i I cmavo

sentence link/continuation; continuing sentences on same topic; normally elided for new speakers.

On gloss:

pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s); identified by self-vocative.
zirkliru in sense "element"
x1 is iodine.
letteral for i.

In definition:

evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember.
evidential: I define.
evidential: I conclude.
evidential: I state - (default) elliptical/non-specific basis.
vague non-logical connective: analogous to plain ".i".
digit/number: imaginary i; square root of -1.
evidential: I know by cultural means (myth or custom).
discursive: marks word serving as focus of indirect question: "I know WHO went to the store".
evidential: I opine (subjective claim).
evidential: I postulate.
evidential: I know by internal experience (dream, vision, or personal revelation).
evidential: I generalize - I particularize
evidential: I hear (hearsay).
evidential: I observe.
ba'acu'i (comp!)
evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember.
ba'anai (comp!)
evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember.
ca'enai (comp!)
evidential: I don't define
je'enai (comp!)
vocative: roger (ack) - negative acknowledge (I didn't hear you)
ju'acu'i (comp!)
evidential: I say without asserting; "supposedly… / allegedly…"
ju'anai (comp!)
evidential: I say without asserting; "supposedly… / allegedly…"
ju'oinai (comp!)
evidential: I don't know that...
moi'icu'i (comp!)
evidential: if I remember correctly...
su'anai (comp!)
evidential: I generalize - I particularize
x1 talks to you (i.e. whoever x1 is addressing) about x2 in language x3
x1 is a tool which is used to draw right angles, i.e., x1 is a square.
x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) galactic units (i.e.: the average distance between the center of the Milky Way galaxy and the center of Sol system) by standard x3.
x1=s1=m1 is the material environment/surrounding material (i.e. gaseous/liquid atmosphere, vacuum, etc.) enclosing x2=s2 in direction(s)/dimensions(s)/plane x3=s3=m3, of type/composition including x4=m2.
x1 is the one(-like) element/multiplicative identity of structure/ring x2; often is denoted by ' 1R ' or ' IR ' or by (when context is obvious) '1' or 'I', for structure/ring R (given by x2).
x1 is a x2osity, a x2onger, an absolute x2 I tell you (augmentative)
x1 expects/looks for the occurence of x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1, default {li} {so'a} i.e. near 1); x1 subjectively evaluates the likelihood of x2 (event) to be x3.
ai'y (exp!)
letteral for i when ending a diphthong (ai, ei, oi), sometimes written as ị
ba'ai (exp!)
discursive suffix: attaches to number. "I expect with probability..."
ca'e'ei (exp!)
Evidential: "because I say so"/"because I assert it to be true"/"it is known".
ca'oi (exp!)
binary operator: complex number from argument and phase, (r, \phi) \mapsto r ei \phi
du'a'o (exp!)
mekso binary operator: extract substructure/underlying set/endowing operator; the substructure (general sense; includes just operator, order, set, etc.) of X1 (structure; explicitly given by {du'a'e}) which is formed by collecting the ith entries of that {du'a'e}-tuple in order together into their own {du'a'e}-tuple (or by extracting them naked into the ambient environment if X2 is a singleton) for all i in set X2
ga'oi (exp!)
evidential: I disagree with you vehemently, but offer no substantive counterarguments/information pulled from my ass
gei'au (exp!)
mekso 7-ary operator: for input (X1 = z, X2 = (ai)= (bj)= p, X5 = q, X6 = h1, X= h2), this word/function outputs/yields \sumn=0^\infty (((\prodi = 1p (ne'o'o(ai,n,1,h= 1q (ne'o'o(bj,n,1,h; by default, X6 = 1 = X7 unless explicitly specified otherwise.
i'y (exp!)
letteral for i.
iy (exp!)
letteral for the i semi-vowel, sometimes written as ĭ
jei'u (exp!)
evidential: I intuit... / I suspect...
joi'i (exp!)
mekso string operator (n-ary): formal right-concatenation; X1 + X, where Xi is a string/word/text/character/letteral/lerfu/quoted utterance (quote appropriately iff necessary; preserve and be careful about the use-vs.-mention distinction) for all i.
