ze'au PA4 experimental cmavo

subjective number which is increasing over time

See also zenba, zilzena, ja'au, so'au.

On grammatical class:

bi'ei (exp!)
number/digit: 2(2×5/3) = 8×(2(1/3)).
bi'oi'au (exp!)
digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by lesser endpoint).
by'ai (exp!)
digit/number: eighteen (decimal 18).
ci'i'e (exp!)
transfnite cardinal beth
ci'i'o (exp!)
transfinite ordinal little-omega; if followed by a number, it denotes the ordinal which is little-omega subscripted therewith in English notation
ci'i'oi (exp!)
transfinite ordinal little-epsilon; if followed by a number, in English notation, the following number would be denoted by a subscript
dau'e (exp!)
Numeral: Some but not all.
dy'ei (exp!)
digit/number: twenty (decimal 20).
fy'ai (exp!)
digit/number: twenty-one (decimal 21).
mi'i'au (exp!)
digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by midpoint).
mu'i'u (exp!)
base-dependent digit: representing exactly one half of one more than the maximum possible single-digit number expressible in the relevant number base
ny'ei (exp!)
digit/number: twenty (decimal 20).
py'ai (exp!)
digit/number: twenty (decimal 21).
ru'oi (exp!)
quantifier: "all" (as opposed to "every")
sai'i (exp!)
digit/number: exactly enough and no more.
si'i'ai (exp!)
digit/number: a finite/bounded number, finitely many.
soi'ai (exp!)
almost all/almost every/almost everywhere (technical sense): there is a non-universal conull subset (the complementary (sub)set of which is non-empty but of measure 0, where complement is taken with respect/relative to the universal set) of such things that are satisfactory.
soi'au (exp!)
almost none/almost no/almost nowhere (technical sense): the subset of satisfactory such things is null but non-empty.
su'o'o (exp!)
digit/number: strictly greater (more) than 0 but strictly less than all (jbo.: "ro").
sy'au (exp!)
digit/number: nineteen (decimal 19).
vu'ai (exp!)
base-dependent digit: the maximum possible single-digit number expressible in the relevant number base.
xe'a (exp!)
pseudo-number that is unequal to itself.
xo'au (exp!)
pro-numeral: the most-recently mentioned full/complete numerical or mathematical string/expression.
xy'au (exp!)
digit/number: sixteen (decimal 16).
zy'ei (exp!)
digit/number: seventeen (decimal 17).
digit/number: 8 (digit) [eight].
digit/number: % percentage symbol, hundredths.
digit/number: 3 (digit) [three].
digit/number: infinity; followed by digits => aleph cardinality.
digit/number: all except n; all but n; default 1.
digit/number: hex digit A (decimal 10) [ten].
digit/number: too many; subjective.
digit/number: hex digit B (decimal 11) [eleven].
digit/number: fraction slash; default "/n" => 1/n, "n/" => n/1, or "/" alone => golden ratio.
digit/number: hex digit C (decimal 12) [twelve].
digit/number: hex digit D (decimal 13) [thirteen].
digit/number: approximately (default the typical value in this context) (number).
digit/number: imaginary i; square root of -1.
digit/number: number comma; thousands.
digit/number: plus sign; positive number; default any positive.
digit/number: less than.
digit/number: too few; subjective.
digit/number: 5 (digit) [five].
digit/number: minus sign; negative number); default any negative.
digit/number: 0 (digit) [zero].
digit/number: typical/average value.
digit/number: 1 (digit) [one].
digit/number: pi (approximately 3.1416...); the constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of all circles.
digit/number: radix (number base) point; default decimal.
digit/number:separates digits for base >16, not current standard, or variable (e.g. time, date).
digit/number: repeating digits (of a decimal) follow.
digit/number: enough; subjective.
digit/number: 2 (digit) [two].
digit/number: hex digit E (decimal 14) [fourteen].
digit/number: each, all.
digit/number: 9 (digit) [nine].
digit/number: almost all (digit/number).
digit/number: most.
digit/number: many.
digit/number: several.
digit/number: few.
digit/number: at most (all); no more than.
digit/number: at least (some); no less than.
digit/number: exponential e (approx 2.71828...).
null operand (used in unary mekso operations).
digit/number: hex digit F (decimal 15) [fifteen].
digit/number: 4 (digit) [four].
digit/number: 6 (digit) [six].
digit/number: number/digit/lerfu question.
digit/number: greater than.
digit/number: 7 (digit) [seven].
biki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 8,000 expressed with comma.
bino (comp!)
number/quantity: 80 [eighty].
binono (comp!)
number/quantity: 800 [eight hundred].
binonovo (comp!)
number/quantity: 8004, without comma.
ci'ima'u (comp!)
number: uncountably infinite of some sort or infinite in the sense of satisfying the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis.
ci'ino (comp!)
