x1 (event/state) implies / suggests / is circumstantial evidence for x2 (du'u); the probability that x2 is true, given x1, is greater than the probability without x1
weak metaphor marker: indicates that there is some broadening of the concept, typically to include objects of types that are unusual for the defined place structure, but which retains most of the semantic of the word as defined.
n1 is a number of points / score / indication of an attempt to win a competition won by j1 over opponent(s) j3 in competition j4, points measured on scale n2.
x1 (quote) is a zi'evla/fu'ivla categorizer particle/morpheme/unit with meaning/indicating category x2, having properties x3, and that is appended in zi'evla (full word) x4, in language x5
x1 is magnetism/magnetization (or magnetic charge or magnetic current; or part of a magnetic dipole) in/on/of/produced by/evinced by/associated with x2 (monopole or a dipole, taken in whole or just as a single side/part/pole thereof) of polarity/quantity x3 (default: positive, which indicates magnetic-south in English).
Combination of {coi} and {co'o}, indicating either greetings or partings according to context; may also constitute a greeting in passing (such as {coico'o}).
mekso k-ary operator, for natural k and 1 < k < 5: ordered input (f, g, S, m) where f and g are functions, S is a set of positive integers or "ro" (="all"), and m is 0 or 1 (as a toggle); output is a function equivalent to the function f as applied to an input ordered tuple with g applied to the entries/terms with indices in S (or to all entries/terms if S="ro") if m=0, or g left-composed with the same if m=1.
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series. The number of bound variables must be indicated by appending {xi} followed by that number to the word {fo'ai}, unless only one variable (namely {fo'a}) is bound, in which case the {xi} marking is optional.
This cmavo precedes a predicate (at least binary) and turns it into a forethought conjunction, which syntactically behaves like GA cmavo. The predicate indicates the relationship between the two connected propositions. Terminator: {te'u}.
This cmavo precedes a predicate (at least binary) and turns it into a conjunction, which syntactically behaves like JA cmavo. The predicate indicates the relationship between the two connected propositions. Terminator: {te'u}.
Marks an endpoint of a quote/string/expression and specifies that (relative to the original) the quote/string/expression so marked is complete, accurate, and well-portrayed by the quote/string/expression on the relevant side of the excerpt, including wrt all relevant information and when factoring in the content and context of the quotation-external discourse in which said quote/string/expression appears; indicator that quote mining or cherry-picking did not occur and that the excerpt which is quoted is not deceptive.
This cmavo precedes a predicate (at least binary) and turns it into an incidental conjunction, which syntactically behaves like JA cmavo. The predicate indicates the relationship between the two connected propositions. Terminator: {te'u}.
flag a quote/sedu'u statement in order to indicate that the text is substantially the same in all relevant important aspects (usually including content), translated with this meaning, "to this/that same effect" - - (nai:) untranslated, original and exact wording
quote marker: indicates that the quotation being marked has experienced exactly no change in meaning/has the original meaning and is the same in all important qualities - approximately the same meaning/having generally the same idea or effect or message - substantially changes in meaning or some important quality
binary mekso operator: for ordered list X1, this word outputs the same ordered list except the indices/subscripts have been relabelled/redefined/reindexed according to rule X2 (see notes).
Quote conversion: the sentence(s)/bridi (possibly plural) is/are syntactically correct and semantically intended by the utterer if the outermost layer of quotes (markers) which immediately follows were to be omitted/removed, but the quoted text is in fact a quote (of the indicated type) from some source.
The date [day,week,month,year] x1=d1=k1 is recurrence/repetition of the date [day,week,month,year] of the first event x2=d2, for the x3=k3'rd time, in system x3.
x1 = t2 is attracted to males in property/manner/capacity x2 = t3 (ka), where maleness is determined by evincing masculine traits/according to standard x3 = n3 (ka).
x1=fP5 is a translation of translation x2=fP2=fZ5 from (intermediate) language x3=fP3=fZ4 to (final) language x4=fP4 by x5=fP1, with intermediate translation source x6=fZ2 from (starting) language x7=fZ3 by x8=fZ1.
mekso operator: in ordered tuple/list/vector/sequence X1, replace the X2th entry with term X3 of appropriate type, and leave all other entries untouched (optional: where the index for the very first/leading/header entry is X4).
non-logical interval connective: ordered interval with specified endpoint/terminus x1 and signed measure/length/duration x2; interval between x1 and x1 + x according to the ordering of the space.
translation marker - original/native version: marks a construct as having been translated and therefore particularly (possibly, but not necessarily) susceptible to the errors or limitations associated with translation (especially if the translator is unsure of the best result/option)
mekso unary operator: Levi-Civita symbol; for input n-tuple (a1, a ... , an), where n is a strictly positive integer, the output is \varepsilona, where \varepsilon is the Levi-Civita symbol under the convention of mapping (1, 2, ..., n) to 1.
double-negative toggle: every odd-counted explicit usage makes negation additive; unmentioned or every even-counted explicit usage makes negation multiplicative.
ternary mekso operator: p-adic valuation; outputs (positive) infinity if x1 = 0 and, else, outputs sup(Set(k: k is a nonnegative integer, and ((1 - x3)x divides x1)), where pn is the nth prime (such that p1 = 2).
marks a construct as being a reference/allusion - explicit marker of divorce/isolation of a construct from any external allusions that may come to mind
6-ary mekso/mathematical operator: Heaviside function/step/Theta function of a, of order b, in structure c, using distribution d, within approximated limit e, with value f_b at 0
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive: I express this utterance/construct/(rest of the) bridi which has been tagged for the purpose or goal of enacting, causing, enabling, implementing, actualizing, manifesting, enhancing, yielding, or rendering applicable the immediately following and enclosed bridi or in order to make the immediately following and enclosed bridi be true (or closer to the truth or more true or more strongly true) in application to the utterance/construct/rest of the bridi which has been tagged by this marker; the tagged expression/construct is for the benefit or sake of making the immediately following and enclosed bridi true.
x1 (quoted text) is a fragment/incomplete statement/question/utterance/proposition/text with intended meaning x2 in the context/under conditions x3 (default: the currently relevant context)
x1 (ordered list) is a sampling of entries of matrix/tensor x2 in which exactly one entry is sampled from each row and/or column (etc.) between entries x3 (list; default: the largest 'square'/'hypercubic' sampling possible in the entire tensor starting with the first entry, see notes) inclusively following selection procedure/rule/function/order x4 (default: diagonally, see notes), where the tensor/matrix is expressed in basis/under conditions x5
x1 and x2 are elements of the same partially-ordered set x3 (see notes) such that x1 and x2 cannot be meaningfully compared via said relation/in said property.
x1 (curling angular-direction) is a quantity expressed angularly with direction (counter)clockwise and
which maps to (pseudo)vector x2 (Cartesian direction) via rule/convention x3
x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1 is more than/greater than/exceeds x2 in property x3 (ka) and the x4th (li; 1 or 2) argument of this selbri actually has/is/expresses/attains property x3 according to x5.