Tight scope bridi separator; analogous to {.i} without ending the abstractor or relative clause.
ju'oi (exp!)
evidential: I know that...
kai'au (exp!)
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive or attitudinal: I express this utterance in a manner or with mental state which is described by the immediately following and enclosed bridi in reference to the tagged construct, or assert that the said immediately following and enclosed bridi is true in application to the tagged construct in a metacommentary style.
kai'e (exp!)
evidential: I expect - I deny expecting
kai'o (exp!)
quaternion i
ka'o'ai (exp!)
imaginary i (non-comma)
ka'o'ei (exp!)
imaginary i, comma - spherical coordinates: first coordinate gives magnitude (complex modulus/radius) of the number, the second number gives the angle from the positive real axis measured counterclockwise toward the 'positive' imaginary axis (default: in the primary branch/Arg) as measured in some units (which that number should contain; the contextless default will suppose radians); the angle is not normalized.
ke'o'u (exp!)
vocative: please repeat in a language I understand better.
ki'au (exp!)
evidential: I reason - I think impulsively.
lai'i (exp!)
evidential: I experience - I deny experiencing
le'ei (exp!)
article: "the thing(s) I have in mind and which I believe appear(s) to you to be…"
li'oi (exp!)
marks word/construct as being optional, i.e. the bridi would still be both grammatical AND reflect the speakers opinion/intention would the marked construct be left out
ly'ei (exp!)
exophoric article: the … I have in mind (identity not necessarily ascertainable from the context).
mai'e (exp!)
"True, but not the answer that I expected/desired"
mi'ai (exp!)
we; several people including one of the speakers; I (the speaker) and at least one another person (even if that person is one of the speakers too)
mi'oi (exp!)
inclusive we; includes the speaker (I) and the listener (you), but may or may not include others
moi'i (exp!)
evidential: I remember - I don't remember (fact ; that/whether something is true)
noi'a (exp!)
incidental/non-restrictive adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The first place of the converted selbri is claimed to be such that the outer bridi satisfies it, and the outer bridi is claimed. {broda noi'a brode} means {lo nu broda ku goi ko'a cu fasnu .i ko'a brode}.
ri'ai (exp!)
evidential: I have basic/axiomatic belief
sei'e (exp!)
evidential builder: I know by means ...
se'oi (exp!)
evidential: I know by gnosis
Initiator of subordinating adverbial relative clause with leftwards logical scope. The adverbial clause binds the resumptive pronoun {ke'a} to the outer clause, which becomes irrealis (i.e. not necessarily claimed to be true). Terminator: {se'u}.
tai'a (exp!)
discursive: pay a lot of attention to what I just said - ignore what I just said.
tai'i'au (exp!)
8-ary mekso operator: the X1th nonnegative sum of X2 mutually-distinct perfect X3th-powers (i.e.: of integers) in X4 mutually truly-distinct ways, requiring exactly X5 terms to be negative in each sum (counting with(out^X6) multiplicity), requiring exactly X7 terms to be repeated between sums (counting with(out^X8) multiplicity), according to the usual ordering of the integers.
vei'i (exp!)
evidential: I remember (experiencing) - I deny remembering
za'au (exp!)
evidential: mark the sentence as being an observation sentence, i.e. a statement that is not based on the truth of another statement but is instead taken from direct observation.
zu'ei (exp!)
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive: I express this utterance/construct/(rest of the) bridi which has been tagged for the purpose or goal of enacting, causing, enabling, implementing, actualizing, manifesting, enhancing, yielding, or rendering applicable the immediately following and enclosed bridi or in order to make the immediately following and enclosed bridi be true (or closer to the truth or more true or more strongly true) in application to the utterance/construct/rest of the bridi which has been tagged by this marker; the tagged expression/construct is for the benefit or sake of making the immediately following and enclosed bridi true.
