
- mupli modal, 3rd place
as an example out of the set of ...
- teni'i (comp!)
- nibli modal, 3rd place
entailment under logic system ...
- tepa'a (comp!)
- panra modal, 3rd place (property)
contrastingly; contrasting in property ...
- tepi'o (comp!)
- pilno modal, 3rd place (instrumental)
a tool usage for purpose ...
- tepo'i (comp!)
- porsi modal, 3rd place
sequentially; as an order on set of items ...
- tepu'a (comp!)
- pluka modal, 3rd place
pleasingly; being pleasing under conditions ...
- tepu'e (comp!)
- pruce modal, 3rd place (outputs)
processing into outputs ...
- terai (comp!)
- traji modal, 3rd place (superlative)
-est; most extremely; at extreme ...
- teri'a (comp!)
- rinka modal, 3d place (phys./mental)
causally under conditions ...
- tesau (comp!)
- sarcu modal, 3rd place (conditions 2)
necessarily; necessarily under ...
- tese (comp!)
- (3, 1, 2)rd conversion
- tesete (comp!)
- complicated selbri conversion: exchange x2 and x3
- tesi'u (comp!)
- sidju modal, 3rd place
assisting in doing/maintaining/achieving ...
- teta'i (comp!)
- tadji modal, 3rd place
methodically doing (something) under conditions ...
- tetai (comp!)
- tamsmi modal, 3rd place
similarly; sharing common ideal form ...
- teti'i (comp!)
- stidi modal, 3rd place
suggestively; suggested to ...
- teti'u (comp!)
- tcika modal, 3rd place (for letters)
as a time on day ...
- teva'u (comp!)
- xamgu modal, 3rd place
good/beneficial by standard ...
- tezu'e (comp!)
- zukte modal, 3rd place
purposefully; (as an action) with goal ...
- to'ebo
- negation sumti qualifier: the opposite of.
- to'eki'unai (comp!)
- na'e tolki'u modal, first place; despite the reason...
- to'emu'inai (comp!)
- na'e tolmu'i modal, first place; despite the motive...
- to'eni'inai (comp!)
- na'e tolni'i modal, first place; despite the logically sufficient condition...
- to'eri'anai (comp!)
- na'e tolri'a modal, first place; despite the cause...
- to'unai (comp!)
- discursive: in brief - in detail.
- u'anai (comp!)
- attitudinal: gain - loss.
- uanai (comp!)
- attitudinal: discovery - confusion/searching.
- uecu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: surprise - not really surprised
- u'enai (comp!)
- attitudinal: wonder - commonplace.
- uenai (comp!)
- attitudinal: surprise - expectation.
- uepei (comp!)
- attitudinal: surprise question.
- u'inai (comp!)
- attitudinal: amusement - weariness.
- uinai (comp!)
- attitudinal: happiness - unhappiness.
- u'ocu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: courage - timidity - cowardice.
- u'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal: courage - timidity - cowardice.
- uonai (comp!)
- attitudinal: completion - incompleteness.
- u'ucu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal: repentance - lack of regret - innocence.
- u'unai (comp!)
- attitudinal: repentance - lack of regret - innocence.
- uunai (comp!)
- attitudinal: pity - cruelty.
- va'icu'i (comp!)
- discursive: in the same words.
- va'inai (comp!)
- discursive: in other words - in the same words.
- vebe'i (comp!)
- benji modal, 4th place
transmit origin ...
- veci'e (comp!)
- ciste modal, 4th place
as a system with synergy in ...
- vecu'u (comp!)
- cusku modal, 4th place
in expression medium ...
- vede'i (comp!)
- detri modal, 4th place
on a date according to calendar ...
- vedu'o (comp!)
- djuno modal, 4th place
under epistemology ...
- vefi'e (comp!)
- finti modal, 4th place
creatively; created from ideas/elements ...
- vega'a (comp!)
- zgana modal, 4th place (under conditions)
observed under observing conditions ...
- veka'a (comp!)
- klama modal, 4th place
via route ...
- vemau (comp!)
- zmadu modal, 4th place (relative!)
more than/exceeding by amount ...
- veme'a (comp!)
- mleca modal, 4th place (relative!)
less than by amount ...
- vepa'a (comp!)
- panra modal, 4nd place (standard/geometry)
similarly; similar by standard ...
- vepu'e (comp!)
- pruce modal, 4th place (set of stages)
passing through processing stages ...
- verai (comp!)
- traji modal, 4th place (set)
-est; most extremely; superlative among ...
- vetai (comp!)
- tamsmi modal, 4th place
similarly; sharing ideal form in property ...
- veti'u (comp!)
- tcika modal, 4th place (for letters)
as a time at location ...
- vi ma (comp!)
- sumti question asking for a location: at/near what?.
- voki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 4,000 expressed with comma.
- vomoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 4 to ordinal selbri; x1 is fourth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- vono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 40 [forty].
- vonono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 400 [four hundred].
- vu'enai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: virtue - sin.
- xaki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 6,000 expressed with comma.
- xamoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 6 to ordinal selbri; x1 is sixth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- xano (comp!)
- number/quantity: 60 [sixty].
- xanono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 600 [six hundred].
- xavoki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 64,000 expressed with comma.
- xebe'i (comp!)
- benji modal, 5th place (medium)
transmitted via ...
- xe'enai (comp!)
- digit/number: specific referent; modifies quantifier to indicate that there are particular referents that fulfill the predicate
- xeka'a (comp!)
- klama modal, 5th place
by transport mode ...
- xo'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: sarcastically - sincerely/honestly
- xunai (comp!)
- discursive: false-true question.
- za'umai (comp!)
- discursive: further utterance ordinal
- za'ure'u (comp!)
- again; in addition to the first time; for the "more"-th time
- ze'aba (comp!)
- time tense: a medium time interval offset towards the future; (tense/modal).
- ze'aca (comp!)
- time tense: a medium time interval spanning the present; (tense/modal).
- ze'apu (comp!)
- time tense: a medium time interval offset towards the past; (tense/modal).
- zeki'o (comp!)
- number/quantity: 7,000 expressed with comma.
- zemoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 7 to ordinal selbri; x1 is seventh among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- zeno (comp!)
- number/quantity: 70 [seventy].
- zenono (comp!)
- number/quantity: 700 [seven hundred].
- zo'ocu'i (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: humorously - dully - seriously.
- zo'onai (comp!)
- attitudinal modifier: humorously - dully - seriously.
- zo'oro'u (comp!)
- Attitudinal: innuendo/sexual wordplay marker (the "sexy ;) " emoji).
- zu'ucu'i (comp!)
- on the gripping hand
- zu'unai (comp!)
- discursive: on the one hand - on the other hand.