veljvo lujvo

x1 is a metaphor [of affix compound] with meaning [of affix compound] x2 with argument [of affix compound] x3 with affix compound x4; x1 is the tanru/metaphor construct of complex word/affix compound/lujvo x4

x4 is a compound word that is composed of various morphological/lexical "parts" that represents the underlying tanru/construct x1. Since this word is language-independent, the metaphor construct need not be successively-binary, as it is in Lojban. x1 is the tanru construct that underlies/is used to interpret/analyze/"break apart" lujvo x4.

In definition:

x1 (text) is a lujvo with meaning x2 and arguments x3, and which is constructed from tanru/veljvo x4 such that at least one element of the veljvo is ultimately not a cmavo (including "{zei}", "{ke}"/"{ke'e}", "{bo}", etc.), gismu, or rafsi of such cmavo or gismu.
x1 (text) is a lujvo with meaning x2 and arguments x3, and which is constructed from tanru/veljvo x4 such that each element of the veljvo is ultimately only a cmavo (including "{zei}", "{ke}"/"{ke'e}", "{bo}", etc.), gismu, or rafsi of such cmavo or gismu.
x1 is a word which is a {cmevla} (morphological name-word), referring to x2 and used by x3, and which is also of the form of a lujvo (excepting the last rafsi) formed from veljvo x4, in language x5

In notes:

s1 (phone/speech sounds; specifically is linguistic and vocal) is a phoneme in/of segment of utterance/speech stream s2=v1 in language b1 of speaker v2=b2 in order to communicate/express b3 (si'o/du'u; not quote(?)), produced with body-parts/tools x6 at loci/in position/manner (of articulation) x7
x1 is a cross-section of object x2 which has an axis, such that the cross-section is made perpendicular to that axis (viewes along it), contains contents x3, and is x4-dimensional.
f1 = r1 = x1 (event; perhaps: spacetime coordinates) is an equinox for season x2 at location/of or for celestial body/object d3 = x3 with respect to orbit/sun x4.
x1=fadni1=tugni1=tugni2 (set/group of people) have consensus agreement that x2=tugni3 (du'u) is true about matter/topic x3=tugni4, consensus having been formed among supergroup/superset x4=fadni3 (group/set of persons which includes all of x1) according to standard x5.
x1 is an injective function (distinctness-preserving function) from x2 (domain) to x3 (codomain).
x1 = cuxna3 (set) is the collection of options/settings that can be chosen by user x2 = cuxna1 ~ galfi1 for purpose x3.
x1=p1=k1 passes through portal/generically exits or enters via portal (entrance/exit) x2=p2 to destination side x3=p3=k2 from origin side x4=p4=k3 via route x5=k4 using means/vehicle x6=k5.
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/e^(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where e is the natural exponential base and x3 [li; default: 1] is a real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the one-(e^(x3))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) (x3)-th one-e-th-ing/e-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately half according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x3; x1 is the half-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) halving of population x2 takes approximately x1 (dimensionful number: time).
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where x3 [li; default: 1] is a positive real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the (x3^(-1))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) one-x3-th-ing/(x3)-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
x1 is the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the ... captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to x2 (subject, entity, vehicle, domain), connected by intermediate steps x3.
x1 is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with something which ... which is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with x2 via intermediate things/steps x3 (ce'o), with respective points/loci of (con)juncture x4 (ce'o).
x1 (quote) is a lujvo/compound word(s) form which conflicts with other lujvo x2 (quote) according to rule x3 in language x4.
x1 is the base-tanru / base-compound-phrase of lujvo / compound-word x2
x1 is a binary group operator endowing set/space x2 ; x2 is the underlying set or the actual structure of a group with operator x1.
x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) galactic units (i.e.: the average distance between the center of the Milky Way galaxy and the center of Sol system) by standard x3.
x1=traji1=moi1 is the x2=moi(-1)th (li) most extreme member of set/range x5=traji4=moi2 (set; possibly ordered) in property/ordered according to measure of property x3=traji2 \sim moi (ka) measuring from the x4 = traji3-est/utmost (ka; default: ka zmadu) member, which/who has a similar ordinality count of x6 (li) in the same set by the same ordering.
x1 is the transitive closure (directed graph/set of ordered 2-tuples/space) derived/produced/induced from relation space x2.
x1 is the (underlying/originating) construct (usually tanru) of lujvo/compound x2 with terbri/structure x3 and meaning x4
s1=v1 (quote) is a linguistic/conceptual lexeme for word/concept v2, being the most basic subunit of s2, in language v3
x1 is an imaginary friend of x2.
x1 is an improperly-created/wrongly-proposed/illy-proposed lujvo with intended meaning x2 but actual interpretation/built from metaphor x3, due to/with error x4 in its rafsi x5, which is unacceptable to x6 by standard x7, in language x8
x1 is magnetism/magnetization (or magnetic charge or magnetic current; or part of a magnetic dipole) in/on/of/produced by/evinced by/associated with x2 (monopole or a dipole, taken in whole or just as a single side/part/pole thereof) of polarity/quantity x3 (default: positive, which indicates magnetic-south in English).
Delete all sumti slots of the immediately preceding word which are not explicitly filled excepting the first n (specified by subscript; contextless default: n=0).
x1 is a binary operator in structure x2 which exhibits the Jacobi property with respect to binary operator x3 (which also endows x2) and element/object x4 (which is an element of the underlying set which form x2).
x1 is \sqrtA = \sqrt2×5 [decimal: 1\times10+(1/2)] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
.a zei .u
(x1; undefined grammatical construction: a connective of some sort, but possibly acting as a brivla).