I declare that the symbol/expression x1 (quote) henceforth has predicate x2 as its meaning.
x1 is the selma'o "I".
x1 and x2 are in relation x3 with different things (i.e. not the same things).
x1 is pneumatic (i.e., spiritual) in aspect x2 (property)
x1 is psychic (i.e., mental) in aspect x2 (property)
x1 is worldly/material/hylic (i.e., non-spiritual) in aspect x2 (property)
x1 (set) is the unique region/part in the Venn diagram of sets x2 (set of sets; exhaustive) such that each of its (i.e.: x1's) members is a member of exactly each of the explicitly-mentioned elements of x3 (set of sets; subset of x2; exhaustive) and of no other elements of x2.
ka'o'ai zei namcu
x1 is a strictly imaginary number (possibly being 0 = 0×i), not necessarily understood as a complex number as well.
k1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of iodine (I).

In notes:

x1 (person) explains x2 (event/state/property) to x3 with explanation x4 (du'u).
x1 is a bell/chime/[tuning fork] [tuned percussion instrument] producing sound/note x2.
x1 is a corner/point/at-least-3-dimensional [solid] angle [shape/form] in/on x2, of material x3.
x1 passes through/penetrates barrier/medium/portal x2 to destination side x3 from origin side x4.
x1 is in the past of/earlier than/before x2 in time sequence; x1 is former; x2 is latter.
x1 is old/familiar/well-known to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4.
doinai (comp!)
"anti-vocative": specifically denies that the referent is the intended listener.
rore'u (comp!)
(for the) last time
su'ero (comp!)
digit/number: any number
va'icu'i (comp!)
discursive: in the same words.
xunai (comp!)
discursive: false-true question.
g1=p1 thinks about/considers/ponders/reflects upon doing b1=g2=p2 (nu) after b2 (nu)
x1 is a whip.
x1 is the abstract color brown
x1 (number) is the minute/minute notation of the hour, of event/state x2, in system x3.
x1 [loves/takes great, passionate interest in] x2
x1 is a class (instructional session) on topic x2 taught by x3 to audience x4
x1 is a course (series of lessons) on subject x2, taught by x3 to audience x4
x1 is a gumball of composition x2
j1 shows the direction of f2 (object/event) to audience j3, that direction being f1
s1=f3 non-agentively/inanimately points at/indicates the direction of s2=f2 to observer s3 as being in the direction f1.
x1 makes x2 angry / mad at x3 for x4 (action / state / property); x1 angers / provokes / stirs up x2.
f1 is the legal system concerning topic f2 in society f3
x1 is a note low in frequency/pitch produced by x2
x1=z1=r1=g1 procrastinates/avoids doing work x2=r2=g2 (ka), instead doing x3=r3 (ka).
x1 basks in light x2.
x1 is a note high in frequency/pitch produced by x2
x1 is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with something which ... which is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with x2 via intermediate things/steps x3 (ce'o), with respective points/loci of (con)juncture x4 (ce'o).
x1 is lightly colored with color x2 [ka]
x1 (number) is the greatest element/maximum of the set (of numbers) x2 under (partial) ordering x3
m1 forgets fact/memory m2 about subject m3.
x1 (event/person) is unimportant/insignificant to x2 (event/person) due to/in aspect x3; x2 doesn't care about x1's x3-ness.
x1 wants x2 to not happen, for purpose x3.
x1 is the unit of a form of rhythm of x2
Computer j=1=s1 is connected to computer j2=s1 via medium j3.
g1 (agent) connects computer j=1=s1 to computer j2=s1 via medium j3.
x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of coke from source x2
x1=l1=r1=s1 experiences sleep paralysis including x2=l2 (event/experience)
many things satisfy property x1
x1=p1 is polyamorous/loves many people (romantic love implied), including, but not limited to, set x2=p2.
x1 is a way to bring about x2, and x2 is in fact an example of x1 bringing about x2
m1 forgets fact/memory m2 about subject m3.
x1 is the similarity relation between all members of set x2 (set of quoted words) such that they all mean esentially one common thing x3 and are considered to be identical in any meaningful way in language x4.