Digit string: aleph-nought, aleph-0, the cardinality of the natural (alternatively: integer) numbers
ciki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 3,000 expressed with comma.
cino (comp!)
number/quantity: 30 [thirty].
cinogeipa (comp!)
number: 1×1030, quetta, nonillion; symbol: Q
cinono (comp!)
number/quantity: 300 [three hundred].
fi'ure (comp!)
ji'ima'u (comp!)
rounded up (appended after string of digits indicating a rounded value).
ji'ini'u (comp!)
rounded down (appended after string of digits indicating a rounded value).
muki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 5,000 expressed with comma.
muno (comp!)
number/quantity: 50 [fifty].
munono (comp!)
number/quantity: 500 [five hundred].
noka'ono (comp!)
Complex zero; 0 = (0,0) = 0 + 0i.
pabi (comp!)
number/quantity: 18 [eighteen].
paci (comp!)
number/quantity: 13 [thirteen].
paki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 1,000 expressed with comma.
pamu (comp!)
number/quantity: 15 [fifteen].
pano (comp!)
number/quantity: 10 [ten].
panoki'oki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 10,000,000 [ten millions](Western numbering system/1,00,00,000 [100 lakhs](Indian numbering system).
panono (comp!)
number/quantity: 100 [one hundred].
panonoki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 100,000 [hundred thousand](Western numbering system)/[one lakh](Indian numbering system)..
papa (comp!)
number/quantity: 11 [eleven].
pare (comp!)
number/quantity: 12 [twelve].
paso (comp!)
number/quantity: 19 [nineteen].
pavo (comp!)
number/quantity: 14 [fourteen].
paxa (comp!)
number/quantity: 16 [sixteen].
paze (comp!)
number/quantity: 17 [seventeen].
pidu'e (comp!)
number: too much of.
piji'i (comp!)
number: approximately all of.
pimo'a (comp!)
number: too little of.
pimu (comp!)
pino (comp!)
Number/digit: exactly none of (empty set as a subset of another set); in probability theory, "guaranteed impossible".
piro (comp!)
number: all of.
piso'a (comp!)
number: almost all of.
piso'e (comp!)
number: most of.
piso'i (comp!)
number: much of.
pisoi'ai (comp!)
almost all of/almost 1/almost surely/almost certainly (technical sense), but not "exactly all of" or "guaranteed" (sense: anti-impossible).
pisoi'au (comp!)
almost none of/almost 0/almost never/almost certainly not/nearly nothing of (technical sense) but technically being non-empty or possible in theory (not impossible).
piso'o (comp!)
number: some of.
piso'u (comp!)
number: a little of.
pisu'esoi'au (comp!)
digit/number: at most almost-none of (0%, taken as a fraction of a whole); the referent set is null and may even be empty.
pisu'o (comp!)
number: at least some of.
pisu'osoi'ai (comp!)
digit/number: at least almost-all of; at least almost-certain; 100%.
pizau'u (comp!)
arbitrarily much of, arbitrarily close to 1, an arbitrarily large proper fraction/percentage of
reki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 2,000 expressed with comma.
reno (comp!)
number/quantity: 20 [twenty].
renono (comp!)
number/quantity: 200 [two hundred].
soki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 9,000 expressed with comma.
sono (comp!)
number/quantity: 90 [ninety].
sonono (comp!)
number/quantity: 900 [nine hundred].
sosoce'i (comp!)
number/quantity: 99% (number).
sozepimu (comp!)
number/quantity: 97.5.
su'ero (comp!)
digit/number: any number
su'esoi'au (comp!)
digit/number: at most almost-none/at most almost-no/at most almost-nowhere; the referent set is null and may even be empty.
su'osoi'ai (comp!)
digit/number: at least almost-all/at least almost-every/at least almost-everywhere; the complementary set is null and may even be empty.
voki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 4,000 expressed with comma.
vono (comp!)
number/quantity: 40 [forty].
vonono (comp!)
number/quantity: 400 [four hundred].
xaki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 6,000 expressed with comma.
xano (comp!)
number/quantity: 60 [sixty].
xanono (comp!)
number/quantity: 600 [six hundred].
xavoki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 64,000 expressed with comma.
xe'enai (comp!)
digit/number: specific referent; modifies quantifier to indicate that there are particular referents that fulfill the predicate
zeki'o (comp!)
number/quantity: 7,000 expressed with comma.
zeno (comp!)
number/quantity: 70 [seventy].
