References some (possibly multiple) cmavo in selma'o CO. Unlike most other ellipticals, the default value is not elliptical, so this word cannot be omitted/implicit; it must be explicit.
x1 is work-heirarchy "uncle/aunt" of x2 via relation/partial ordering x3; x1 is either (in a narrow sense) a direct subordinate of the direct boss/superior/manager of x2's direct boss/superior/manager, or is (in a broader sense) an equal-level co-worker of x2's direct boss/superior/manager (no matter the exact relation).
x1 is a grandparent of x2 which/who has another grandparent x3 such that x1 is related to x2 by relationship x4, and x1 is related to x3 by relationship x5 which is NOT their mutual mating/intimate partnering, under cultural/personal paradigm x6; x1 and x3 are mutual co-grandparents.
x1 is a grandparent of x2 which/who has another grandparent x3 such that x1 is related to x2 by relationship x4, and x1 is related to x3 by mating/intimate partnering relationship x5, under cultural/personal paradigm(s) x6; x1 and x3 are mutually partnered co-grandparents.
x1 (set) is a set such that the complement of which (taken in/relative to superset x3=kleivmu3 (set; default: some universal set)) has property/is characterized by x2 (ka).
x1 and x2 have or had (not necessarily simultaneously) the same relationship to x3, that relationship being x4, with the relevant difference(s) between x1 and x2 being x5.
x1 is a non-binary/intersex (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
x1 is a non-binary/intersexed (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered, gender-fluid, transgendered, two-spirited, alternatively gendered, or affirmatively non-binarily gendered or nongendered/graygendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
x1 is a non-binary individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
x1 is a mathematical set/structure/space/object (use appropriate gadri) such that its (set-/structure-/space-/object-theoretic) complement (in space x3) has property x2 (ka) in space x3
Target node x1 and primary subject node x4 belong to the same (single) strictly-directed, connected tree graph/network/hierarchy or are related by relation scheme x5 such that x1 has coordinates (x2, x and x4 has coordinates (0, 0) according to the labelling scheme which is described in the notes hereof.
x1 (linear manifold, vector, etc.) is/lies secant to x2 (object, surface, curve, manifold, etc.) passing through or toward points/loci x3 (set of intersected points), by standard/definition/in system x4.