b1=v1 is a switch/actuating lever on/for item b2, with purpose b3, made of material b4.
b1 is a Signed Language used by x2=b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
x1 is a cufflink/stud on cuff/material x2=k3 made of material x3=d3 worn by person x4=c3=xa2
p1 = x2 imagines / visualizes imaginary subject / concept p2 = x1.
x1 is darkly colored with color x2 [ka]
x1 smooths/flattens/levels x2
x1 is infrared (sensu lato) in color; x1's emitted/reflected light has a wavelength which is longer than that which produces the color red.
x1 is credited for x2 (event/action), according to x3
x1 is the "beneficiary"/intended-recipient of x2 (event/action), as intended by x3 // x2 is done for x1
x1 is an arthropod; x1 is a bug (broad sense)
x1 is a (topological) hole in object x2
x1 is an n-ary operator/map which is distributive/linear/homomorphic in or over or from space/structure x2, mapping to space or structure x3, thereby producing a new space/structure x4 which is the 'union' of x2 and x3 endowed with x1; x1 distributes over/through all of the operators of x2.
x1 acts Lojbanically cruel/pedantic toward x2 in manner x3 (ka)
a'e'i'o'u (exp!)
esoteric/mystical utterance; untranslatable, meaning revealed by gnosis
bai'i (exp!)
mekso string operator (ternary): find-and-replace; in string/text/word/sequence X1 formally replace X2 (ordered tuple of terms to be replaced) with X3 (ordered tuple of terms to be respectively substituted)
be'ei'oi (exp!)
ternary mekso operator: x1th Bergelson multiplicative interval with exponents bounded from above by function x2 and with sequence of shifts x3, where exponents belong to set x4
bi'oi'au (exp!)
digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by lesser endpoint).
begin lines of serial dialogue
ce'oi (exp!)
argument list separator: acts as a comma between arguments in an argument list supplied to a function.
ci'o'au (exp!)
mekso operator (binary): projection function; the Bth term/entry ("element") of tuple A
universal famyma'o: terminates the most recently opened construct or clause.
dai'i (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: supposed emotion - factual emotion
de'i'o (exp!)
on the Nth day of the month.
fa'ai (exp!)
mathematical ordered n-ary operator: (pointwise) functional left composition; X1 \circ X.
fei'i (exp!)
mekso variable-arity (at most ternary) operator: number of prime divisors of number X1, counting with or without multiplicity according to the value X2 (1 xor 0 respectively; see note for equality to -1 and for default value), in structure X3.
fi'ai (exp!)
marks end of prenex in stack-based dialect
ge'ai (exp!)
metasyntactic variable prenex
ge'ei (exp!)
metasyntactic variable marker
repeat (copy-and-paste) the recontextualized content of the most-recent or indicated NOI relative clause.
.i (exp!)
sentence link/continuation; continuing sentences on same topic; normally elided for new speakers.
i'au (exp!)
reset bridi-level to zero
ie'e (exp!)
attitudinal: finding something reasonable - unreasonable
ja'u (exp!)
na'e fancuka modal: no matter (indirect question)...
Break in speech in order to demonstrate something in a nongrammatical or nonlinguistic way.
jo'oi (exp!)
non-logical connective: the more ..., the more...
kai'i (exp!)
Property relativizing determiner / unary quantifier constructor. {kai'i} introduces a predicate whose first argument slot becomes filled by the property made by taking the bridi in which this {kai'i} appears and putting {ce'u} into the argument slot in which this {kai'i} argument was located. Put formally, "kai'i brodi cu brodu" = "lo ka ce'u brodu cu brodi". Additionally, a {kai'i} term has a rightward logical scope, like quantifiers and adverbials.