zenono (comp!)
number/quantity: 700 [seven hundred].
fai'e'au (exp!)
digit/number: first Feigenbaum constant δ = 4.669 201 609 102 990 671 853 203 821 578(...).
fai'u (exp!)
digit/number: phi, the "golden ratio" (approx. = 1.6180...); the ratio a/b such that it equals (a+b)/a
fai'u'a (exp!)
digit/number: the fine-structure constant \alpha \approx 7.2973525698(\dots)×10(-3) \approx 1/137.035999074.
fu'a'ai (exp!)
digit/number: first Foias' constant; the unique value of x1 such that xn -> ∞ as n -> ∞ for xn+1 = (1 + (1/( xn )))^n; such x1 = 1.187…
fu'a'au (exp!)
digit/number: second Foias constant; the value x for which (1/x)(1 + (1/x))x=1 is true; ≈ 2.293…
ga'au (exp!)
digit/number: Euler–Mascheroni constant, usually denoted by lowercase gamma (γ); approximately 0.5772156649 (in decimal).
gau'i'o (exp!)
digit/number: Gauss' arithmetic-geometric mean of 1 and √(2)=sqrt(2) constant G ≈ .8346268…
go'o'i'a (exp!)
digit/number: Goloumb-Dickman constant ≈ .6243…
ja'au (exp!)
subjective number which is decreasing over time
ka'ei'a (exp!)
digit/number: Conway's look-and-say constant λ ≈ 1.303577269…
kai'o (exp!)
quaternion i
ka'o'ai (exp!)
imaginary i (non-comma)
ka'o'ei (exp!)
imaginary i, comma - spherical coordinates: first coordinate gives magnitude (complex modulus/radius) of the number, the second number gives the angle from the positive real axis measured counterclockwise toward the 'positive' imaginary axis (default: in the primary branch/Arg) as measured in some units (which that number should contain; the contextless default will suppose radians); the angle is not normalized.
kau'o (exp!)
generic algebra unit en
kei'ei (exp!)
digit/number: hex digit E (decimal 14) [fourteen].
kei'o (exp!)
quaternion j
koi'o (exp!)
quaternion k
ku'i'a (exp!)
PA: blank/empty digit
lai'ai (exp!)
digit/number: hex digit F (decimal 15) [fifteen].
mai'e'e (exp!)
digit/number: Meissel-Mertens constant M ≈ 0.2614972128476427837554268386086958590516…
mei'a (exp!)
digit/number: arbitrarily small/lesser/diminished/few (finite and nonzero but otherwise as small as desired).
mu'i'ai (exp!)
digit/number: Hafner-Sarnak-McCurley coprime determinants limiting probability constant; h ≈ 0.3532363719…
na'a'u (exp!)
not a number
ni'e'ei (exp!)
digit/number: Niven's greatest-exponent prime factorization constant lim(n->∞) (avg
ni'e'oi (exp!)
digit/number: Niven's smallest-exponent prime factorization constant c = zeta(3/2)/zeta(3) ≈ 2.1732543125195541382370898404…
no'ai (exp!)
digit/number: absolute zero; nothing; there does not exist; ∄
no'e'u (exp!)
digit/number: liminal zero; neither positive nor negative
pa'au'o (exp!)
digit/number: universal parabolic constant P = √(2) + Loge(1 + √(2)) ≈ 2.295587
pai'i (exp!)
Digit/number: pi (denoted "π"; approximately 3.1416...); the constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of all circles in Euclidean space.
pei'i'a (exp!)
digit/number: Apéry's constant ζ(3) = 1.202056903159594285399738161511449990764986292…
pi'au (exp!)
digit/number: pi (approximately 3.1416...); the constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of all circles.
pu'e'u'o (exp!)
digit/number: the Prouhet-Thue-Morse constant τ = 0.412454033640… (in decimal)
ro'oi (exp!)
universal plural quantifier. “All.”
sei'a (exp!)
converts singular quantifier into plural quantifier
se'i'i (exp!)
digit/number: Sierpiński constant K = \pi(2\ln2 + 3\ln\pi + 2\gamma - 4\ln\Gamma(\frac14)) \approx 2.584981759579253217065893587383…
sei'u'e (exp!)
digit/number: ideal first Skewe's constant Sk1 ; the first (minimal positive) infimum for which all greater x in some neighborhood have the property that it is false that the prime counting function at x is less than the logarithmic integral function at x
si'ei (exp!)
numeric suffix: indicates that the number refers to portionality instead of cardinality
so'au (exp!)
subjective number which is constant over time
so'e'a (exp!)
digit/number: the vast majority; a minimal-majority plus very/much/many more.
