x1 is a word with mutually incompatible definitions/meanings/effects x2 (plural; use connectives) by/in/between rules/standards/dictionar(y/ies) x3 in or for language x4.
ternary mekso/mathematical operator: radical; for input (x,y,z), it outputs the largest y-th-power-free product of prime divisors of x in structure (ring) z.
x1 is the similarity relation between all members of set x2 (set of quoted words) such that they all mean esentially one common thing x3 and are considered to be identical in any meaningful way in language x4.
non-logical interval connective: ordered interval with specified endpoint/terminus x1 and signed measure/length/duration x2; interval between x1 and x1 + x according to the ordering of the space.
mekso 4-nary operator: spherical harmonics on colatitudinal/polar angle a and azimuthal/longitudinal angle b of unassociated order c and associated order d.
mekso ternary operator: inverse function of input function X1 with respect to its input X2, taken on branch or restricted domain X3 ("domain" being of X1).
mekso (2 or 3)-ary operator: maximum/minimum/extreme element; ordered list of extreme elements of the set underlying ordered set/structure X1 in direction X2 of list length X3 (default: 1)
mekso ternary operator: Knuth up-arrow notation: a \uparrow \dots \uparrow b of order/with c-2 arrows ("\uparrow") initially, evaluated from right to left; the cth hyperoperator on a by b.
6-ary mekso/mathematical operator: Heaviside function/step/Theta function of a, of order b, in structure c, using distribution d, within approximated limit e, with value f_b at 0
x1 (ordered list) is a sampling of entries of matrix/tensor x2 in which exactly one entry is sampled from each row and/or column (etc.) between entries x3 (list; default: the largest 'square'/'hypercubic' sampling possible in the entire tensor starting with the first entry, see notes) inclusively following selection procedure/rule/function/order x4 (default: diagonally, see notes), where the tensor/matrix is expressed in basis/under conditions x5
x1 is a 'quipyew' tree graph with special node x2, on nodes x3 (set of points; includes x2), with edges x4 (set of ordered pairs of nodes), and with other properties x5.
x1 is in relation x4 with x2 to the x3th degree; x1 is x3 nodes before x2 in the sequence such that every element thereof and the next element are linked by the relation x4; x1 is [ that which is in relation x4 with ] (repeat x3 times the part between brackets) x2
x1 is a binary operator in structure x2 which exhibits the Jacobi property with respect to binary operator x3 (which also endows x2) and element/object x4 (which is an element of the underlying set which form x2).
mekso 4-nary operator: spherical harmonics on colatitudinal/polar angle a and azimuthal/longitudinal angle b of unassociated order c and associated order d.