Locks tanru modification order reversal (does not affect lujvo). {ke'e'unai} restores regular order
mekso style converter: elementwise application of operator
ke'oi (exp!)
reverses modification order of contained tanru (does not affect lujvo).
ku'ai'i (exp!)
empty/vacuous selbri
lo'au (exp!)
presuppositional definite article: the …; the thing(s) which …
lu'ei (exp!)
convert a grammatical quotation to a tanru unit; x1 expresses/says the quoted text for audience x2 via expressive medium x3.
mai'u'ei (exp!)
mekso unary operator: Levi-Civita symbol; for input n-tuple (a1, a ... , an), where n is a strictly positive integer, the output is \varepsilona, where \varepsilon is the Levi-Civita symbol under the convention of mapping (1, 2, ..., n) to 1.
me'ei'o (exp!)
mekso n-ary operator: interleave sequences
mi'i'au (exp!)
digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by midpoint).
mu'au'oi (exp!)
Discursive: resuming/continuing example - start new example
na'ai (exp!)
Same function as {na} but with the additional meaning that the sumti in the bridi have no prior experience together.
nau'o (exp!)
pro-sumti whose referent's identity is unknown to the speaker
double-negative toggle: every odd-counted explicit usage makes negation additive; unmentioned or every even-counted explicit usage makes negation multiplicative.
pau'a'u (exp!)
mekso operator: part of number/projection (one sense); the X2 part of X1
pe'ei (exp!)
mark a logical connective as having maximal scope.
po'i'ei (exp!)
n-ary mekso operator: for an input of ordered list of ordered pairs ((X1, Y, it outputs formal generalized rational function (x - X1)^Y in the adjoined indeterminate (here: x).
pu'e'ei (exp!)
mekso binary operator: generate span; outputs span(X1, X= spanX; set of all (finite) sums of terms of form c v, where v is an element of algebraic structure X1 (wherein scalar multiplication and summation is defined), and c is a scalar belonging to ring X2.
rai'i (exp!)
mekso (2 or 3)-ary operator: maximum/minimum/extreme element; ordered list of extreme elements of the set underlying ordered set/structure X1 in direction X2 of list length X3 (default: 1)
rai'o (exp!)
Quote conversion: the quotation as presented uses pro-sumti and pro-bridi as if the current utterer (not the original utterer) were saying it, but the meaning conveyed is identical to that of the actual quotation by the original utterer and there is a claim that this meaning was expressed elsewhere
se'o'e (exp!)
elliptical/generic/unspecific/vague selbri conversion
se'u'o (exp!)
selbri conversion question
si'ei (exp!)
numeric suffix: indicates that the number refers to portionality instead of cardinality
su'i'o (exp!)
mekso unary or binary operator: ordered inputs (n, b) where n and b are nonnegative integers and b > 1; output is the ultimate digital root of n in base-b.
ta'ei (exp!)
discursive: reconsideration of statement - continuing (on) in that line of thought/discussion
explicit indicator that the speaker is completing/continuing a previously uttered bridi in the discourse
te'oi'i (exp!)
mekso ordered/non-commutative n-ary operator: tensor product/exterior product (of tensors); letting "@" denote the tensor product, A1 @ A2 @...@ An .
ti'u'e (exp!)
at the minute N of the hour.
ue'e (exp!)
discursive: counter-expectational – – aligning with expectations
uoi (exp!)
discursive: marks question construct as allowing filling it with answers that are non-referential constructs only
brisni/statement terminator.
xa'e (exp!)
location tense distance: too far to interact with; subjective
Any parser parsing the text/sentence/fragment containing this cmavo, must answer that the whole text/sentence/fragment is not syntactically not correct.
text to number/variable
xe'o (exp!)
discursive: simply/merely/just, "all there is to it" - not simply, not just, "there's more to it"
Toggles grammar so that every mention of a number n is interpreted as "at least n".
Echo-resumptive construction initiator: This particle immediately precedes a verb word (selbrivla) which is a repetition of a verb that already occurred in the same sentence in an outer clause level; the combination of this particle and that echo verb acts like a terminator, signaling a return to the closest clause level whose main verb was the same as the provided echo verb.
zai'a (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: observed emotion; preceding attitudinal is observed on listener
ze'ai'e (exp!)
selbri conversion: permute all terbri so as to be exactly backward.
zo'ei (exp!)