so'e'e (exp!)
digit/number: the vast majority; a minimal-majority plus rather many more.
so'e'i (exp!)
number/digit: a qualifying majority or a defined/relevant supermajority.
so'e'o (exp!)
digit/number: a strong/substantial/decisive majority.
so'e'u (exp!)
digit/number: n (default: 1 or 1/2 atomic units as the case may be) more than half; barely a majority; a slight majority.
so'i'a (exp!)
digit/number: slightly less than a minimal-majority; the maximal-minority.
so'i'e (exp!)
digit/number: a very large minority; the plurality.
so'i'i (exp!)
digit/number: complement of "{so'e'i}"; a qualifying, controlling, or decision-making minority; a subminority.
su'ai (exp!)
digit/number: precise to within the stated sigfigs (significant figures/digits); approximately, measured to be approximately, with some error/rounding
su'au (exp!)
digit/number: exact, exactly equal to, no more and no less, mathematically ideally (no measuring or rounding error)
su'oi (exp!)
existential plural quantifier. “There is/are.”
tau'u (exp!)
digit/number: tau (denoted "τ": approximately 6.2831...). The constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the radius of all circles (default: in Euclidean geometry).
va'ei'a (exp!)
digit/number: Dom Hans van der Laan's plastic number ρ = 1.324717957244746025960908854…
vau'au'o (exp!)
omega constant, Lambert product-log W(1)
vi'ei'e (exp!)
digit/number: Lévy-Khinchin constant γ = e^(π^2)/(12Loge(2)) ≈ 3.2758…
vo'ei'a (exp!)
digit/number: Lambert W(1) constant Ω ≈ 0.5671432904097838729999686622…
xe'e (exp!)
digit/number: any/non-specific referent; modifies quantifier to indicate that it is not important what the specific members of the referential set are
xei (exp!)
digit/number: hex digit E (decimal 14) [fourteen]
xi'i'ei (exp!)
digit/number: Khinchin's constant K0 = 2.6854520010…
xo'e (exp!)
elliptical/unspecified number.
zau'u (exp!)
digit/number: arbitrarily large/great/increased/many (finite but as big as desired/allowed).
ze'au (exp!)
subjective number which is increasing over time

In definition:

Converts PA into tense; in [number (usually nonspecific)] possible futures where [sumti (du'u)] is true
cei'a (exp!)
x1 is the year / era of years indicated by PA (digit string) in calendar system x2
coi'e (exp!)
x1 is PA hours in duration by standard x2.
variable identifier article: refer to the referents of the variable having the following predicate as its name; such a variable may be implicitly bound by {PA broda} or {LE broda} phrases; if no such variable has been previously bound, the referents are left to the context to determine; the referents are not claimed to actually satisfy the predicate after which the variable is named.
doi'e (exp!)
x1 is PA days in duration by standard x2.
jei'o (exp!)
x1 is PA weeks in duration by standard x2.
lei'o (exp!)
x1 is PA months in duration by standard x2.
moi'e (exp!)
x1 is PA minutes in duration by standard x2.
moi'o (exp!)
x1 is the PA-th date/time of unit x2 (si'o) counting from x3 (default: now) by calendar x4
Converts PA into tense; in [number (usually nonspecific)] possible worlds/alternate histories where [sumti (du'u)] is true
nei'o (exp!)
x1 is PA years in duration by standard x2.
PA nonrestrictive/incidental relative clause; attaches to a PA number/numeral/digit with the ke'a referring to that PA number/numeral/digit.
PA restrictive relative clause; attaches to a PA number/numeral/digit with the ke'a referring to that PA number/numeral/digit.
sai'ei (exp!)
turns PA into CAI; intensity attitude modifier expressed by a mekso.
soi'e (exp!)
x1 is PA seconds in duration by standard x2.
xo'e'o'ei (exp!)
At-most-unary mekso operator: like {xo'ei} but for selma'o XOhEhOhE, rather than just PA
x1 is the selma'o "PA".
x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of protactinium [Pa]

In notes:

The date [day,week,month,year] x1=d1=k1 is recurrence/repetition of the date [day,week,month,year] of the first event x2=d2, for the x3=k3'rd time, in system x3.
l1 (quoted letteral) is the first letter of the word v1.
d4 is d2 (default 1) dessertspoon(s)/dessertspoonful(s)/cochleare medium (dstspn./cochl. med.) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1 dessertspoon=10 mL),d1 tablespoon(s),d5 teaspoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
d5 is d2 (default 1) teaspoon(s)/teaspoonful(s)/cochleare minus (t., ts., tsp. or tspn./cochl. min.)[volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1 teaspoon=5 mL),d4 dessertspoon(s),d1 tablespoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
x1 is the word with stands for the number x2 in language x3
b1 is the first Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama.
