mekso, at-most-5-ary operator: a rounding function; ordered input list is (x,n,t,m,b) and the output is sgn(x) bt roundn (b(-t) abs(x)), with rounding preference n and where the fractional part of b(-t) abs(x) being equal to 1/2 causes the roundn ( ) function to map b(-t) abs(x) to the nearest integer of form 2Z+m, for base b (determined by context if not explicitly input) and some integer Z (determined by context).
f1 = r1 = x1 (event; perhaps: spacetime coordinates) is an equinox for season x2 at location/of or for celestial body/object d3 = x3 with respect to orbit/sun x4.
x1 metaphorically translates/transfers/extends/applies concept x2 to new context x3 from prior context x4; x1 uses concept x2 in new way x3, derived from prior way x4.
x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a crescent/concave 'horned' (then convex rounded) form/geometric partially-concave lune formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3
x1 is a gesture/facial expression/body part motion/body language/expressive (nonverbal or nonvocal) feature/microexpression/stature/posture/sign/body signal [nonverbal expression made using only one's body parts and items on one's immediate person as extensions of the body in order to communicate; possibly nonlinguistic/extralinguistic] that conveys/expresses thought/emotion/command/idea x2 (nu/si'o; possibly text and other types) made using body part/utensil/object/at locus x3 in/by motion/action/means x4
x1 is an orientation of/on (base) object x2 with features/characteristics/definition x3; x2 is an unoriented version of an object endowed with/given orientation/direction/face x1.
x1 is magnetism/magnetization (or magnetic charge or magnetic current; or part of a magnetic dipole) in/on/of/produced by/evinced by/associated with x2 (monopole or a dipole, taken in whole or just as a single side/part/pole thereof) of polarity/quantity x3 (default: positive, which indicates magnetic-south in English).
mekso operator: continued fraction, Kettenbruch notation; for ordered input (X1, X, where: X1 is an ordered pair of functions and X2 is a free or dummy variable/input/index which ranges through set X3 in order(ing) X4, the result is K(X for Kettenbruch notation K.
Default number radix modifier: changes the value of the default radix assumed for any numeral lacking an explicit radix within the following text, until another {ju'ai} appears.
non-logical connective/mekso operator - of arity only 1 xor 2: set (absolute) complement, or set exclusion (relative complement). Unary: X2 ^C; binary: X1\setminusX.
mathematical quinary operator; big operator: left sequence notation/converter - operator a, sequence b defined as a function on index/argument/variable/parameter c, in set d, under ordering e
x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a crescent/concave 'horned' (then convex rounded) form/geometric partially-concave lune formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3
x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is the minimum element of the set consisting only of d(A, x1) and of d(A, x2), and such that x4 [integer; li] is d(A, x1) - d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).
x1 is measures equal to/is a quantum negative electric charge [-e/3; electric charge of a down quark] in electric charge, under signum convention x2 (default: proton has charge equal to -3 times this unit).