Something associated with; equivalent to “zo'e pe” or "lo co'e be".
x1 is an eigenvalue (or zero) of linear transformation/square matrix x2, associated with/'owning' all vectors in generalized eigenspace x3 (implies neither nondegeneracy nor degeneracy; default includes the zero vector) with 'eigenspace-generalization' power/exponent x4 (typically and probably by cultural default will be 1), with algebraic multiplicity (of eigenvalue) x5
x1 (li; number/quantity) is the weighted quasi-arithmetic mean/generalized f-mean of/on data x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list) using function x3 (defaults according to the notes; if it is an extended-real number, then it has a particular interpretation according to the Notes) with weights x4 (completely specified ordered multiset/list with same cardinality/length as x2; defaults according to Notes).
x1 is the generalized arithmetic-geometric mean of the elements of the 2-element set x2 (set; cardinality must be 2) of order x3 (either single extended-real number xor an unordered pair/2-element set of extended-real numbers).
x1 is the generalized weighted Lehmer mean of data x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list of numbers) of Lehmer order x3 (either a single extended-real number xor an ordered pair of two extended-real numbers) with weights x4 (completely specified ordered multiset/list of numbers with the same cardinality as x2; defaults according to the Notes).
x1 is a formal polynomial with coefficients x2 (ordered list) of degree x3 (li; nonnegative integer) over structure/ring x4 (to which coefficients x2 all belong) and in indeterminant x5.
x1 (ordered list) is a sampling of entries of matrix/tensor x2 in which exactly one entry is sampled from each row and/or column (etc.) between entries x3 (list; default: the largest 'square'/'hypercubic' sampling possible in the entire tensor starting with the first entry, see notes) inclusively following selection procedure/rule/function/order x4 (default: diagonally, see notes), where the tensor/matrix is expressed in basis/under conditions x5
x1 is a makefile designed to produce output files / data / event x2 from rules x3.
x1 is skilled at satisfying property x2, relatively to x3.
x1 is a place erased from the place structure of the parent predicate according to the rules x2 (property of all the places of the parent predicate including the one filled with x1)
x1 (nu) happens together with x2 (nu); x1 happens while x2 (one sense)
x1 does not exist/is not real/is not actual/is not reality/is fake for x2 under metaphysics x3; x1 is a fakester/huxter (no intention of tricking, because it does not exist).
x1 gives x2 (li) fucks about x3.
x1 is a 'quipyew' tree graph with special node x2, on nodes x3 (set of points; includes x2), with edges x4 (set of ordered pairs of nodes), and with other properties x5.
x1 (event/state) is on Monday or the first day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (mass/set) do orienteering in competition of type x2 [property of the event] with (other) rule(s) x3 [property of each participant].
x1 is the port number of process x2 running in computer x3, port number used by protocol x4.
x1 (property with two places for ce'u) is the property according to which members of x2 (ordered set with two members) are related to each other in the same way as members of x3 (ordered set with two members), or in the same way as members of x4 (ordered set with two members), etc. ... (infinite number of places)
x1 [mass of properties describing skills, technological advances] is a civilization of x2 (mass of persons) manifesting Type x3 (number) on the Kardashev scale of technological advancement according to standard/particular scale/definition x4.
x1 (sequence) is the concatenation of sequences x2 and x3 (and x4, x5, ...)
x1 has [self-proclaimed] gender x2 (property of x1)
x1 is the/our actual physical universe in its entirety.
x1 (du'u: proposition or kau-question) cannot be assigned a definite truth-value or answer
x1 bottoms (sexual position/role) in aspect x2 (ka)
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'paragraph' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is the last word x2 adds to database x3 in language x4
x1 is a person-universe, considered as person x2 and as universe x3
x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1 reflects Turkish/[Turkic] culture/nationality/language in aspect x2.
x1 is linked by binary predicate x2 (ka) to x3. which in turn is linked by x2 to x4, which in turn is linked by x2 to x5, ...
Earth's moon; Earth's primary natural satellite: the Moon, Luna.
pa zei jarnezi
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'text-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
pa zei jurfuga
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'statement-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
re zei jurfuga
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'statement-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.