x1 is x2=d2 (default: 1) first days of a set of days (week, month, year) x3=m2 ordered by rule x4=m3 and being a day by standard x5=d3
j1 has the rank of Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant (equivalent of NATO OF-1) in military unit /organization j2.
x1 is a dugout for carrying x2
j1 has the rank of Field Marshall/General of the Army//Fleet Admiral/Marshall of the Air Force (equivalent of NATO OF-10) in military unit j2.
x1 happens once in interval x2.
x1 is one [1; 100] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 [default is units]
x1 a single-use tool/implement/implement for doing x2; x1 is designed to be discarded after the first use.
m1 is a unicycle/one-wheeled vehicle carrying m2 in/on surface/medium m3, propelled by m4.
f1=c1 [value] is a/the median/quartile/decile/percentile/fraction-type of median with numerator f2, denominator f3 in property/amount c2 (ka/ni) among p1 (s) (ordered set) by standard c4.
x1 is tempo of rhythmic movement x2 with the unit x3; x1 is a time interval and corresponds to the unit x3 of a form of rhythm of x2.
x1 is the heart rate / heartbeat of x2 with the unit (default 1) x3
x1 is a quantity of carbon monoxide (CO)
x1 is a point on time axis, of event/state x2, in system x3.
v1=x1 sells v2=x2 to buyer v3=x3 and includes d2=x4 for a discounted price of (default free) v4=x5
x1 is secret/hidden from x2 by method x3.
x1 is 1 [1×100] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
bai'ei (exp!)
unary mathematical operator: successor/augment/increment (by one), succ(a) = a++ = a+1
ca'oi (exp!)
binary operator: complex number from argument and phase, (r, \phi) \mapsto r ei \phi
BIhI argument modifier: indicates dimensionality/length of tuple
on (n)-th day from a given point (by default from today)
Prefix division by following unit selbri
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series. The number of bound variables must be indicated by appending {xi} followed by that number to the word {fo'ai}, unless only one variable (namely {fo'a}) is bound, in which case the {xi} marking is optional.
permutation cycle writer notation start
ju'ai (exp!)
Default number radix modifier: changes the value of the default radix assumed for any numeral lacking an explicit radix within the following text, until another {ju'ai} appears.
kau'ai (exp!)
Microdigit-spanning endianness binary-toggle.
kau'au (exp!)
Macrodigit-spanning endianness binary-toggle.
accepts number (n) after: repeat last sumti up to n times
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series.
arbitrary character string or irregular number
presuppositional definite article: the …; the thing(s) which …
mai'o (exp!)
turns number into pro-sumti: the abstraction described by the utterance denoted by that number and {mai}
mu'au'oi (exp!)
Discursive: resuming/continuing example - start new example
noi'au (exp!)
number/interpreted mathematical object non-restrictive clause
pau'oi (exp!)
unary mathematical operator: predecessor/diminish/decrement (by one), \operatornamepred(a) = a-- = a-1
pi'au'e (exp!)
mekso ternary operator: extract digit from number; X2nd macrodigit/term of number/tuple X1 when X1 is expressed in base/basis X3.
poi'au (exp!)
number/interpreted mathematical object restrictive clause
selbri conversion question
shows that the first two places have a reciprocal relation
te'i (exp!)
at a point on time axis
Close all open mathematical brackets.
symbol string to number/variable
text to number/variable
mekso convention cancellation
xi'e (exp!)
scalar subscript
xo'ei (exp!)
unary mekso operator: produces a string of n consecutive "xo'e"'s, treated as digits (concatenated into a single string of digits)
xo'e'o'e (exp!)
elliptical/unspecified/vague single-symbol (general)
x1 (digit string/byte, storage system, convention) has endianness x2 ("ce'o" sequence of numbers (li); description (ka?)); x1 is x2-endian.
x1 (plural of ordered pairs) is an exhaustive set (possibly infinite) of inputs/outputs defining a unary function which yields result x3 when given input x2; x1(x2) = x3
x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) dimensionless units on scale/by standard x3.
x1 is an ismu of x2, having the same meaning, but with all places except the x3-th (li/set) zi'o-deleted.
x1 (event/state) is on Monday or the first day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'lerfu-string' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 (event/state) is in the first month/January of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'number' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is a generic/elliptical-referent/unspecified-referent word of type x2 (ka/selma'o) in language x3.
x1 is a quantity of methane
x1 is a unicorn of type/mythology x2
methane (CH4)
ka'o zei namcu
x1 is a complex number (understood as such).