minde -mid-mi'e- gismu

x1 issues commands/orders to x2 for result x3 (event/state) to happen; x3 is commanded to occur.

[also: x1 orders/sets/Triggers. x2 to do/bring about x3; x1 is a commander; commanded (= termi'e)]; See also lacri, te bende, jatna, ralju, jitro, turni, tinbe.

On gloss:

jundi in sense "pay attention to"
x1 is attentive towards/attends/tends/pays attention to object/affair x2.
x1 is a mind/intellect/psyche/mentality/[consciousness] of body x2.
patpei in sense "have a contrary opinion"
pa1=pe1 disapprovingly minds/cares pa2=pe2.

In definition:

f1=m1 (event) is a mental event that happens/occurs/takes place in a/the mind of m2; x1 is an incident/happening/occurrence of thought/dream/feeling/realization or any other mental activity .
x1=melbi1=menli2 has a mind that is beautiful to x2=melbi2 in aspect x3=melbi3.
g1=me1 telekinetically / with its mind moves mu1 to destination/receiver mu2 [away] from origin mu3 over path/route mu4
x1 (du'u) is a memory in the mind of x2
x1 is an artificial/man-made intelligence/consciousness/mind of/in/inhabiting body x2
c1 is liberal/open-minded with regard to beliefs k2 about subject k3 under conditions c3
x1 is aware that they cannot make music x2 but nevertheless tries and fails to do so, thus increasing their jealousy and self-hatred resulting in mind-state x3
x1 (person, being, entity) is in an altered and (medically/legally) abnormal state of mind due to substance/factors x2, being in state (with characteristics) x3, classification as such according to/by standard x4
converts the place structure of the following tanru-unit-2 into MINDE semantic frame
le'ei (exp!)
article: "the thing(s) I have in mind and which I believe appear(s) to you to be…"
ly'ei (exp!)
exophoric article: the … I have in mind (identity not necessarily ascertainable from the context).
si'ai (exp!)
marks a construct as being a reference/allusion - explicit marker of divorce/isolation of a construct from any external allusions that may come to mind
so'ei (exp!)
discursive: "to be honest", being frank, candid, speaking one's mind, being forthcoming and demonstrating candor - deliberately "not getting into it", saying less than is on one's mind
x1 (parser) parses text x2 using grammar x3, the parser being mental, in the mind of x4.

In notes:

x1 is a crew/team/gang/squad/band of persons x2 directed/led by x3 organized for purpose x4.
x1 is captain/commander/leader/in-charge/boss of vehicle/domain x2.
x1 has control over/harnesses/manages/directs/conducts x2 in x3 (activity/event/performance).
x1 relies/depends/counts on/trusts x2 to bring about/ensure/maintain x3 (event/state).
x1 is principal/chief/leader/main/[staple], most significant among x2 (set) in property x3 (ka).
x1 obeys/follows the command/rule x2 made by x3; (adjective:) x1 is obedient.
x1 governs/rules/is ruler/governor/sovereign/reigns over people/territory/domain/subjects x2.
x1 thinks x2 is obliged to do x3 by standard/agreement x4
m1 orders m2 to have c2 executed by action/method c3.
m1 summons m2=k1 to k2 from k3 via route k4.
x1=z1 is a brainhouse of x2=z2=m2
x1=z2=m2=p1 designs their brainhouse x2=z1=p2; x1 conhouses
n1 is an instruction for n2=m3 (event/state) to occur, issued by n3=m1 for intended recipient n4=m2.
v1 is a command word/keyword ordering v2=m3 (event/state) in language v3.
m1=c1 demands/exacts c2=m3 of c3=m2, with manner/form of demand c4.
x1=m1=c1 expresses/states command x2=c2 to recipient(s) x3=m2=c3 via expressive medium x4=c4.
x1 directly or indirectly commands x2, via intermediaries x3 (ce'o; ordered list), for result x4 (event) to occur.
s1 is a concept of dualism/an idea that the fundamental part of existence f1 differs/is distinct from/contrasts with/is unlike the other fundamental part of existence f2 in property/dimension/quantity f3, by thinker s2.
c1=m2 executes c2 by method c3 as ordered by m1.
m1=c1 expresses/states an order to m2=c3 for m3 (event/state) to happen.
x1 (agent) sets / configures x2 (machine/tool) to do x3 (state/event/ka-of-x2)
m1 forgets fact/memory m2 about subject m3.
x1 (property of x2) is a stereotype of x2 (object/set), held by x3
fa'oi (exp!)
sentence fence: the speaker is done speaking and signals to the addressee that they may now speak up if they so desire.
ke'o'e (exp!)
vocative: please repeat over and over in a soft tone that puts me in a trance
ko'oi (exp!)
discursive: imperative/hortative
pau'ai (exp!)
rhetorical construct marker - genuine/serious/literal assertion/question/command marker
sau'e'u (exp!)
topicalizer (sumtcita/discursive; somewhat meta): the following discourse is about/relates to/has topic/concerns
ta'ei (exp!)
discursive: reconsideration of statement - continuing (on) in that line of thought/discussion
Toggles grammar so that every mention of a number n is interpreted as "at least n".
x1 wants x2 to do/be x3 (property of x2)
x1 (mass/group/set) is the (primary) out-group counterpart to in-group x2 (mass/group/set) with respect to characteristic x3 (ka; truth/proposition), which is possessed/satisfied by x2, where both x1 and x2 are nonempty, strict, mutually disjoint subdivisions of supergroup/superset x4 (mass/group/set), with the othering performed (mentally; not necessarily in a way externally manifested) according to the psyche of x5; x5 others x1 from x2 around focal issue/property x3
x1 is an aide de camp/adjutant